List of Twenty20 International records

This article contains records for men's Twenty20 Internationals.
is the leading wicket taker in T20 Internationals, with 106 wickets.

Listing notation

Team notation
Batting notation
Bowling notation
Currently playing

Overall results

Highest innings totals

Highest successful chases

Lowest innings totals

Lowest total defended successfully

Highest margin of victory (by runs)

High margin of victory (by balls remaining)

Highest margin of victory (by wickets)

Smallest margin of victory (by runs)

Smallest margin of victory (by wickets)

Tied matches

Most consecutive wins by a team

Most consecutive defeats

Most sixes in an innings

Most fours in an innings

Most sixes in a match

Highest aggregate runs in a single match

Most fours in a match

Individual records (batting)

Most career runs

Most runs in each batting position

Highest Average in each batting position

Most runs in a calendar year

Most 50+ scores

Highest career strike rate

Highest career average

Most career ducks

Most career sixes

Most career fours

Highest individual score

Highest individual score (by batting position)

Fastest 50

Fastest 100

Most sixes in an innings

Most fours in an innings

Most runs off an over

Individual records (bowling)

Most wickets in a career

Most wickets in a calendar year

Most four-wickets-in-an-innings (and over) in a career

Best career economy rate

Best career strike rate

Best career averages

Best figures in a match

Most runs conceded in an innings


As of 21st February 2020, there have been 13 hat-tricks in T20 Internationals, with Lasith Malinga being the only player to take two.

Individual records (fielding)

Most catches in T20I career

Individual records (wicket-keeper)

Most dismissals in career

Most catches in career

Most stumpings in career

Individual records (others)

Most matches played in career

Most matches as captain

Oldest players

Youngest players

Most matches as an umpire

Most matches as a match referee

Most Player-of-the Match Awards

Partnership records

Highest overall partnership runs by a pair

Highest partnerships (any wicket)

Highest partnerships (by wicket)