List of Ultra N Project characters

This is a character list for Ultra N Project, a multimedia project which centers around Ultraman Noa and his appearances in medias such as magazines, the 2004 series Ultraman Nexus and its movie prequel, .

TLT (Terrestrial Liberation Trust)

The Terrestrial Liberation Trust or TLT is a top secret global, non-government organization set up to investigate, research and defeat the Space Beast threat. Whereas the major headquarters is in North America, the show's major focus is Japan's TLT branch. The main teams of TLT are the Night Raiders, Memory Police and White Sweeper, who are involved in clean-up.


;Night Raiders
Night Raiders are TLT-J's special group in charge of Space Beast eradication. The group's true name is as members consist of elite cadets in TLT. The squad led by Captain Wakura is known as while there are other groups of Night Raiders, as implied in episode 18. The final episode saw this development as multiple Chrome Chester units patrolling the sky a year after Dark Zagi's destruction.
In addition to and, officers are equipped with a wrist communicator/launcher and a rifle.
;High-ranking staff members
;Memory Police
The is a group of secretive operatives in charge of controlling the information of Ultraman and the Space Beasts. Aside from filtering the mass-media and falsify documentations, members can also use flip phone-like device called to rid their target's memories of the Ultraman and Space Beasts. This works by suppressing a specified keyword within the target's brain, but can also be removed if they ever encounter the same incident for the second time. Despite their modus operandi helped in suppressing fear among citizens for the Space Beasts to prey upon, it also removed Nexus from his ability to strengthen himself through human bonds. Following the death of Dark Zagi, the Memory Police was disbanded as humanity slowly regained hope to confront the threat of Space Beasts.
The are a race of advanced aliens that took refuge on Earth since 18 years prior to Ultraman Nexus. Their original form is yet to be seen and usually took the appearance of jellyfishes in the Illustrator's room. They were originally citizens of an unnamed planet from Messier 80, who were under attacked by the Space Beasts. Inspired by Noa's heroics, they replicated the giant into Dark Zagi, but this became their undoing as Zagi went rampant and protected the Space Beasts instead. In order to stop their creation, the Visitors detonated their system's sun and their home world altogether. As they arrived on Earth, the Visitors helped in the foundation of TLT and their technologies. Through the forms of Earth jellyfish, they took residence within the Fortress Freedom's neutrino tank from which they constantly communicating with Illustrator.
In aftermath of The Next's battle in Shinjuku during 2004, the Visitors deploy their creation Lethe to erase the inhabitant's memories and erecting Potential Barriers to prevent the Space Beasts from entering populated areas. In the span of five years however, the Visitor's influence grew weaker, which led to Zagi's infiltration in Lethe.
;White Sweepers
The are white hazmat suit-wearing troopers whose responsible for cleaning up the remains of Beast cells in the combat field. Aside from wielding machine guns, they are transported through a.
Onscreen White Sweepers in episodes 1, 21 and 22 are portrayed by, and.

Chrome Chesters

When fighting against giant Space Beasts, Night Raider members can ride on aircraft units which possesses the to disguise their modus operandi and can transform into various configurations. While only four machines appeared in the entire series, it was mass-produced a year later as TLT expanded its ranks.
;Known models
;Chrome Chester Configurations
is a combination process of the Chrome Chesters to eradicate the Space Beasts. Each combination has different components and formations:

The Dark Giants

The were the adversaries of Ultraman Nexus, whose appearances resemble an Ultraman. Each had a human host designated as, but neither of them were counted as actual ones. Although much of their characteristic remain unknown, they emitted an opposite wavelength to Ultraman Nexus.
A common ability for them is to deploy a dark pocket dimension called, which neutralizes Nexus' Meta-Field and caused disruption in radio waves. It also empowers both Dark Giants and Space Beasts alike while preventing Nexus from exerting his full power.

Dark Zagi

The is the major antagonist of ULTRA N PROJECT, as well as the final villain in Ultraman Nexus. Alternatively, he is also known as, due to his resemblance to Ultraman Noa and by TLT before his cover was blown.
Dark Zagi was originally a biological weapon created by the Visitors in the likeness of Ultraman Noa as their protector from Space Beast assaults. Designated, he was equipped with a self-evolution program which allows him to counter the Space Beasts' ability to grow stronger upon predation. Unfortunately Zagi was awakened with a distorted awareness and went rogue from the revelation that he is a mere imitation of Ultraman Noa. The Visitors try to destroy their creation by self-detonating their home world, but this created a black hole which Zagi exploited to invade the Land of Light, fighting against the Space Garrisons before Noa dragged him back. After an intense battle between the two giants, Dark Zagi lost his physical body while Noa was devolved into The Next due to sealing the aforementioned black hole.
Zagi arrived on Earth in 1991 as he possessed and killed the members of his research team, save for the young Nagi to plant hatred into her. In the early days of the Night Raiders, Zagi joined the group as their analyzer and bio-weapon expert to spy on Nagi's development. It was also from this point that he corrupted Mizorogi into Dark Mephisto and killing Riko as a host for Dark Faust. Four years after Beast the One's destruction, Ishibori continues to strengthen Nexus through his fight with Space Beasts while actively supporting said monsters after the deaths of his Dark Giants. During Ren's final days as a Dunamist, Ishibori created Ezmael as the final push to strengthen Nexus. As the light chose Nagi, he dropped his cover and attacked the entire TLT facility before provoking the former into Nexus and him absorbing its power. Restored to his original form, Dark Zagi marched his way on Shinjuku while facing Nexus on his forms before said hero restored to his original form, Noa, turning the tides of the battle as Dark Zagi exploded during a beam struggle on Earth's orbit.
In the form of Mitsuhiko Ishibori, the Unknown Hand is capable of maintaining his human shell's youthful appearance for almost 2 decades and utilizing the skills of a hacker. He still maintain his original powers, such as remotely deploying to secure or empowering a Space Beast's regenerative factor or creating other Dark Giants. As Dark Zagi, he possessed all twisted counterparts of Ultraman Noa's techniques, including his own finisher. The lack of Noa Aegis and his color schemes are his only distinction from his rival and his mere presence can cause a simultaneous global-scale Beast attack.
Mitsuhiko Ishibori/Hajime Yamaoka is portrayed by, who also voiced Dark Zagi. In a scrapped planning, the last episode would have included a fight between Noa and Zagi in outer space.

Dark Faust

is a clown-themed female Dark Giant, as well as Himeya's first adversary during his active period as Nexus.
A year prior to Ultraman Nexus, Komon's kind-hearted artist girlfriend was ambushed by the Space Beast Nosferu, who killed the rest of her family members. Mizorogi killed her on the spot as Dark Faust assimilated with her to revive the girl. Since then, Riko lives a delusional life wherein her family members were still alive as Dark Faust occasionally surfaced to fight Nexus. The Dark Ultra had fought Nexus on two occasions to support the Space Beasts Bugbuzun and Lafleya. By the time Riko discovered her double life and the fact that she shared her injuries with Faust, the Dark Ultra gained full control of her body and engaged in a final fight with Nexus until Riko's consciousness resurfaced. When Nosferu attempted to kill Komon, Riko/Faust shielded him at the cost of her own before Nexus open fired with Cross-Ray Schtrom. Riko dissipated into light as Komon took a long time to recover.
Dark Faust's main ability is to corrupt Nexus' Meta-Field with her Dark Field and absorb the Ultra's own light energy. Her finisher is.
Dark Faust is voiced by and Riko Saida is portrayed by. The revelation of Faust's true gender as female was only highlighted in the magazine but design, voice and action wise were purposely portrayed to resemble otherwise.

Dark Mephisto

Black Devil Dark Mephisto is the second Dark Giant in the series to appear and took over Faust's role in antagonizing Nexus after her demise. He is themed after the Grim Reaper, with visible motifs of rib cage and spine.
His human host is Shinya Mizorogi, a former sub-captain of Night Raider and former accomplice of Nagi, who originally received the dream of ancient ruins that most of Nexus' Dunamists experienced. During one mission, Shinya and Nagi formed a pact to kill each other should any of them brainwashed into a Beast Human but while separated, he was contacted by Dark Mephisto, who sway Mizorogi to his side. Ever since then, Mizorogi disappeared and overseer the Space Beast attacks, including the murder of Riko Saida under his master 's request.
In the present day, Mizorogi/Mephisto try to sway Komon and Nagi to his side through various manipulation and mind games, but failed an instead delivering psychological attack to his foes, including Nexus and a young boy. He would later kidnap Himeya's colleague as a leverage for the Ultraman as he was killed by Kutuura in the Land of Dead. Before he could absorb Nexus' light to empower himself, the Night Raiders attacked him and revived the Ultra to full power. Nexus and Mephisto fought in a heated battle that ended with both sides seemingly perish. Mizorogi survived but remain amnesiac and lost his ability to become Mephisto. After being arrested by TLT to dissect the secret of an Ultra's power, Mizorogi escaped the facility with his memories returned and was shot in the back by Memory Police member Misawa, who becomes the new Mephisto. Wanting to redeem himself, Mizorogi's willpower allows him to transform for one final time into the original Dark Mephisto and grabbed his clone for Nexus Junis Blue to finish him. In his dying breath, Mizorogi apologized to Nagi and reveal that the Unknown Hand is among their ranks.
Mizorogi transforms into Dark Mephisto with the naginata, which can also be used to fire vacuum bullets in human form. As Dark Mephisto, he retained the use of ESP from his human form and is armed with the from his right hand, allowing him to erect the Dark Field with on his own or exuding for melee combat. His finishing move is, which had the same strength as Nexus Junis' Over-Ray Schtrom. After his seeming demise from the final battle with Himeya, Mizorogi regains the ability to transform into Mephisto by absorbing nearby lights, signifying his redemption before death.
Shinya Mizorogi is portrayed by. Dark Mephisto was originally meant to have a separate voice actor until Takeshi Yagi chooses to have Mitsutoshi's voice being altered for the Dark Ultra.

Dark Mephisto (Zwei)

Black Devil Dark Mephisto is a copy of Dark Mephisto created by Unknown Hand as he possessed the Memory Police officer Hiroyuki Misawa. Hiroyuki ambushed Mizorogi in his attempt to run from TLT's Fortress Freedom and transformed to attack Nagi, Komon and Yayoi. As he managed to overpower Nexus Junis Blue, Mizorogi joined the fray as the original Mephisto to fight his clone before giving an opening for Nexus to finish both of them.
As with the original Mephisto, Misawa can transform with his own Dark Evolver. While physically identical to his predecessor, Zwei's initial black eyes turned red and displayed abilities that are superior to the original Mephisto, including,, and the ability to siphon Nexus' energy through his Energy Core.
Hiroyuki Misawa is portrayed by.

Dark Lucifer

is the final Dark Giant of the ULTRA N PROJECT, who appeared in Dreams, a novel bundled with the DVD release of Ultraman Nexus in 2012. Masquerading as a retired Memory Police officer, Lucifer begins erasing his targets of their memories being attacked by Space Beasts. The Memoraser he wielded also double as his transformation item and fight against Ultraman Noa, whose bonded to both Komon and Nagi.
Dark Lucifer is actually one of the unused concept as a result of Ultraman Nexus being put to an abrupt end. Its appearance is based on the Divine Comedy, with masks of Dark Faust and Mephisto on each side of his neck. The original concept was for Dark Lucifer to be Mitsuhiko Ishibori's transformed state instead of his creator, Dark Zagi. Additionally, Lucifer would have took up the role of the second last boss of the series, which was given to the combined Space Beast, Ezmael.

Other characters

;The Next
The are extraterrestrial monsters that served as major antagonists of ULTRA N PROJECT. They are capable of growing rapidly by obtaining information and feed on the fears of intellectual life forms. Due to this, they naturally prey on human beings. Each individual emits wave from internal organs to share information, and can evolve to fight against their enemies. The Dark Giants, including Unknown Hand can manipulate then and strengthen a Space Beast with the Dark Field.
Their true identity are extraterrestrial life forms that ravaged the Messier 80, the Visitors' home world. The Beast Oscillation Waves resonated with the fears of intelligent life forms which gave birth to these monsters. Although the threat of Space Beast were reduced through Noa's presence, the Visitors' anti-Beast weapon Ultinoid Zagi went rogue and enhanced the Beast, endangering their home planet once more. To erase their mistake, they try to detonate their planet to destroy both the Beasts and their creation, but said monsters were reduced to X Neutrino by Zagi's hand and fell on Earth.
According to Sara Mizuhara, since the Beasts prey on human fear, their presence would be shrouded by the TLT, as massive outbreak by citizens would signify the end of the Earth. Potential Barriers were erected by the Visitors in populated area to prevent these monsters from trespassing, but continuous appearance of Megaflash, Galberos and Ezmael in Aoba New Town caused the barriers to be weakened. Furthermore, Space Beasts continued to appear even after Zagi's demise, but its threat had been significantly under control by the expanded TLT.
The Space Beasts are designed by Yasushi Torisawa. As the last season Ultraman Cosmos emphasizes coexistence with monsters, the Space Beasts are incapable of coexisting with others and needed to be destroyed. Apart from that, the resemblance of Space Beasts in Nexus are also compared to Beast the One. Since the show had budget constraints, most appearing Space Beasts are modifications from past monster suits of Ultra Series. As a creature incapable of coexisting with humans, the Space Beasts are not treated as "monsters", but as "alien life forms".