List of airports in Cambodia

This is a list of airports in Cambodia, sorted by location. Cambodia has only 3 major operating airports with commercial flights. The State Secretariat of Civil Aviation oversees the operations of all airports in Cambodia.
Cambodia, officially the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country in Southeast Asia that borders Thailand to the west and northwest, Laos to the north and Vietnam to the east and southeast. In the south it faces the Gulf of Thailand. Phnom Penh is the capital and largest city. Siem Reap, a city located near the famed ruins of Angkor Wat is the gateway to the Angkor region, and is Cambodia's main destination for tourism. Battambang, the largest city in western Cambodia, is known for its rice production and Sihanoukville, a coastal city, is the primary sea port.
A fourth international airport in Koh Kong Province was announced in September 2016.


Airport names shown in bold indicate the airport has scheduled service on commercial airlines.
City servedProvinceICAOIATAAirport nameCoordinates
Ban LungRatanakiriVDRKRBERatanakiri Airport
BattambangBattambangVDBGBBMBattambang Airport
Kampong ChamKampong ChamVDKCKCAKampong Cham Airport
Kampong ChhnangKampong ChhnangVDKHKZCKampong Chhnang Airport
Kampong ThomKampong ThomKZKKampong Thom Airport
KampotKampotKMTKampot Airport
Koh KongKoh KongVDKKKKZKoh Kong Airport
KrakorPursatVDSYKZDKrakor Airport
KratiéKratiéVDKTKTIKratié Airport
PailinPailinPAIPailin Airport
Phnom PenhPhnom PenhVDPPPNHPhnom Penh International Airport
SenmonoromMondulkiriVDMKMWVMondulkiri Airport
Siem ReapSiem ReapVDSRREPSiem Reap International Airport
SihanoukvilleSihanoukvilleVDSVKOSSihanouk International Airport
Stung TrengStung TrengVDSTTNXStung Treng Airport
Svay RiengSvay RiengSVRSvay Rieng Airport
Thbeng MeancheyPreah VihearOMYThbeng Meanchey Airport