The following is a list of characters that appear Ritz Kobayashi's manga and anime series, Saki, which revolves around a girl named Saki Miyanaga who joins a mahjong club, as well as its spin-off manga and anime series, Saki: Achiga-hen - Episode of Side A.
The main characters start out as students at Kiyosumi High School. ;Saki Miyanaga ;Nodoka Haramura ;Yuuki Kataoka ;Hisa Takei ;Mako Someya ;Kyoutarou Suga
Achiga Girls Academy
This is the featured school in the side story, Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A. Achiga is located in a rural part of Nara as evidenced by landmarks such as Yoshino Station in the series. ;Shizuno Takakamo ;Ako Atarashi ;Kuro Matsumi ;Yū Matsumi ;Arata Sagimori ;Harue Akado
A school noted to have a membership of over 80 students. The school had a strong history of winning the Nagano prefectural tournaments, until Ryuumonbuchi defeated them. ;Mihoko Fukuji ;Kana Ikeda ;Miharu Yoshitome ;Seika Bundou ;Sumiyo Fukabori ;Takako Kubo
Tsuruga Academy
A well-funded academy, the Mahjong club mainly makes use of online mahjong as a training instrument via portable laptops. ;Yumi Kajiki ;Momoko Touyoko ;Satomi Kanbara ;Kaori Senoo ;Mutsuki Tsuyama
National Tournament
Shiraitodai High School
West Tokyo Prefecture. The first seeded school. This school is the top ranked team in the tournament and has won the last two national titles. Before Miyanaga Teru played for Shiraitodai, Shiraitodai and the West prefecture was infamously known as giving 2nd-rated players. ;Teru Miyanaga ;Sumire Hirose ;Takami Shibuya ;Seiko Matano ;Awai Oohoshi
East Tokyo Prefecture. The fourth seeded school. Rinkai had been well known for recruiting mahjong players from across the world to play for their school. However, a rule which had been implemented forced Rinkai to field one Japanese player for their team. ;Satoha Tsujigaito ;Hao Huiyu ;Choe Myeonghwa ;Megan Davin ;Nelly Virsaladze
Eisui All-Girls School
Kagoshima Prefecture. Eisui, considered to be the strongest team from the Kyushu region. The third seeded school and its members wear miko outfits and stay in solemn rooms during competitions. For this years competition, all the branch families have come together so that Komaki Jindai doesn't have to carry the team by herself. They were responsible for dropping Himematsu into 5th place. ;Komaki Jindai ;Tomoe Karijuku ;Haru Takimi ;Hatsumi Usuzumi ;Kasumi Iwato
North Osaka Prefecture. The second seeded school. Senriyama is considered the strongest school in the Kansai region and the second ranked school in the nation. Senriyama makes its 11th straight national appearance and is the fourth overall seed. Overall, it is also the school's 25th appearance in the national championships. ;Toki Onjōji ;Izumi Nijō ;Sera Eguchi ;Hiroko Funakubo ;Ryuuka Shimizudani
Himematsu High
South Osaka Prefecture. One of the top ranking schools in the Nationals. One of the strongest school in the Kansai region along with their cross-town rival, Senriyama. They were a seeded school until the emergence of Eisui last year, knocking them off to 5th place. ;Suzu Ueshige ;Yuuko Mase ;Hiroe Atago ;Kinue Atago ;Kyouko Suehara ;Ikuno Akasaka
Miyamori Girl's High
Iwate Prefecture. Originally having only three members. Miyamori is one of the few schools who proceed to the second round of the 71st Inter High, and is widely famous for knocking off the high ranking Makabi High. ;Shiromi Kosegawa ;Aislinn Wishart ;Kurumi Kakura ;Sae Usuzawa ;Toyone Anetai ;Toshi Kumakura
Shindouji Girl's High
Fukuoka Prefecture. This team has a history of reaching the national tournament, however with bad results. ;Kirame Hanada ;Yoshiko Yasakouchi ;Hitomi Ezaki ;Mairu Shirouzu ;Himeko Tsuruta
Usuzan High School
From South Hokkaido. Like Kiyosumi, this is Usuzan's first time appearing at the Nationals. Mizuhara-pro had stated that Usuzan is one of the scarier schools to face. They did not catch up to Rinkai in the Quarterfinal match until the vice-captain match. They use the same tactic as Shindouji and Makabi with their line-up being weakest to strongest. However, unlike Shindouji, only their vice-captain and captain are National-class players. The captain is however, in a higher league from their already strong vice-captain. ;Naruka Motouchi ;Chikako Himori ;Yuan Iwadate ;Yukiko Maya ;Sawaya Shishihara
Kentani High School
Hyougo Prefecture. One of the contenders by bringing one of the team's score below zero during its first match round. ;Miyuki Tsubakino ;Sumiko Yorifuji ;Kozue Furuzuka ;Yuuka Morigaki ;Riko Yasufuku
Saitama Prefecture. Koshigaya had never advanced into the second round in its previous four appearances in the Inter High until this year. ;Sophia Arai ;Hanako Asami ;Shiori Mizumura ;Tamago Utsugi ;Keiko Yagihara