List of Super Proton Synchrotron experiments

This is a list of past and current experiments at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron facility since its commissioning in 1976. The SPS was used as the main particle collider for many experiments, and has been adapted to various purpose ever since its inception. Four locations were used for experiments, the North Area, West Area, Underground Area, and the Endcap MUon detectors.
The UA1 and UA2 experiments famously detected the W and Z bosons in the early 1980s. Following this, Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer won the 1984 Nobel Prize in Physics.
The list is first compiled from the INSPIRE database, then missing information is retrieved from the online version CERN's Grey Book. The most specific information of the two is kept, e.g. if the INSPIRE database lists November 1974, while the Grey Book lists 22 November 1974, the Grey Book entry is shown. When there is a conflict between the INSPIRE database and the Grey Book, the INSPIRE database information is listed, unless otherwise noted.

EMU experiments

EMU = endcap muon
Ingvar OtterlundStudy of particle production and nuclear fragmentation in collisions of 16O beams with emulsion nuclei at 13–200 A GeV??
P. Buford PriceSearch for fractionally charged nuclei in high-energy oxygen–lead collisions??
M. El-NadiInteractions of 16O projectile and 32S and their fragments in nuclear emulsions at about 60 and 200 GeV/nucleon
T. A. ParnellMeasurement of Coulomb cross section for production of direct electron pairs by high energy ions at the CERN SPS??
Y. TakahashiStudy of extremely short-range particle correlations in high-energy ion collisions??
Alberto ContiStudy of the production mechanisms and decay properties of charmed particles observed in nuclear emulsions coupled to the NA14 spectrometer??
John P. WefelInteractions of 60–200 GeV/nucleon 16O and 32S nuclei in light and heavy absorbers
Piyare L. JainStudy of particle production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions??
Giorgio RomanoAn emulsion hybrid setup for the study of sulphur–nucleus collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon
Hidehiko ItohStudy of event structures of 200 GeV/nucleon 32S interactions with nuclei by the Magnetic Emulsion Spectrometer at the CERN SPS
Piyare L. JainStudy of particle production and nuclear fragmentation in relativistic heavy ion collisions in nuclear emulsion
Ingvar OtterlundParticle production, density fluctuations, and break up of dense nuclear matter in central Pb–Ag and Pb–Pb interactions at 60–100 A GeV
Wladyslaw WolterInteractions of 160 GeV/nucleon 207Pb nuclei in emulsion chambers with copper and lead targets
Dilip Kumar GhoshStudy of multiplicity and angular characteristics in Pb+A interaction at 200 A GeV/c
Konstantin Aleksandrovich KotelnikovInvestigation of central Pb–Pb interactions at energies of 160 GeV/nucleon with the help of the Emulsion Magnetic Chamber
Y. TakahashiIsospin correlations in high energy Pb–Pb interactions
Wolfgang HeinrichFragmentation of Pb projectiles at SPS energies??
Giorgio GiacomelliExposures Of CR39 stacks to lead ions at the CERN SPS
H. A. KhanNuclear fragmentation induced by relativistic projectiles studied in the 4-π configuration of plastic track detectors
H. A. KhanAntiproton induced fission studies with plastic track detectors using 4-π geometry

NA experiments

NA = north area
Lorenzo FoaMeasurement of the photoproduction of vector and scalar bosons
EMCTerry SloanElectromagnetic interactions of muons
Aldo MicheliniDirect photon production in hadron–hadron collisions at the SPS
Rudiger VossInclusive deep inelastic muon scattering
Peter SeybothA study of hard hadron–hadron collisions with a streamer chamber vertex spectrometer and a calorimeter trigger
Kay RungeNeutron elastic scattering at very small angles??
S. G. F. FrankMeasurement of the electromagnetic from-factors of π and K mesons at the SPS??
Per GrafstromHadron elastic scattering at small angles??
Terry SloanStudy of final states in deep inelastic muon scattering
Louis KlubergHigh-resolution study of the inclusive production of massive muon pairs by intense pion beams
Robert KlannerMeasurement of charmed particle production in hadronic reactions??
Yu. D. ProkoshkinStudy of πp interactions with neutral final states??
Yu. D. Prokoshkin, Jean-Pierre StrootSearch for mesons and glueballs decaying into multiphoton final states produced in central hadron collisions and study of inclusive production of heavy quark mesons
C. M. FisherSearch for direct evidence for charm in hadronic interactions using a high-resolution bubble chamber??
Daniel TreillePhotoproduction at high energy and high intensity
Robert BarateA program of heavy flavor photoproduction??
Som Nath Ganguli, P. K. MalhotraSearch for charmed hadron production in π–nucleus interactions in nuclear emulsion??
David Crennell, Wade Cameron FisherStudy of the hadronic production and properties of new particles with a lifetime 10−13 s < τ < 10−10 s using LEBC-EHS??
E. VillarMomentum and angular correlations study in π nuclei jets at high energies using an emulsion telescope technique with magnetic field??
E. HugentoblerSearch for short-lived particles produced on nuclei with a heavy liquid mini bubble chamber??
Paul MussetDirect observation of beauty particles selected by muonic decay in emulsion??
Horst WachsmuthMeasurements of π+, π, K+, K, p, and ' yields in 400 GeV proton beryllium and copper collisions??
EHSErnst Wolfram KittelEuropean hybrid spectrometer??
Paul PorthStudy of diffractive dissociation especially into strange and charmed particles with EHS??
Klaus P. PretzlDeep inelastic scattering process involving large-PT direct photon in the final state29 Aug 1980??
Stefaan TavernierStudy of charm and bottom particle production using a holographic bubble chamber??
Colin FisherA prototype experiment to study charmed particle production and decay using a holographic high-resolution hydrogen chamber and the European Hybrid Spectrometer??
Lucien MontanetAn experiment to measure accurately the lifetimes of the D0, D+, D, F+, F, Λc particles and to study their hadronic production and decay properties
Terry SloanStudy of shadowing and hadron production in high-energy muon scattering using nuclear targets??
Gianpaolo Bellini, Lorenzo FoaStudy of ππ0 production via the Primakoff effect on nuclei??
Guy von DardelPrecision determination of the lifetime of the neutral π??
Heinrich WahlMeasurement of the ratio η squared to η± squared
Heinrich WahlA measurement of the phase difference of η and η± in CP-violating K0 → 2 π decays??
Peter WeilhammerInvestigation of charm production in hadronic interactions using high-resolution silicon detectors??
Joseph RemillieuxAn experimental study of single-vertex pair creation in a crystal??
William J. WillisLepton production
Georges W. LondonStudy of high-energy densities over extended nuclear volumes via nucleus–nucleus collisions at the SPS??
Georges W. LondonMeasurement of low-mass muon pairs in sulphur–nucleus collisions with an optimized HELIOS muon spectrometer
Peter SeybothStudy of relativistic nuleus–nucleus collisions at the CERN SPS
Douglas E. GreinerThe production of strange baryons and antibaryons in relativistic ion collisions??
NMCGer Van MiddelkoopDetailed measurements of structure functions from nucleons and nuclei
Louis KlubergStudy of high-energy nucleus–nucleus interactions with the enlarged NA10 dimuon spectrometer
G. ShawA search for quarks produced in heavy-ion interactions??
John C. HillElectromagnetic dissociation of target nuclei by 16O and 32S projectiles??
C. NgoSearch for nuclei in heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies??
Joseph RemillieuxStudy of unexplained hard photon production by electrons channeled in a crystal??
Erik UggerhojInvestigations of the energy and angular dependence of ultra-short radiation lengths in Si, Ge, and W single crystals
Erik UggerhojInvestigations of the coherent hard photon yields from 50–300 GeV/c electrons/positrons in strong crystalline fields of diamond, Si, and Ge crystals
Hans BoggildA focusing spectrometer for one and two particles
Itzhak TserruyaStudy of low-mass electron pair production in hadron and nuclear collisions at the CERN SPS
Itzhak TserruyaStudy of low-mass electron pair and photon production in Pb–Pb collisions
Michel A. ChevallierDarmstadton hunting in the interaction gamma-crystal
SMCVernon W. HughesMeasurement of the spin-dependent structure functions of the neutron and proton
Augusto Ceccucci
A precision measurement of ε′/ε in CP-violating K0 → 2 π decays
Augusto CeccucciA high-sensitivity investigation of KS and neutral hyperon decays
Vladimir KekelidzePrecision measurement of charged kaon decay parameters with an extended NA48 setup
Peter SeybothLarge-acceptance hadron detector for an investigation of Pb-induced reactions at the CERN SPS??
Louis KlubergStudy of muon pairs and vector mesons produced in high-energy Pb–Pb interactions
Louis KlubergDrell–Yan study of sea isospin symmetry
Klaus P. PretzlStrangelet and particle search in Pb–Pb collisions
John C. HillElectromagnetic dissociation of target nuclei by 208Pb projectiles??
Bernhard Heisinger, Eric NolteDetermination of cross-sections of fast muon induced reactions to cosmogenic radionuclides??
Nicholas MascarenhasInvestigation of fast neutron production by 100–250 GeV muon interaction on thin targets
Stefano RagazziMeasurement of pion and kaon fluxes below 60 GeV/c produced by 45 GeV/c protons on a beryllium target
Federico AntinoriStudy of strange and multistrange particles in ultra-relativistic nucleus–nucleus collisions
COMPASSOleg Denisov, Gerhard Mallot
Common muon and proton apparatus for structure and spectroscopyRunning
Erik UggerhojA crystal as a quarter-wave plate for photons??
Gianluca UsaiStudy of prompt dimuon and charm production with proton and heavy ion beams at the CERN SPS
SHINEMarek GazdzickiSPS heavy ion and neutrino experimentRunning
Augusto CeccucciProposal to measure the rare decay K+π++ν+' at the CERN SPS. Running
Ulrik UggerhojElectromagnetic processes in strong crystalline fieldsRunning
Sergei GninenkoSearch for dark sectors in missing energy eventsPreparation
DsTauAkitaka ArigaStudy of tau neutrino productionPreparation

UA experiments

UA = underground area
UA1Alan NortonA 4-π solid angle detector for the SPS used as a proton–antiproton collider at c.m. energy of 630 GeV
UA2Luigi Di Lella Pierre DarriulatStudy of antiproton–proton interaction at 630 GeV c.m. energy
UA3Paul MussetSearch for magnetic monopoles at the antiproton–proton colliding ring
UA4Giorgio MatthiaeMeasurement of elastic scattering in the Coulomb interference region at the CERN antiproton–proton collider
UA4/2Maurice HaguenauerA precise measurement of the real part of the elastic scattering amplitude at the SpS
UA5John Gordon RushbrookeInvestigation of proton–antiproton events at 540 GeV c.m. energy with a streamer chamber detection system
UA5/2John Gordon RushbrookeAn exploratory investigation of antiproton–proton interactions at 800–900 c.m. energy at the SPS collider??
UA6Leslie Loris CamilleriAn internal hydrogen jet target in the SPS to study inclusive electromagnetic final states at large transverse momentum in antiproton|p and pp interactions at = 24.3 GeV
UA7Yasushi MurakiMeasurement by silicon shower detectors of the invariant cross section of photons and π0s emitted close to zero degrees
UA8Peter E. SchleinStudy of jet structure in antiproton|p events tagged with large-X proton
UA9Walter ScandaleInvestigates the use of bent silicon crystals as primary collimators to direct the beam halo onto the secondary absorber reducing outscattering, beam losses and radiation load.Running

WA experiments

WA = west area
CDHSJack SteinbergerHigh-energy neutrino interactions
Friedrich DydakMeasurement of sin2 in semileptonic neutrino Fe interactions with high precision??
Jeam-Marc GaillardLeptonic decays of hyperons??
Peter WeilhammerExclusive πp and Kp interactions
F. RichardPhotoproduction of hadrons
P. BorgeaudBackward two-body reactions-
Giuseppe FidecaroPolarization in pp and πp elastic scattering
V. GraccoTwo-body reactions at large transverse momentum
Tord J. C. EkelofHigh precision study of elastic scattering in the Coulomb interference region??
M. MartinStudy of K± pK π± p and reactions of similar topology with high statistics??
M. DavidSearch for high mass states produced with the Ψ.
Jayce D. DowellBeam dump experiment in OMEGA
Peter Sonderegger'+p'+Λ at large p-transverse in OMEGA??
Antonino PulliaA wide band beam neutrino experiment with Gargamelle??
M. PatyA wide-band beam antineutron experiment in Gargamelle to study purely leptonic and other rare ' interactions
Bernard AubertAn exploratory experiment at very high neutrino energy in a narrow-band beam with Gargamelle??
Marcello ConversiSearch for new particles in neutrino interactions in an emulsion stack coupled to BEBC??
Klaus WinterStudy of semileptonic and leptonic neutral-current processes and of muon polarization produced in neutrino and antineutrino interactions using counter techniques??
Klaus WinterHigh precision measurement of the ratio of neutral-current and charged-current neutrino cross sections and of total and differential cross sections of neutral current reactions??
D. C. CundyA study of high energy neutrino interactions using BEBC filled with a Ne–2H mixture??
Gerald MyattBeam dump test in BEBC filled with neon??
Gerald MyattHigh energy neutrino and antineutrino interactions in BEBC filled with 2H??
Ian ButterworthAn experiment in BEBC to compare neutral and charged current neutrino interactions induced by νπ and νK at the same energy??
Philippe HeusseStudy of neutral current interactions using Gargamelle exposed to the dichromatic beam N3-
Wilbur VenusHigh-energy neutrino and antineutrino interactions using a hydrogen TST in BEBC and a wide band beam??
A. TennerNeutrino and antineutrino interactions in deuterium??
Roland BarloutaudKp interactions in BEBC at 70 GeV/c??
Remy T. van de WalleK+p interactions in BEBC at 70 GeV/c??
Franz MandlKp interactions in BEBC at 110 GeV/c
J. R. FryAntiproton annihilation at 20 GeV/c using the OMEGA spectrometer??
George KalmusDirect electron production induced by 70 GeV/c π interactions using a hydrogen TST in BEBC??
Jacques LemonneThe study of prompt lepton production in antiproton–proton interactions at 70 GeV/c in BEBC equipped with a track sensitive target??
Trevor C. BaconDirect photon production in pp collisions using BEBC with Ne–2H filling??
A. MullerSystematic search for long-lived heavy particles in the S1 beam??
Giordano Diambrini-PalazziStudy of charmed particles photoproduced in emulsion plates tagged by the OMEGA apparatus triggers??
M. A. FaesslerMeasurement of the correlations between emitted protons and pions in hadron–nucleus collisions for 50 to 150 GeV/c incoming momenta
Gerard BonneaudExploratory experiment at very high energy using antineutrinos in Gargamelle-
Ian Simpson HughesStudy of antiproton–proton interaction in the 4.1 GeV c.m. energy region in the OMEGA: Search for narrow charged peaks in K+ π+ π π or K+ π+ π π π π systems??
V. P. MartemianovMagnetic monopole search at the SPS??
Jayce D. DowellContinuation of the study of di-muon production by π±, K±, p, and ' at 40 GeV/c
B. R. FrenchSearch for narrow boson resonances coupled to the nucleon–antinucleon system??
Jack SteinbergerBeam dump run to check origin of trimuon and exceptional dimuon events
Pierre ExtermannAn experiment on the strong interactions and radiative decays of hyperons
Paul MussetBeam dump in Gargamelle??
A. ZichichiSearch for quarks in high-energy neutrino interactions
Giordano Diambrini-PalazziCharmed particle photoproduction in emulsion plates??
Roger StrubStudy of Ω decays and of the ΣN e νe decay mode
B. TalliniContinuation of the study of neutrino interactions with dichromatic beams at the SPS, using BEBC filled with neon
R. M. TurnbullStudy of baryonium states in K+p interactions using the OMEGA spectrometer??
R. A. DonaldStudy of '–p interactions involving baryon exchange using the OMEGA spectrometer??
Massimo BianchiBiological effects of 200 GeV/c protons: An exploratory investigation
Henry J. LubattiStudy of π± interactions in BEBC at 25 GeV/c and 60 GeV/c
Gerald MyattA second generation beam dump experiment in BEBC??
Giovanni ConfortoA second generation beam dump experiment in Gargamelle-
Jack SteinbergerBeam dump experiment with 400 GeV protons??
Alain de BellefonTest of OMEGA Prime accuracy and K+p elastic Scattering at 12 GeV/c around 90° c.m.??
A. FerrerStudy of N–Antinucleon| states produced via baryon exchange in π+p interactions using the OMEGA Prime spectrometer??
D. NewtonStudies of high mass vector meson photoproduction in the energy range 20 to 70 GeV??
Giordano Diambrini-PalazziMeasurement of the lifetime of charmed particles in nuclear emulsion exposed to an 80 GeV bremsstrahlung beam in conjunction with the OMEGA Prime spectrometer??
Wilbur VenusMeasurement of nucleon structure functions in horn-focused neutrino and antineutrino beams in BEBC filled with neon??
Luciano MandelliStudy of strangeonium and baryonium produced in Kp interactions using the OMEGA Prime spectrometer??
O. E. BadawyInelastic interactions of high energy hadrons with emulsion nuclei??
K. P. StreitSearch for charmed strange baryons??
A. MullerInclusive baryon–antibaryon production in the central region using the OMEGA spectrometer??
Erik UggerhojChannelling radiation in a silicon crystal??
Klaus WinterFurther studies of prompt neutrino production in 400 GeV proton–nucleus collisions??
Per Olof HulthFurther study of prompt neutrino production in proton–nucleus collisions using BEBC??
John Neil JacksonStudy of πp interactions at 85 GeV/c leading to K+ K+ K K in the final state – Search for new states??
Jack SteinbergerFurther study of prompt neutrino production in a proton beam dump experiment??
Ewald PaulPhotoproduction in the energy range 70–200 GeV
M. MartinStudy of direct photon events in hadronic collisions??
Giordano Diambrini-PalazziAn experiment to study beauty production and lifetime in the upgraded OMEGA Prime spectrometer??
M. SzeptyckaA study of fast proton production in π±–nucleus interactions using the OMEGA spectrometer??
Jean DubocA pedagogical experiment using bubble chamber pictures??
Jose Mariano P. GagoAntiproton–proton glory scattering??
Giorgio RomanoAn experiment to observe directly beauty particles selected by muonic decay in emulsion and to estimate their lifetimes??
Antimo PalanoStudy of the mesons produced centrally in the reaction p pp X0 at 300 GeV/c
Maurice BenayounSearch for direct production of gluonium states in high PT πN collisions at 350 GeV/c??
Pio PistilliSearch for the hadroproduction of B–' pairs??
Klaus WinterStudy of neutrino–electron scattering at the SPS
Rainer SantoStudy of relativistic nucleus–nucleus collisions at the CERN SPS
Erik UggerhojMeasurements of pair production under channelling conditions by 70–180 GeV photons incident on single crystals??
Leonardo RossiHigh statistics study of charm hadroproduction using an impact parameter trigger
Martha Spyropoulou-StassinakiInvestigation of soft photon production in hadronic collisions using the OMEGA Prime spectrometer??
Giuseppe MartellottiStudy of the production and decay properties of beauty flavored hadrons
David EvansStudy of high energy nucleus–nucleus interactions using the OMEGA Prime spectrometer equipped with a multiparticle high PT detector
Giorgio GiacomelliExposure of CR39 stacks to oxygen and/or sulphur beams at the CERN SPS
Wolfgang HeinrichInvestigation of nuclear fragmentation in relativistic heavy ion collisions using plastic nuclear track detectors
James L. PinfoldTest of bubble damage detectors in a heavy ion beam from the SPS
Josef PochodzallaNew hyperon beam experiment at the CERN SPS using the OMEGA facility
Sheldon DatzMeasurements of pair production and electron capture from the continuum in heavy particle collisions??
Andy KirkSearch for centrally produced non-quark–antiquark mesons in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c by using the CERN OMEGA spectrometer
Leonardo RossiMeasurement of beauty particle lifetimes and hadroproduction cross-sections
Hans H. GutbrodA light universal detector for the study of correlations between photons and charged particles??
John B. KinsonStudy of baryon and antibaryon spectra in sulphur–sulphur interactions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon
Jacob PanmanA new search for νμντ oscillations
Luigi Di LellaSearch for the oscillation νμντ
Emanuele QuercighStudy of baryon and antibaryon spectra in Pb–Pb interactions at 160 GeV/c per nucleon
Terry C. AwesLarge acceptance measurement of photons and charged particles in heavy ion reactions
Sheldon DatzMeasurements of pair production and electron capture from the continuum in heavy particle collisions??
Sheldon DatzCharge changing collisions, energy loss, and EM nuclear reactions of 160 GeV A 208Pb??
Denis O'SullivanExposure of plastic track detectors to relativistic Pb beam for the purpose of providing calibration for the Dublin ESTEC Ultra Heavy Cosmic Ray Experiment which was exposed
for 69 months in Earth orbit
Yudong HeStudy of various processes with a 160 GeV/c per nucleon Pb beam??
Andrew KirkASearch for centrally produced non-quark–antiquark mesons in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c using the OMEGA spectrometer and GAMS-4000
Robert ChehabExperimental study of a positron source using channeling??