List of Ten Outstanding Young Americans
Prior to 1985, the program was known as the Ten Outstanding Young Men program.
TOYA Honorees
- Aaker-Gilchrist, Shari, 27 - Community Service
- Abiodun, Bo Charles T., 38 - Military Service/Community Service
- Acosta, Robert J., 20 - Education
- Adamic, Louis, 39 - Literature
- Adams, Capt. Alan B., 29 - Military/Public Policy
- Adams, Fred R. Jr., 33 - Business
- Adams, Dr. Mac C., 36 - Science
- Agnese, Louis Jr., 37 - Education
- Alban, Julie K., 33 - Community Service
- Alexander, Kathleen Brunner, 39 - Science
- Allis, Ryan P, 25 - Business
- Anderson, Bob, 33 - Sports Journalism
- Anderson, Curtiss, 33 - Journalism
- Anderson, Foster N., 38 - Community Service
- Angel, Debra L., 27 - Community Service
- Anthony, Jack, 31 - Science
- Armstrong, Darrell, 35 ? Athletics
- Armstrong, Jessica Lori, 39
- Arnall, Ellis G., 25 - State & Municipal Affairs
- Arriola, Roland S., 34 - Human Improvement
- Arthchoker, John Jr., 34 - National Affairs
- Ashe, Arthur R. Jr., 25 - Sports
- Atkins, Joseph E., 34 - Municipal Affairs
- Atkins, Thomas I., 31 - Municipal Affairs
- Atkinson, William, 30 - Religion and Education
- Atwater, Harvey Lee, 30 - National Affairs
- AuCoin, Les, 34 - National Affairs
- Augustine, Jonathan C., 32 - National Affairs
- Axelbank, Major Eric, 38 - Military Service
- Babbidge, Dr. Homer D. Jr., 34 - Education
- Baffes, Dr. Thomas G., 34 - Medicine
- Bancroft, Ann E., 31 - Exploration
- Banks, Frank J., 35 - Business
- Barber, Richard E., 35 - Business
- Barclay, Jennifer Paige, 30 - Business
- Barnes, Ben F., 31 - State Affairs
- Barrasso, Tom, 28 - Athletics/Philanthropic
- Bass, George F., 35 - Underwater Discovery
- Bayh, Birch E., 34 - National Affairs
- Beatty, James T., 27 - Sports
- Beirne, Joseph A., 35 - National Affairs
- Bergman, Jules, 33 - Broadcasting
- Berkman, Craig, 30 - Municipal Affairs
- Bernhard, Berl I., 33 - National Affairs
- Bernstein, Leonard, 25 - Music
- Bicks, Robert A., 33 - Law
- Biden, Joseph R. Jr., 31 - National Affairs
- Billings, Roger, 32 - Science
- Black-Tortorigi, Allison, 31 - Human Improvement
- Blair, Albert M., 31 - Sports
- Blanchard, James J., 35 - National Affairs
- Blazie, Deane B., 28 - Science
- Bleier, Robert P. Rocky, 32 - Sports
- Blunt, Roy, 35 - National Affairs
- Boester, Carl F., - National Affairs
- Bohleen, Calvin R., 32 - Human Improvement
- Bolte, Charles G., 27 - National Affairs
- Bond, Christopher, 34 - State & Municipal Affairs
- Bonilla, Ruben Jr., 35 - Human Improvement
- Boone, Pat, 24 - Entertainment
- Boren, David L., 34 - State Affairs
- Borochoff, Jane, 40 - World Peace and or Human Rights
- Bostic, Joe Earl Jr., 37 - Humanitarian
- Boudreau, Lou, 31 - Sports
- Bowe, Dr. Frank G., 34 - Human Improvement
- Boyer, Robert A., 31 - Science
- Boyle, Harold V., 32 - Journalism
- Brademas, John, 35 - National Affairs
- Bradley, William W., 32 - Sports
- Brennan, Terence, 26 - Sports
- Brenneman, Gregory D., 36 - Business
- Bresser, Dr. Joel Frederick, 36 - Science
- Brian, Dr. Earl, 31 - State and Municipal Affairs
- Brooks, Gregory, 34 - Medical Service
- Brown, Dale S., 39 - Human Improvement
- Brown, Dr. Harold, 34 - Science
- Brown, Lester R., 32 - National Affairs
- Brown, Paul, 23 - Sports
- Brunell, Mark, 31 - Community Action/Athletics
- Brzezinski, Dr. Zbigniew, 35 - Education
- Bucha, Paul W., 27 - Military Service
- Buchanan, Vernon G., 32 - Business
- Burdette, Sen. Keith, 36 - State Affairs
- Buoniconti, Marc, 26 - Personal Accomplishment
- Burke, Chris, 25 - Entertainment
- Burns, Regina, 31 - Broadcast Journalism
- Burns, Robert K., 33 - National Affairs
- Butcher, Susan H., 36 - Sports
- Butler, Rev. Dr. Keith, 33 - Community Service
- Byrd, Dennis, 27 - Personal Accomplishment
- Calabresi, Guido, 29 - Law
- Calabro, Dominic M., 37 - State Affairs
- Califano, Joseph A., 35 - National Affairs
- Capecchi, Mario R., 32 - Biological Research
- Carey, Dr. Thomas, 35 - Science
- Carey, James B., 30 - National Affairs
- Carpenter, William S. Jr., 29 - National Affairs
- Carson, Senator Brad, 35 - Government
- Carter, Dr. Ashton B., 32 - Science
- Carter, John Mack, 35 - Journalism
- Carter, Professor Stephen L., 32 - Law
- Carter, Walter H., 32 - Journalism
- Casertano, Teresa Tia, 26 - Human Improvement
- Castle, Robert W. Jr., 33 - Religion
- Castruccio, Dr. Peter A., 34 - Science
- Cavanaugh, Jerome, 35 Governmental Affairs
- Cena, John, 36 - WWE wrestler
- Cenerazzo, Walter W., 35 - National Affairs
- Chapin, Dwight L., 32 - National Affairs
- Chapin, Harry F., 34 - Human Improvement
- Chaput, Richard R., 28 - Journalism
- Charpie, Dr. Robert A., 30 - Science
- Chase, W. Howard, 33 - National Affairs
- Chen, Jau-Fei, 34 - Business
- Cheney, Richard B., 34 - National Affairs
- Cherne, Leo M., 28 - National Affairs
- Cherry, Harry W., 35 - Business
- Chong, Curtis D., 31 - Human Improvement
- Chope, Wilbert E., 34 - Science
- Christensen, Jon, 33 - National Affairs
- Church, Frank F., 33 - National Affairs
- Cisneros, Henry G., 34 - Municipal Affairs
- Claypool, Marceta, 37 - Human Improvement
- Clement, Frank G., 33 - National Affairs
- Clinton, Bill, 32 - State Affairs
- Cocke, Erle Jr,., 29 - Business
- Cohen, William S., 35 - National Affairs
- Coll, Edward T., 30 - Voluntary Service
- Collins, Michael J., 33 - Business
- Conner, Doyle E., 32 - Governmental Affairs
- Conrad, Charles Jr., 35 - Science
- Cooley, Dr. Denton A., 35 - Medicine
- Copperfield, David, 28 - Entertainment
- Cornum, Lt. Col. Rhonda, 39 - Military Service
- Corrigan, Douglas, 31 - National Affairs
- Cosentino, Dr. Louis, 35 - Medicine
- Costin, Dondi E., 34 - Military Service
- Cowles, John Jr., 35 - Journalism
- Cox, Dr. Herald R., 34 - Medicine
- Craddick, David Peter, 30 - Community Service
- Crommett, Caitlin, 23 - Humanitarian and/or Voluntary Leadership
- Croyle, John, 38 - Social Service
- Dade, George C., 34 - Business
- Darby, William 0., 32 - National Affairs
- Daschle, Thomas A., 34 - National Affairs
- Daskalos, Dr. James W., 35 - Medicine
- Davidson, Beau, 31 - Recording Artist/Songwriter
- Davis, Charles E., 37 - Sports
- Davis, Glenn R., 33 - National Affairs
- Davis, Robin LouAnn, 31 - Community Service
- DeCarvalho, George, 31 - Journalism
- Dedelow, Duane W. Jr., 37 - Municipal Affairs
- Dees, Morris S., 30 - Business
- DeFoor, J. Allison, 30 - Law
- DeLashment, John Ingram Jr., 38-Human Affairs
- DeLuce, Dan, 34 - Journalism
- Deutschendorf, Henry, 35 - Entertnainment
- DeWall, Dr. Richard A., 31 - Medicine
- Diebold, John, 35 - Business
- Diridon, Rodney J., 33 - Business
- Doan, Chinh, 27 - Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment
- Doering, Dr. William E., 28 - Science
- Donell, Ronald, 35 - Law Enforcement
- Dooley, Dr. Thomas A., 29 - Medicine
- Doyle, Matthew T., 35 - Community Service
- Downey, Hugh F., 26 - International Affairs
- Drorbaugh, Richard, 32-Personal Achievement
- Duke, Dan, 33 - Law
- Dunaway, Edwin E., 35 - Law
- Duong, Son, 29 - Community Service
- Eastburn, Brett A., 31 - Personal Achievement
- Eastman, Marjorie K., 39 - National Affairs
- Ebeling, Philip C., 34 - National Affairs
- Eckhardt, Mark Hamilton, 31 - Community Service
- Eddy, Dr. Edward D. Jr., 34 - Education
- Edelen, Adam, 33 -Community Service
- Edmondson, J. Howard, 33 -Municipal Affairs
- Eggers, Dr. Alfred J. Jr., 35 - Science
- Eidelman, Dawn Ph.D., 38 - Education
- Eidelman, Gene, 30 - Business
- Ellerbe, Arianna, 24 - Legal Reform
- Elliott, Osborn, 35 - Journalism
- Ellis, Dale, 38 - Law
- Ellis, Frank K., 34 - Aviation
- Ellison, Dr. Nolen M., 32 - Education
- Emanuel, Dr. Peter A., 37 - Science
- Engle, Joe H., 32 - Science
- Erskine, Carl D., 30 - Sports
- Estes, Billie S., 28 - Business
- Everest, Frank K., 35 - Science
- Everett, John R., 32 - Education
- Farber, Alan J., 35 - Human Improvement
- Faulk, Richard S., 31 - Business
- Faulkenberry, Barbara Jean, 36 - Military Service
- Fay, Dr. Frederick A., 33-Human Improvement
- Fein, Ellen, 39 - Personal Accomplishment
- Feliciano, Jose C., 34 - Law
- Finke, Walter W., 34 - National Affairs
- Fischer, Louis E., 23 - Voluntary Service
- Fisher, Adrian S., 33 - National Affairs
- Fisk, Wayne L., 34 - Military Service
- Fitchett, Mercedes C., 35 - International Service
- Flanagan, William J. Jr., 35 - Military Service
- Floberg, John F., 35 - National Affairs
- Floyd, Dr. Carlisle S., 33 - Literature
- Floyd, Melvin, 32 - Youth Assistance
- Floyd, Robert, 31-State and Municipal Affairs
- Foppe, John, 22 - Personal Accomplishment
- Ford, Gerald R., 36 - National Affairs
- Ford, Henry II, 28 - Business
- Foreman, Ed Jr., 30 - National Affairs
- Fortas, Abe, 36 - National Affairs
- Foskett, Anne Wignall, 24 - Founder/Director, Care Bags Foundation
- Foss, Joe J., 28 - Military Service
- Foster, Texas, 26 - State & Municipal Affairs
- Fountain, Dr. Daniel E., 34 - Medicine
- Frederickson, David W., 35 - National Affairs
- Frieden, Lex, 33 - Human Improvement
- Gabbard, Tulsi, 32 - Personal Accomplishment
- Gable, Theodore R., 33 - National Affairs
- Gabreski, Francis S., 31 - Military Service
- Gaines, Chad, 31 - Personal Accomplishment
- Gallup, Dr. George, 37 - National Affairs
- Garcia, Capt. Mario Jr., 30 - Community Service
- Gardner, Rulon E., 30 - Community Action/Athletics
- Garland, Patricia Welesko, 38 - Science
- Garrison, SMSgt Benjamin S., 37 - Humanitarian and / or Voluntary Leadership
- Garrison, Michael S., 35 - State Affairs
- Garvey, Steven P., 28 - Sports
- Garwin, Dr. Richard L., 32 - Science
- Gerber, Heinz J., 27 - Science
- Gibson, Lisa R., 39 - Community Action
- Gettinger, Cynthia, 29 - Personal Accomplishment
- Gilliam, Herman A. Jr., 32 - Journalism
- Gillund, Brenda Jo, 39 - Cancer Research
- Glaser, Dr. Donald A., 34 - Science
- Gockley, David, 32 - Music
- Goetz, James B., 34 - State Affairs
- Goldschmidt, Neil, 32 - State & Municipal Affairs
- Goldstein, Jonathan, 33 - State & National Affairs
- Gordon, William J. Jr., 35 - Religion
- Gore, Albert Jr., 31 - National Affairs
- Gorman, Mike, 34 - Journalism
- Gottschalk, Dr. Alexander, 35 - Medical Research
- Gould, Mike, 31 - Military Service
- Grace, Dr. James T., 35 - Medicine
- Granville, Earl, 34 - Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment
- Gration, Scott, 27 - Military Service
- Green, Darrell R., 39 - Community Service/Sports
- Green, Tevan O., 37 - Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment
- Greenberg, Sanford D., 25 - National Affairs
- Greenberg, Suzanne, 39 - Social Work
- Greve, Donald, 33 - State Assistance
- Griffin, Robert P., 36 - National Affairs
- Griffith, Dr. Larry G., 32 - Medicine
- Grissom, Lee A., 35 - Municipal Affairs
- Grissom, Virgil I., 35 - Science
- Guilfoil, Dwight D. Jr., 35 - National Affairs
- Guyton, Dr. Arthur C., 33 - Medicine
- Hall, Craig, 28 - Business
- Hall, Kathryn Cunningham, 23 - Community Service
- Harmon, Dr. Millard, 30 - Education
- Harris, Fred R., 34 - National Affairs
- Harris, Neison, 33 - Business
- Hartl, Robin Lorraine, 38 - Entertainment
- Hartman, Dr. David W., 28 - Medicine
- Hasbrook, Thomas C., 28 - Journalism
- Hastings, Charles E., 35 - Science
- Hawkins, Lt Col Stacey T., 37 - Military Service
- Haynie, Hugh S., 35 - Journalism
- Heald, Henry T., 35 - Education
- Hedrick, Dr. Ross M., 31 - Science
- Heinz, Henry J. II, 34 - Business
- Heir, Douglas R., 27 - Sports
- Helton, Master Sgt. Richard T., 32 - Philanthropic
- Henebry, John P., 34 - Military Service
- Henjum, Maggie, 31 - Business, Economics and/or Entrepreneurial
- Henry, Emil W., 34 - National Affairs
- Henry, Heather French, 26 - Human Improvement
- Hensley, Dr. Lisa E, 35 - Science
- Herman, Jerry, 34 - Art and Music
- Hernandez, Juan, 38 - Community Service
- Herring, Major Christopher C., 34 - Military Service
- Hersey, John, 30 - Journalism
- Hickingbotham, Herren, 30 - Philanthropic
- Higginbotham, Leon Jr., 35 - Law
- Hill, Gary, 32 - Human Improvement
- Hill, Kelly A., 31 - Social Improvement
- Hiller, Stanley Jr., 27 - Science
- Hingson, Luke L., 33 - International Affairs
- Hingson, Dr. Ralph W., 35 - Medicine
- Hingson, Dr. Robert A., 34 - Science
- Hofstede, Albert, 34 - Municipal Affairs
- Hoge, James F. Jr., 33 - Journalism
- Hollings, Ernest, 32-State & Municipal Affairs
- Hollis, Michael R., 32 - Business
- Hollomon, Dr. J. Herbert Jr., 35 - Science
- Holmes, Larry, 30 - Sports
- Holzworth, Sheila, 27 - Sports
- Hood, Glenda E., 35 State & Municipal Affairs
- Hostetler, Jeff, 30 - Sports
- House, Harold V., 28 - Government
- Hughes, Howard, 33 - Business
- Hughes, Richard M., 29 - Social Work
- Hulan, Leah, 28 - Personal accomplishment
- Humann, Walter J., 33 - Business
- Huston, W. Todd, 37 - Community Service
- Ingersoll, Robert S., 31 - Business
- Inouye, Daniel K., 35 - National Affairs
- Irby, Darren, 33 - Public Policy
- Ireland, Rick, 35 - Law
- Isobe, Gerald M., 35 - Personal Improvement
- Jackson, Jesse L., 27 - Human Improvement
- Jardine, Philip M., 38 - Science
- Jenks, Shepherd M., 32 - Military Service
- Jenner, Bruce, 35 - Sports
- Johnson, Cameron, 24 - Business
- Jensen, Dr. Keith E., 33 - Medicine
- Johnson, John H., 33 - Journalism
- Piotr Marek Jurewicz, 32 - Business Leadership
- Johnson, Michael D., 31 - Sports
- Johnson, Nicholas, 33 - Federal Service
- Johnson, Rafer L., 25 - Sports
- Johnson, Raymond W., 34 - Religion
- Johnson, W. Thomas Jr., 31 - Journalism
- Jones, James R., 29 - National Service
- Jordan, Dr. Paul, 31-State & Municipal Affairs
- Josefson, Nils S., 31 - Human Improvement
- Jude, Dr. James R., 34 - Medicine
- Jumper, Eric J., 31 - Military and Research
- James Ony Udemba, 25 -Sport
- Kaiser, Edgar F., 35 - Business
- Kaufman, Dr. Herbert E., 32 - Medicine
- Keith, Jeffrey Scott, 27 -Personal Achievement
- Keith, Karen, 39 - Broadcast Journalism
- Keith, Kent M., 35 - Government Service
- Kelley, Matt, 24 ? Human Improvement
- Kelly, Colin P. Jr., 26 - Military Service
- Kennedy, Edward M., 35 - National Affairs
- Kennedy, John F., 29 - National Affairs
- Kennedy, Robert F., 29 - National Affairs
- Kennedy, Ted Jr., 37 - Human Improvement
- Kesseler, Sandy Reese, 34 - Community Service
- Keyser, F. Ray, 34 - State & Municipal Affairs
- Kilian, Gerald W., 34 - Community Service
- Kirk, Larry B., 32 - Military Service
- Kissinger, Dr. Henry A., 35 - National Affairs
- Klotz, Frank G., 32 - Political Science
- Knazek, Dr. Richard Allen, 33 - Medicine
- Knight, Patrick, 40 - Litigation Attorney, Motivational Speaker
- Koritz, Dr. Lloyd Thomas, 26 - Medicine
- Kraft, Arthur Mayfield, 33 - Art
- Krick, Dr. Irving P., 34 - Science
- Kuhnert, Sam, 25 - Humanitarian and/or Voluntary Leadership
- Kupper, Nickolas S., 31 - Contribution to children
- Lamb, Michael Sr., 35 - Military Technology
- Lambird, Dr. Perry A., 35 - Medicine
- Land, Edwin H., 31 - Science
- Landesman, Dennis, 33 - Human Improvement
- Lane, Dr. Walter W. Jr., 32 - Medicine
- Largent, Stephen, 35 - Sports/National Affairs
- Langevin, James, 40 - Politics
- Lattimer, Robert, 34 - Business
- Laumeister, Lamory, 26 - Science
- Lawrence, Major Timothy James, 35 - Science
- Lawson, Dr. Andrew Jr., 34 - Science
- Layden, Elmer F., 35 - Sports
- Levine, Irving R., 33 - Journalism
- Liebenow, Robert C., 34 - Business
- Lilley, Dr. A. Edward, 33 - Science
- Lineberry, Anthony W. Sr., 39 - Human Improvement
- Lincoln, Blanche L., 37 - National Affairs
- Linen, James, 33 - Journalism
- Lodge, George Cabot, 33 - National Affairs
- Loo, Frank W.C., 34 - Law
- Loucks, Karen, 37 - Community Service
- Louis, Joe, 32 - Sports
- Lovain, Beth H., 38 - Human Improvement
- Lovelace, Dr. William II, 34 - Science
- Lowery, Myron L., 35 - Journalism
- Lowery, Nick, 34 - Sports
- Luckman, Charles, 35 - Business
- Lyles, Leonard E., 35 - Sports
- Mackey, Tom, 33 - Business
- Magee, Jeffery, 39 - Education
- Manning, Archie, 38 - Community Service
- Manning, Gordon, 34 - Journalism
- Manning, Peyton W., 22 - Sports
- Marsh, Judge Melba D., 38 - Law
- Marshall-Chapman, Paula, 38 - Philanthropic
- Martin, William M. Jr., 31 - Business
- Nader, Ralph, 32 - Law
- Nakasone, Devin, 39 - Founder, Prayers on Wings
- Nathan, Robert R., 35 - National Affairs
- Nelson, E. Sheffield, 32 - Business
- Nelson, John H., 31 - Journalism
- Nesbitt, Dr. Robert E.L. Jr., 33 - Medicine
- Newbold, William O., 34 - Human Improvement
- Newman, George J., 34 - Business
- Newton, Carson Wayne, 34 - Entertainment
- Newton, James Quigg, 35 - State/Municipal Affairs
- Nickles, Don, 34 - National Affairs
- Nixon, Richard M., 34 - National Affairs
- O'Donnell, Elizabeth, 39 - Athletics
- O'Grady, Scott F., 29 - Military Service
- O'Neill, C. William, 34 - Law
- Osmond, James A., 35 - Entertainment
- Osmond, Merrill D., 28 - Entertainment
- Osmond, Nathan, 36 - Entertainment
- Owen, Jonathan Clark, 33 - Law Enforcement
- Page, Alan, 35 - Sports
- Paisechi, Frank N., 33 - Business
- Palmer, H. Bruce, 35 - National Affairs
- Parker, Susan D., 31 - Community Service
- Parkman, Dr. Paul D., 35 - Medical Research
- Parsky, Gerald L., 32 - National Affairs
- Patterson, John, 34 - Law
- Patton, John A., 33 - Business
- Pavalon, Wesley, 35 - Education
- Pedersen, Richard F., 31 - National Affairs
- Pedersen, Laura, 28 - Personal Accomplishment
- Pellegrino, Richard G., M.D., 39 - Medicine
- Pelzer, David, 32 - Personal Accomplishment/Military
- Pendorf, Paul W., 35 - Business
- Peoples, Lt. Col. George E. Jr., MD, 38 - Medicine
- Percy, Charles H., 30 - Business
- Perot, H. Ross Jr., 25 - Human Endeavor
- Perry, Dr. Charles E., 34 - Education
- Perryman, Deborah O., 39- Education
- Perryman, Dr. M. Ray, 34 - Economics
- Peterson, Chesley G., 22 - National Affairs
- Peterson, LaVon P., 28 - Human Improvement
- Peterson, Peter G., 35 - Business
- Petrofsky, Jerrold S., 35 - Medicine
- Phillips, Layn, 37 - Law
- Phillips, Warren H., 32 - Journalism
- Phillips, Wendell, 33 - Science
- Phillips, William N., 35 - Business
- Piasechi, Frank N., 33 - Business
- Pitzer, Kenneth S., 35 - Science
- Pollock, Howard W., 35 - Law
- Porter, Dr. Roger B., 34 - National Affairs
- Posvar, Wesley W., 34 - Education
- Potter, Charles E., 35 - National Affairs
- Potter, Dr. Van Rensselaer, 35 - Science
- Powers, Francis Gary, Jr., 37 - Social Awareness
- Presley, Elvis A., 35 - Entertainment
- Price, Robert, 34 - State and Municipal Affairs
- Pride, Curtis, 26 - Sports
- Pruitt, Michael, 29 - Comm. Service, Business
- Prystowsky, Dr. Harry, 34 - Medicine
- Putman, John L., 27 - Business
- Quayle, Dan, 34 - National Affairs
- Rafko-Wilson, Kaye Lani Rae, 29 - Medicine
- Raimondi, Kenneth, 36 - Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment
- Rauscher, Dr. Frank Jr., 33 - Medicine
- Rayburn, Lt. Col. Bentley, 36 - Military Service
- Reed, Ralph, 34 - National Affairs
- Reed, Shanna, 38 - Entertainment
- Reeve, Christopher, 28 - Entertainment
- Reeve, George W., 35 - Business
- Register, Willie C., 34 - Military Service
- Reid, Thomas R., 33 - Business
- Reynolds, Harold Craig, 35 - Sports
- Rice, Donald B. Jr., 35 - Business
- Richards, Robert, 30 - Sports
- Richardson, Hamilton F., 20 - Sports
- Riegle, Donald W. Jr., 29 - National Affairs
- Rinsky, David S., 33 - Municipal Affairs
- Robbins, Anthony, 34 - Business
- Robinson, Cathy, 35 - Health & Education
- Robinson, Dr. Edward A. III, 29 - State Affairs
- Rockefeller, John D. IV, 32 - State Affairs
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 33 & 35 - National Affairs
- Roebling, Donald, 34 - Science
- Rogers, Dr. David E., 35 - Medicine
- Rohde, Dr. Jon E., 31 - Medicine
- Rohrman, Dr. Larry G., 34 - Religion
- Roosevelt, Theodore III, 35 - National Affairs
- Root, L. Eugene, 36 - Science
- Root, Oren F. Jr., 29 - National Affairs
- Rose, Dr. Frank A., 32 - Education
- Rose, Will, 35 - National Affairs
- Rote, W. Kyle Jr., 32 - Sports
- Roth, Alvin E., 32 - Economics
- Rowan, Carl T., 28 - Journalism
- Roy, Dr. Frederick H., 34 - Medicine
- Rubin, Dr. Robert J., 31 - Medicine/Education
- Russell, Harold, 35 - National Affairs
- Ryun, James R., 21 - Sports
- Saad, Joseph, 34 - Human Improvement
- Sabato, Dr. Larry, 32 - Education
- Saloma, Dr. John, 34 - Research
- Sánchez, Félix, 33 - Military
- Sanders, Joseph S., 30 - Law
- Santorum, Richard John, 38 - National Affairs
- Saroyan, William, 32 - Journalism
- Sawyer, Stan, 37 - Community Service
- Sayers, Gale E., 26 - Sports
- Schatz, Dr. Albert, 33 - Science
- Schippers, Thomas, 25 - Music
- Schlesinger, Dr. Arthur Jr., 29 - Education
- Schlosser, Steven, 36 - Community Service
- Schnack, Loren E., 32 - Law
- Schnatter, John H., 38 - Business
- Schultz, Capt Eric E. Ph.D., 33 - Military Service
- Schwartz, Dr. Robert S., 32 - Medicine
- Schweer, Matthew S., 30 - Education
- Scruggs, Jan, 35 - Human Endeavor
- Seaborg, Dr. Glenn T., 35 - Science
- Segal, Matthew, 27 - President/Co-Founder,
- Selmon, Lee Roy, 27 - Sports
- Shepherd, James H., 33 - Human Improvement
- Shepherd, William M., 35 - National Affairs
- Shepperd, John B., 34 - National Affairs
- Sheriff, Paul Stanley, 28 - Business
- Shindle, Kate, 21 - Human Improvement
- Shriver, Mark K., 33 - Human Improvement
- Shue, Andrew, 27 - Community Service
- Simmons, Dr. Barry, 34 - International Service
- Simons, David G., 35 - Medicine
- Simplot, Jack R., 33 & 34 - Business
- Singer, Dr. S. Fred, 35 - Science
- Skidmore, James A. Jr., 35 - National Affairs
- Slagle, Dr. James R., 35 - National Research
- Sloan, Steve, 35 - Sports
- Smathers, George A., 35 - National Affairs
- Smith, Charles H. Jr., 35 - National Affairs
- Smith, Dr. Gary Alan, 34 - Medicine
- Smith, Gary L., 34 - Social Work
- Smith, Janni, 36 - Medicine
- Smith, Neil, 30 - Sports
- Smith, Paul C., 30 - 34 - Journalism
- Smith, Dr. Richard T., 34 - Medicine
- Smith, Shawntel, 26 - Education
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 33 - National Affairs
- Solar, Ronald J., 38 - Medical Innovation
- Spencer, Lyle M., 29 - Science
- Spencer, Dr. William A., 32 - National Affairs
- Sproul, Jill, 38 - Education
- Stabenow, Debbie, 35 - State Affairs
- Stahr, Elvis J. Jr., 32 - Education
- Starr, Bryan Bart, 35 - Sports
- Stassen, Harold E., 32 - National Affairs
- Steele, Robert H., 33 International Affairs
- Steiger, William H., 30 - National Affairs
- Steiner, David E., 34 - Human Endeavor
- Stephanopoulos, George, 32- National Affairs
- Stephenson, Dr. Hugh E., 35 - Medicine
- Stern, Hubert J., 35 - Federal Affairs
- Stevens, George Jr., 31 - National Affairs
- Stevenson, Ken E. Jr., 31 - Military/Research
- Still, Susan Leigh, 33 - Military Service
- Stingley, Darryl, 29 - Sports
- Stockman, David, 33 - National Affairs
- Stovall, Jim, 35 - Entertainment Endeavor
- Stringfellow, Douglas R., 31 - National Affairs
- Strossen, Nadine, 35 - Law
- Stumbo, Dr. Warren G., 31 - Medicine
- Sturges, Dr. Stanley G., 32 - Medicine
- Sullivan, Daniel, 39 - Public Policy
- Sullivan, Dr. Kathryn D., 35 - Science
- Sullivan, Leon H., 33 - Religion
- Sulzberger, Cyrus L., 32 - Journalism
- Sutcliffe, Rick Lee Jr., 31 - Sports
- Swett, Dick, 35 - State and National Affairs
- Swisher, Stephen Lowell, 35 - Religion
- Symko, Benjamin, 32 - Human Improvement
- Synar, Mike, 29 - National Affairs
- Tafel, Richard Leonard, 38 - National Affairs
- Tafoya, Michele, 36 - Entertainment
- Tartikoff, Brandon, 31 - Entertainment
- Thomas, Bobby L., 35 - Law
- Thompson, Morris, 35 - National Affairs
- Tiberi, Dave, 28 - Community Service/Sports
- Todaro, Dr. George, 33 - Medicine
- Tomiyasu, Paul, 32 - Human Improvement
- Tregaskis, Richard, 27 - Journalism
- Tschetter, Kristen, 37 - Community Action
- Tucker, Jim G., 34 - National Affairs
- Turbeville, Dr. Gus, 35 - Education
- Turner, Arthur E., 34 - Education
- Turpin, Dr. James W., 34 - Medicine
- Tyrrell, R. Emmett, 34 - Education
- Ulmer, Chris, 28 - Contribution to Children, World Peace and/or Human Rights
- Vallee, Rudy, 36 - Entertainment
- Vargas, Tony, 33 - Political, Legal and/or Government Affairs
- Voorhees, Russell L., 34 - Business
- Wade, Jerreme, 22 - U.S. Paralympian
- Waitt, Theodore William, 33 - Business
- Waldrep, Kent, 30 - Human Improvement
- Walker, Dr. Craig, 38 - Medicine
- Walsh, Don, 29 - Science
- Ward, Angel K., 24 - Human Improvement
- Warr, Dartanian, 38 -Military Service
- Washington, David, 34 -Education
- Watson, Thomas S., 33 - Sports
- Watts, Julius Caesar, 38 - National Affairs
- Webb, James D., 35 - Law
- Weber, U.S. Rep. John, 37 - National Affairs
- Webster, William, 36 - State & Municipal Affairs
- Weeks, Dr. Jennifer, 32 - Medicine/Military
- Weinberg, Alvin M., 35 - Science
- Welch, Bob, 29 - Sports
- Welch, Scott T., 32 - Law
- Welles, Orson, 23 & 26 - Drama
- Werbach, Adam, 23 - Environmentalism
- West, Dr. Philip M., 35 - Medicine
- Wheeler, Charles J., 21 - Human Endeavor
- Whidden, Dr. Frederick P., 35 - Education
- Whitcomb, Richard T., 35 - Science
- White, Dr. Augustus A. III, 33 - Medicine
- White, Edward H., 35 - Science
- Whittaker, James W., 34 - Human Endeavor
- Wilkinson, C.B. Bud, 34 - Sports
- Williams, Donald D., 33 - Science
- Williams, Reggie, 32 - Community Service
- Wilson, Donald R., 34 - National Affairs
- Wilson, Dr. Hugh E., III, 34 - Medicine
- Winfield, David M., 32 - Sports
- Wismer, Harry M., 35 - Journalism
- Witte, Robert J., 40 - Law
- Woodward, Dr. Robert B., 27 - Science
- Werffel, Daniel C., 23 - Sports
- Wyly, Sam, 34 - Business
- Yang, Dr. Chen Ning, 35 - Science
- Yates, D. Ted, 33 - Broadcasting
- Yeager, Charles E., 31 - Science
- Yeager, Jeana, 35 - Aviation
- Young, Jonathan Miron, 30 - National Affairs
- Young, Lt Col William E. Jr., 39 - Military Service
- Zarem, Dr. Abe M., 33 - Science
- Zelezny-Green, Ronda, 31 - Education
- Ziedler, Frank P., 36 - State and Municipal Affairs
- Ziegler, Ronald L., 31 - National Affairs
- Zorn, Trischa Leanna, 35 - Education/Sports