List of University of Michigan legislator alumni
Where the date or fact of graduation is uncertain, "" is used to indicate "matriculated, did not graduate."
Legislator A
, a Congressional Representative from Illinois- Edward Payson Allen, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Gideon Winans Allen, Wisconsin State Assemblyman
- John Beard Allen, a Delegate from the Territory of Washington and a Senator from Washington
- Leo Elwood Allen, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Justin Amash, the United States representative-elect for Michigan's 3rd congressional district
- Clinton Presba Anderson, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from New Mexico
- Daniel Read Anthony, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- Henry Fountain Ashurst, a Senator from Arizona
Legislators B
- Donald Allen Bailey, a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania
- Joseph Edward Baird, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Lucien Baker, a Senator from Kansas
- Bert Andrew Bandstra, a Congressional Representative from Iowa
- Henry Towne Bannon, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Samuel Willard Beakes, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Rand Beers
- Alvin Morell Bentley, served as vice consul and secretary with the United States Diplomatic Corps in Mexico
- Michael D. Bishop, State of Michigan Senate Majority Leader
- Roswell Peter Bishop , a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- William Wallace Blackney, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Melvin Morella Boothman, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- William Patterson Borland, a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- Samuel Myron Brainerd, a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania
- Abraham Lincoln Brick, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- William McNulty Brodhead, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Marriott Brosius, a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania
- Arthur Brown, a Senator from Utah
- Charles Bruce Brownson, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Ferdinand Brucker, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- William John Bulow, a Senator from South Dakota
- Anson Burlingame, a Congressional Representative from Massachusetts
Legislators C to E
- Benjamin Taylor Cable, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Martha Hughes Cannon, on November 3, 1896, became the first woman elected as a state senator in the United States
- William Randolph Carpenter, a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- William Wallace Chalmers, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Walter Marion Chandler, a Congressional Representative from New York
- John Logan Chipman, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Ralph Edwin Church, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Robert Henry Clancy, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Kit Francis Clardy, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Raymond Francis Clevenger, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- George Pierre Codd, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Don Byron Colton, a Congressional Representative from Utah
- George Hamilton Combs, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- Solomon Gilman Comstock, a Congressional Representative from Minnesota
- Michael Francis Conry, a Congressional Representative from New York
- Allen Foster Cooper, a Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania
- Royal Samuel Copeland, a Senator from New York
- John Kissig Cowen, a Congressional Representative from Maryland
- William Elijah Cox, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Louis Convers Cramton, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Philip Miller Crane, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Fred Lewis Crawford, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- George William Crockett, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Maurice Edgar Crumpacker, elected as a Republican to the Sixty-ninth and Seventieth Congresses
- Shepard J. Crumpacker, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Paul Harvey Cunningham, a Congressional Representative from Iowa
- Gilbert Archibald Currie, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Byron M. Cutcheon, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Archibald Bard Darragh, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Cushman Kellogg Davis, a Senator from Minnesota
- Stephen Albion Day, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Marion De Vries, a Representative from California
- John Richard Dellenback, a Congressional Representative from Oregon
- Gerrit John Diekema, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Charles Coles Diggs, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Francis Henry Dodds, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Sheridan Downey, elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate
- Robert Blackford Duncan, a Congressional Representative from Oregon
- Warren Joseph Duffey, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Robert F. Ellsworth, a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- Marvin Leonel Esch, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Robert Emory Evans, a Congressional Representative from Nebraska
Legislators F to G
- John Franklin Farnsworth, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Homer Samuel Ferguson, a Senator from Michigan
- Woodbridge Nathan Ferris, a Senator from Michigan
- Peter G. Fitzgerald, a Senator from Illinois
- George Ford, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Michigan, Vice President, and thirty-eighth President of the United States
- Harold Ford, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Tennessee
- Hiram Robert Fowler, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Louis Frey, Jr., a Congressional Representative from Florida
- Frank Ballard Fulkerson, a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- Harry Conrad Gahn, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- John James Gardner, a Congressional Representative from New Jersey
- Richard Andrew Gephardt, a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- Ernest Willard Gibson LAW: 1899), a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Vermont
- Joseph John Gill, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Paul Gillmor, Congressman, Ohio 5th
- Paul Eugene Gillmor, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Robert Henry Gittins, a Congressional Representative from New York
- Dan Glickman, a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- James Stephen Golden, a Congressional Representative from Kentucky
- Stephen Goldsmith, Mayor of Indianapolis 1992-99; US Army Reserve 1968–74
- James William Good, a Congressional Representative from Iowa
- William Gordon, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- James Sedgwick Gorman, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Jim Graham, a Democrat representing Ward 1
- Levi Thomas Griffin, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Robert Paul Griffin, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Michigan
- Martha Wright Griffiths, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
Legislators H to J
- William Flavius Lester Hadley, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- John Eugene Harding, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Darius Dodge Hare, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Byron Berry Harlan, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- William H. Harries, a Congressional Representative from Minnesota
- Philip Aloysius Hart, was a Senator from Michigan
- Dow Watters Harter, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- James Harvey, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Nils Pederson Haugen, a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin
- Walter Ingalls Hayes, a Congressional Representative from Iowa
- Guy T. Helvering, a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- Charles Belknap Henderson, a Senator from Nevada
- John Earl Henderson, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Joseph Lister Hill, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Alabama
- William Henry Hinebaugh, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- John Carl Williams Hinshaw, a Representative from California
- Gilbert Monell Hitchcock, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Nebraska
- Peter Hoekstra, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Adoniram Judson Holmes, a Congressional Representative from Iowa
- Craig Hosmer, a Representative from California
- Jay Abel Hubbell, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- William Leonard Hungate, a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- J. Edward Hutchinson, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Orange Jacobs, a Delegate from the Territory of Washington
- Albert Webb Jefferis, a Congressional Representative from Nebraska
- Adna Romulus Johnson, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Bartel John Jonkman, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
Legislators K
- Marcia Carolyn "Marcy" Kaptur, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Nancy Kassebaum, a Senator from Kansas
- Frank Bateman Keefe, a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin
- Edwin William Keightley, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Patrick Henry Kelley, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Joseph Morgan Kendall, a Congressional Representative from Kentucky
- Mark Kennedy, a former member of the U.S. Congress from Minnesota
- John Worth Kern, a Senator from Indiana
- Winfield Scott Kerr, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Dale Kildee, Congressman, U.S. Congressman
- Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Henry Mahlon Kimball, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Moses Pierce Kinkaid, a Congressional Representative from Nebraska
- Snyder Solomon Kirkpatrick, a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- Milton Kraus, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
Legislators L
- James Laird, a Congressional Representative from Nebraska
- Frederick Landis, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Oscar John Larson, a Congressional Representative from Minnesota
- Steven C. LaTourette, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Scott Leavitt, a Congressional Representative from Montana
- John Camillus Lehr, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- John Jacob Lentz, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Elliott Harris Levitas, a Congressional Representative from Georgia
- William Lewis, a Congressional Representative from Kentucky
- Roland Victor Libonati, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Charles August Lindbergh, a Congressional Representative from Minnesota
- Cyrus Locher, a Senator from Ohio
- Oren Ethelbirt Long, a Senator from Hawaii
- Alfred Lucking, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
Legislators M
- Verner Wright Main, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Carl Edgar Mapes, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Ernest Whitworth Marland, a Congressional Representative from Oklahoma
- Eben Wever Martin, a Congressional Representative from South Dakota
- William Cotter Maybury, a Representative from Michigan
- James Henry Mays, a Congressional Representative from Utah
- Porter James McCumber, a Senator from North Dakota
- Jonas Hartzell McGowan, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Robert John McIntosh, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- James Campbell McLaughlin, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Rolla Coral McMillen, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- George Meader, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Rice William Means, a Senator from Colorado
- Carrie P. Meek, member of the Florida state house of representatives
- George de Rue Meiklejohn, a Congressional Representative from Nebraska
- David Henry Mercer, a Congressional Representative from Nebraska
- William Smith Mesick, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Earl Cory Michener, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Seth Crittenden Moffatt, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- James William Murphy, a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin
Legislators N to O
- Lucien Norbert Nedzi, a Congressional Representative 1952
- James Carson Needham, a Congressional Representative from California
- John Stoughton Newberry, was appointed the first provost marshal for the State of Michigan
- Edward Thomas Noonan, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Charles Gibb Oakman, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- James Grant O’Hara, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- John Henry O’Neall, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Theobald Otjen, a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin
- James W. Owens, a Representative from Ohio
Legislators P to Q
- Jasper Packard, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Thomas Witherell Palmer, Senator from Michigan
- Seymour Howe Person, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Samuel Ritter Peters, a Congressional Representative from Kansas
- Augustus Herman Pettibone, a Congressional Representative from Tennessee
- William Wallace Phelps, a Congressional Representative from Minnesota
- John Alfred Pickler, a Congressional Representative from South Dakota
- Walter Marcus Pierce, a Congressional Representative from Oregon
- Frank Plumley, a Congressional Representative from Vermont
- John Edward Porter, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Robert Jones "Rob" Portman, a lawyer and the junior United States Senator from Ohio
- Tom Price, a Congressional Representative from Georgia
- Joseph Very Quarles, a Senator from Wisconsin
Legislators R
- Clark T. Randt, U.S. Congressman
- Henry Augustus Reeves, a Congressional Representative from New York
- John Birchard Rice, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Donald Wayne Riegle, Jr., a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Michigan
- Dick Riordan, Mayor of Los Angeles 1993-2001
- Lynn Nancy Rivers, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Mike Rogers, Congressman, Michigan 8th
- Philip Edward Ruppe, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Jon Daniel Runyan, 2010 congressman-elect for
Legislators S
- Ken Salazar, a Senator from Colorado, Secretary of the Interior
- John J. H. Schwarz, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Frank Douglas Scott, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- John Franklin Shafroth, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Colorado
- William Graves Sharp, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- John M. C. Smith, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Samuel William Smith, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Horace Greeley Snover, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Neil Oliver Staebler, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Robert Theodore Stafford, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Vermont
- Ozora P. Stearns, a Senator from Minnesota
- K. William Stinson, a Congressional Representative from Washington
- Byron Gray Stout, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- George Sutherland, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Utah
- Edwin Forrest Sweet, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Oscar William Swift, a Congressional Representative from New York
Legislators T
- John Charles Tarsney, a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- Timothy Edward Tarsney, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Edward Thomas Taylor, a Congressional Representative from Colorado
- Charles Spalding Thomas, a Senator from Colorado
- Henry Franklin Thomas, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Charles A. Towne, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Minnesota and a Representative from New York
- Charles Elroy Townsend, a Representative and a Senator from Michigan
- Jerald F. ter Horst, AB 1947. Gerald Ford's short-term press secretary
Legislators U to Z
- Frederick Stephen Upton, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg, a Senator from Michigan
- Guy Adrian Vander Jagt, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Bird J. Vincent, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Weston Edward Vivian, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- James Franklin Ware, Wisconsin State Assembly and Senate
- William Warner, a Congressional Representative and a Senator from Missouri
- Thaddeus Francis Boleslaw Wasielewski, a Congressional Representative from Wisconsin
- Charles Winfield Waterman, a Senator from Colorado
- Thomas Addis Emmet Weadock, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- John Stanley Webster, a Congressional Representative from Washington
- William Walter Wedemeyer, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Alvin F. Weichel, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Carl May Weideman, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Adonijah Strong Welch, a Senator from Florida
- Benjamin Franklin Welty, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- Charles Stuart Wharton, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Burton Kendall Wheeler, a Senator from Montana
- John Jefferson Whitacre, a Congressional Representative from Ohio
- John Daugherty White, a Congressional Representative from Kentucky
- Robert Henry Whitelaw, a Congressional Representative from Missouri
- Justin Rice Whiting, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Alexander Wiley, a Senator from Wisconsin
- Edwin Willits, a Congressional Representative from Michigan
- Edgar Wilson, a Congressional Representative from Idaho
- William Warfield Wilson, a Congressional Representative from Illinois
- Thomas Jefferson Wood, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- William Robert Wood, a Congressional Representative from Indiana
- Rebecca Young, Wisconsin State Assembly