List of The Backyardigans episodes
The Backyardigans is a CGI-animated musical TV series created by Janice Burgess. It was written and recorded at Nickelodeon Animation Studio. The series first previewed on the Canadian network Treehouse TV with the episode "Pirate Treasure" on September 11, 2004. Its official debut on Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. block followed on October 11, 2004. The fourth season wrapped production in 2010 and finished airing on Nick Jr. on July 12, 2013.
The series was based upon a live-action pilot titled Me and My Friends, which was filmed in 1998 at Nickelodeon Studios Florida. The episodes are listed below as ordered in the complete series collection on iTunes, DVDs and other digital services.Series overview
Pilots (1998–2001)
Season 3 (2008–09)