List of postal codes of Canada: T

This is a list of postal codes in Canada where the first letter is T. Postal codes beginning with T are located within the Canadian province of Alberta. Only the first three characters are listed, corresponding to the Forward Sortation Area.
Canada Post provides a free postal code look-up tool on its website, via its applications for such smartphones as the iPhone and BlackBerry, and sells hard-copy directories and CD-ROMs. Many vendors also sell validation tools, which allow customers to properly match addresses and postal codes. Hard-copy directories can also be consulted in all post offices, and some libraries.

[Alberta] - 156 FSAs">Canadian postal code#Forward sortation areas">FSAs


[Alberta] - 157 FSAs">Canadian postal code#Forward sortation areas">FSAs


Most populated FSAs

  1. T0H, 78,570
  2. T0M, 63,514
  3. T8N, 61,518
  4. T0B, 59,794
  5. T3K, 59,375

    Least populated FSAs

  6. T0V, 10
  7. T6N, 10
  8. T6S, 37
  9. T3N, 66
  10. T5V, 164