List of Super Bowl starting quarterbacks

This is a list of NFL quarterbacks with Super Bowl starts.

Winning and losing quarterbacks

Hall of FamersPlayer is not yet eligible
for Hall of Fame
NFLn/NFCN team
Active playerPlayer is not yet eligible
for Hall of Fame
AFLa/AFCA team

Quarterbacks with multiple Super Bowl starts

wins are often used to determine the greatness of a quarterback. Of the eligible players, only Jim Plunkett has won multiple Super Bowls and not been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Peyton Manning is the only starting quarterback to have won Super Bowls for two NFL teams, while Craig Morton and Kurt Warner are the only other quarterbacks to have started for a second team. Jim McMahon won a second Superbowl ring having been a backup on the Brett Favre-led Green Bay Packers team that won Superbowl XXXI.