This is a list of episodes of the animated seriesThe Ren & Stimpy Show. The show premiered on Nickelodeon on August 11, 1991 directly following the premieres of Doug and Rugrats, and it ran for five seasons until December 16, 1995, with the finale "A Scooter for Yaksmas". The series initially did not have a consistent grouping of segments into episodes; episodes and interstitial segments aired out of production order, some episodes and interstitials were produced for one season and aired in another, and two episodes, "Man's Best Friend" and "Sammy and Me / The Last Temptation", did not air in the series' original run at all. "Man's Best Friend" aired on the Ren & StimpyAdult Party Cartoon for Spike in 2003 alongside the uncut show's pilot, "Big House Blues". "Sammy and Me / The Last Temptation" aired on October 20, 1996, on MTV. The first list is ordered according to the original television air date, and a second list provides the [|episode order according to the DVD releases], which groups the cartoons into 52 episodes. The list does not include episodes from the spin-off Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon".
Series overview
The episodes were interspersed with short segments that sometimes aired before or after the main cartoons, which are named below.
Season 1 (1991–92)
The season's episodes were interspersed with short segments: three "Ask Dr. Stupid" segments, three different "Log" commercials, "My Little Brother Doll", a "Powdered Toast Man" commercial, "Secret Oath", "Stimpy's Breakfast Tips", four different "What'll We Do 'Till Then?" segments, and "Yak Shaving Day".
Season 2 (1992–93)
This season's episodes were interspersed with the short segments "Sugar Frosted Milk", "Ace Reporter, Ren Hoek", "Gritty Kitty Litter", two "Log" segments, "Powdered Toast Man: Vitamin F", "Secret Club: Susan Fout", "Sugar Sod Pops", a new "What'll We Do 'Till Then?" segment, "World Crisis with Mr. Horse", and short segments from previous seasons.
"Man's Best Friend"
Produced during the show's second season in 1992, the episode never aired on Nickelodeon due to violent content. The episode originally aired on the Spike network as part of the 2003 Ren & Stimpy revival series, Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon". "Man's Best Friend" is included in the first & second season DVD set. John Kricfalusi cites the violent imagery—Ren beating up George Liquor with an oar—as the primary reason for getting his production company and himself fired from The Ren & Stimpy Show.
Season 3 (1993–94)
This season's episodes were interspersed with the short segments "Cheesefist", "Chicken in a Drawer", "Dog Water", "Flod", "You Are What You Eat", and short segments from previous seasons.
Season 4 (1994–95)
This season's episodes were interspersed with short segments which included "Field Guide" and short segments from previous seasons.
Season 5 (1995)
This season's episodes were interspersed with the short segments "Varicose Veins", "Dog Water", and "Kraftwork Corner", and short segments from previous seasons.
DVD releases
Episode order
The 2004/2005 DVD releases order the Ren & Stimpy cartoons into the following episodes: