List of colleges and universities in Arkansas

This is a list of colleges and universities in Arkansas. This list also includes other educational institutions providing higher education, meaning tertiary, quaternary, and, in some cases, post-secondary education.


Out-of-state institutions

AbbreviationAccrediting agency
AAMFTAmerican Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
AANAAmerican Association of Nurse Anesthetists
ABAAmerican Bar Association
ACICSAccrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools
ACMEAccreditation Commission for Midwifery Education
ACPEAccreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
ADAAmerican Dental Association
ADAAmerican Dietetic Association
AOTAAmerican Occupational Therapy Association
APAAmerican Psychological Association
APTAAmerican Physical Therapy Association
ASHAAmerican Speech–Language–Hearing Association
CCNECommission on Collegiate Nursing Education
JRCERTJoint Review Committee on Education Programs in Radiologic Technology
LCMELiaison Committee on Medical Education
MSCHEMiddle States Association of Colleges and Schools
NASADNational Association of Schools of Art and Design
NASDNational Association of Schools of Dance
NASMNational Association of Schools of Music
NASTNational Association of Schools of Theatre
HLCHigher Learning Commission
NCATENational Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NLNACNational League for Nursing