List of arrondissements of France

contains 332 arrondissements.

Complete list

Lists by departments">departments of France">departments

#DepartmentList of arrondissements
01AinArrondissements of the Ain department
02AisneArrondissements of the Aisne department
03AllierArrondissements of the Allier department
04Alpes-de-Haute-ProvenceArrondissements of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department
05Hautes-AlpesArrondissements of the Hautes-Alpes department
06Alpes-MaritimesArrondissements of the Alpes-Maritimes department
07ArdècheArrondissements of the Ardèche department
08ArdennesArrondissements of the Ardennes department
09AriègeArrondissements of the Ariège department
10AubeArrondissements of the Aube department
11AudeArrondissements of the Aude department
12AveyronArrondissements of the Aveyron department
13Bouches-du-RhôneArrondissements of the Bouches-du-Rhône department
14CalvadosArrondissements of the Calvados department
15CantalArrondissements of the Cantal department
16CharenteArrondissements of the Charente department
17Charente-MaritimeArrondissements of the Charente-Maritime department
18CherArrondissements of the Cher department
19CorrèzeArrondissements of the Corrèze department
2ACorse-du-SudArrondissements of the Corse-du-Sud department
2BHaute-CorseArrondissements of the Haute-Corse department
21Côte-d'OrArrondissements of the Côte-d'Or department
22Côtes-d'ArmorArrondissements of the Côtes-d'Armor department
23CreuseArrondissements of the Creuse department
24DordogneArrondissements of the Dordogne department
25DoubsArrondissements of the Doubs department
26DrômeArrondissements of the Drôme department
27EureArrondissements of the Eure department
28Eure-et-LoirArrondissements of the Eure-et-Loir department
29FinistèreArrondissements of the Finistère department
30GardArrondissements of the Gard department
31Haute-GaronneArrondissements of the Haute-Garonne department
32GersArrondissements of the Gers department
33GirondeArrondissements of the Gironde department
34HéraultArrondissements of the Hérault department
35Ille-et-VilaineArrondissements of the Ille-et-Vilaine department
36IndreArrondissements of the Indre department
37Indre-et-LoireArrondissements of the Indre-et-Loire department
38IsèreArrondissements of the Isère department
39JuraArrondissements of the Jura department
40LandesArrondissements of the Landes department
41Loir-et-CherArrondissements of the Loir-et-Cher department
42LoireArrondissements of the Loire department
43Haute-LoireArrondissements of the Haute-Loire department
44Loire-AtlantiqueArrondissements of the Loire-Atlantique department
45LoiretArrondissements of the Loiret department
46LotArrondissements of the Lot department
47Lot-et-GaronneArrondissements of the Lot-et-Garonne department
48LozèreArrondissements of the Lozère department
49Maine-et-LoireArrondissements of the Maine-et-Loire department
50MancheArrondissements of the Manche department
51MarneArrondissements of the Marne department
52Haute-MarneArrondissements of the Haute-Marne department
53MayenneArrondissements of the Mayenne department
54Meurthe-et-MoselleArrondissements of the Meurthe-et-Moselle department
55MeuseArrondissements of the Meuse department
56MorbihanArrondissements of the Morbihan department
57MoselleArrondissements of the Moselle department
58NièvreArrondissements of the Nièvre department
59NordArrondissements of the Nord department
60OiseArrondissements of the Oise department
61OrneArrondissements of the Orne department
62Pas-de-CalaisArrondissements of the Pas-de-Calais department
63Puy-de-DômeArrondissements of the Puy-de-Dôme department
64Pyrénées-AtlantiquesArrondissements of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department
65Hautes-PyrénéesArrondissements of the Hautes-Pyrénées department
66Pyrénées-OrientalesArrondissements of the Pyrénées-Orientales department
67Bas-RhinArrondissements of the Bas-Rhin department
68Haut-RhinArrondissements of the Haut-Rhin department
69RhôneArrondissements of the Rhône department
70Haute-SaôneArrondissements of the Haute-Saône department
71Saône-et-LoireArrondissements of the Saône-et-Loire department
72SartheArrondissements of the Sarthe department
73SavoieArrondissements of the Savoie department
74Haute-SavoieArrondissements of the Haute-Savoie department
75ParisArrondissement of Paris
76Seine-MaritimeArrondissements of the Seine-Maritime department
77Seine-et-MarneArrondissements of the Seine-et-Marne department
78YvelinesArrondissements of the Yvelines department
79Deux-SèvresArrondissements of the Deux-Sèvres department
80SommeArrondissements of the Somme department
81TarnArrondissements of the Tarn department
82Tarn-et-GaronneArrondissements of the Tarn-et-Garonne department
83VarArrondissements of the Var department
84VaucluseArrondissements of the Vaucluse department
85VendéeArrondissements of the Vendée department
86VienneArrondissements of the Vienne department
87Haute-VienneArrondissements of the Haute-Vienne department
88VosgesArrondissements of the Vosges department
89YonneArrondissements of the Yonne department
90Territoire de BelfortArrondissements of the Territoire de Belfort department
91EssonneArrondissements of the Essonne department
92Hauts-de-SeineArrondissements of the Hauts-de-Seine department
93Seine-Saint-DenisArrondissements of the Seine-Saint-Denis department
94Val-de-MarneArrondissements of the Val-de-Marne department
95Val-d'OiseArrondissements of the Val-d'Oise department

Overseas departments of France
Mayotte has no arrondissements.
#DepartmentList of arrondissements
971GuadeloupeArrondissements of the Guadeloupe department
972MartiniqueArrondissements of the Martinique department
973GuyaneArrondissements of the Guyane department
974RéunionArrondissements of the Réunion department