The Naked Brothers Band is an American musical comedy television series created by Polly Draper, which aired on Nickelodeon from February 3, 2007 to June 13, 2009. It depicts the daily lives of Draper's sons, who lead a faux world-renowned rock band in New York City. As a mockumentary, the storyline is an embellished parody of their real lives, and the fictional presence of a camera is often acknowledged. The showstarsNat Wolff and Alex Wolff, the lead singer-songwriter, and drummer, respectively. Nat's fictional female love interest and real-life friends Thomas Batuello, David Levi, and Cooper Pillot, as well as Qaasim Middleton—who has no prior acquaintance with the family—feature as the other band members, with Draper's jazz musician husband Michael Wolff as his sons' widowed accordion-playing dad, and her niece Jesse Draper portraying the group's babysitter. The series is a spinoff of Draper's that was picked up by the network, premiering in January 2007. When the show debuted on the channel, it aired two episodes, garnering exactly 3.7 million viewers. Viacomannounced that the "series delivered Nickelodeon's highest-rated premiere in seven years" and it became favorable for children aged 6–11. It concluded after three seasons because the network began placing high shooting demands on the family that would disrupt the siblings' schooling.
*Note: Regardless of the episodes the boys' mother Polly Draper, the series creator and showrunner, did not direct, she still directed many of the scenes and supervised the director throughout most of its shooting.
*Note: Regardless of the episodes the boys' mother, the creator and showrunner Polly Draper did not direct, she still directed many of the scenes and supervised the director throughout most of its shooting.
Season 3 (2008–09)
Note: Regardless of the episodes the boys' mother Polly Draper, the series creator and showrunner, did not direct, she still directed many of the scenes and supervised the director throughout most of its shooting.
Note: Regardless of the episodes the boys' mother Polly Draper, the series creator and showrunner, did not direct, she still directed many of the scenes and supervised the director throughout most of its shooting.