List of cities administered by the Palestinian Authority

The following is a list of cities administered by the Palestinian National Authority. After the 1995 Interim Agreements, the Palestinian National Authority took control of civil affairs in both designated Areas, A and B, where most Palestinian population centers are located. Israel Defense Forces are responsible for security in Area B in the West Bank and have full control over localities in Area C.
Following the 2007 rift between the main two Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, the PNA has been split with the former dominating the Palestinian government in the West Bank and the latter controlling the Gaza Strip.

Local regulations

The Local Government Ministry of the Palestinian National Authority is responsible for granting a town with city or municipality status. However, there is no specific guidelines for a particular locality to achieve the status of Palestinian city. It is mostly judged on the population reaching above 20,000. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics took its latest official census in 2007.

List of cities

The largest city in the Gaza Strip and all of Palestine is Gaza City and the largest Palestinian city in the West Bank is Hebron. Some cities form agglomerations with other towns or cities, such as the Bethlehem metropolitan area with Beit Jala and Beit Sahour. Ramallah and al-Bireh also form an agglomeration and are often considered a single city.
The following is a list of all Palestinian cities under Ramallah-administration, their governorates, their specific jurisdictions and their populations according to the 2007 census and the 2015 estimate by the PCBS.

Common NameArabic NameGovernorateJurisdictionPopulation Population
Abasan al-Kabiraعبسان الكبيرةKhan YunisArea A18,41323,198
Abu Disأبو ديسJerusalemArea B10,78212,385
Bani Na'imبني نعيمHebronArea A, Area B20,08425,698
Bani Suheilaبني سهيلاKhan YunisArea A31,70339,941
Beit Hanounبيت حانونNorth GazaArea A38,04751,073
Beit Jalaبيت جالاBethlehemArea A, Area C11,75814,419
Beit Lahiaبيت لاهياNorth GazaArea A64,45786,526
Beit Sahourبيت ساحورBethlehemArea A12,36715,165
Beit Ummarبيت اُمّرHebronArea B13,54817,335
BeituniaبيتونياRamallah and al-BirehArea A19,76124,592
Bethlehem بيت لحمBethlehemArea A25,26630,983
al-BirehالبيرةRamallah and al-BirehArea A38,20247,540
Deir al-Balahدير البلحDeir al-BalahArea A54,43970,045
ad-DhahiriyaالظاهريةHebronArea A28,77636,820
DuraدورهHebronArea A28,26836,170
Gaza City غزةGazaArea A449,221566,331
HalhulحلحولHebronArea A22,12828,313
Hebron الخليلHebronArea A, Area B, Area C163,146208,750
IdhnaإذناHebronArea B19,01224,326
JabaliaجبالياNorth GazaArea A122,998165,110
JeninجنينJeninArea A39,00447,305
Jericho أريحاJerichoArea A18,34622,609
Khan Yunisخان يونسKhan YunisArea A142,637179,701
NablusنابلسNablusArea A126,132149,772
QabatiyaقباطيةJeninArea A19,19723,282
QalqilyaقلقيليهQalqilyaArea A41,73950,700
RafahرفحRafahArea A121,774158,414
Ramallahرام اللهRamallah and al-BirehArea A27,46034,173
Sa'irسعيرHebronArea B18,04523,089
as-SamuالسموعHebronArea A19,64925,141
SurifصوريفHebronArea B, Area C13,64817,535
TubasطوباسJeninArea A16,15420,801
TulkarmطولكرمTulkarmArea A51,30059,114
Ya'badيعبدJeninArea A13,64016,543
al-YamunاليامونJeninArea A16,38319,870
YattaيطّاHebronArea A48,67262,277
az-ZawaydaالزوايدهDeir al-BalahArea A16,93921,795

Mixed cities