List of Salford Red Devils coaches

This list of Salford Red Devils coaches details the records and achievements of coaches at the club.
Salford Red Devils Rugby League Football Club currently play in the Super League, a rugby league football competition. Known as Salford Rugby League until 1996 when they became Salford Reds and from 1999–2013 they were known as Salford City Reds. The current name change took place at the end of the 2013 and was inspired by a nickname the club had in the 1930s when they toured France.


This list shows the coaches who have been in charge at Salford since the 1920s, exact dates are listed where possible.
Win percentage is rounded to one decimal place. The names of any caretaker coaches are supplied where known, and these periods are highlighted in italics.
M: Matches played
W: Matches won
D: Matches drawn
L: Matches lost
NameFromToMWDLWin%Honours and achievementsNotes
Lancashire Cup 1931–32, 1934–35, 1935–36, 1936–37
Lancashire League 1932–33, 1933–34, 1934–35, 1936–37, 1938–39
Championship Champions 1932–33, 1936–37, 1938–39
Challenge Cup 1937–38
Most Successful Salford Coach
Lancashire Cup 1972–73
Championship Champions 73–74
BBC2 Floodlit Trophy 1974–75
Second Division Champions 1990–91
Second Division Champions 1995–96
& First Division Champions 1996
Coach during name change to Salford Reds
22 July 2001Coach during name change to Salford City Reds
22 July 200122 May 2002
22 May 2007NL One Champions 2003,
Northern Rail Cup 2003
'23 May 200710 June 2007
11 June 200729 April 2011NL One Champions 2008,
Northern Rail Cup 2008
'29 April 2011
17 November 2011Coached last Salford match at The Willows
23 November 201103 March 2013Coached first match at AJ Bell Stadium
12 April 2013
13 April 2013Coach during name change to Salford Red Devils