List of compositions by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

This is a list of compositions by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. It is sorted by H numbers, but the corresponding Wq. numbers are also shown.
C. P. E. Bach's works have been catalogued in different ways. The first comprehensive catalogue was that by Alfred Wotquenne first published in 1905, and this led to Wq. numbers being used. In 1989 E. Eugene Helm produced a revised catalogue, and H numbers are now also used.
The catalog assignment numbers listed here conform to an accepted concordance found between Wq. numbers and H numbers. They do not however reflect parallel chronologies in Bach's works. Helm's is now the preferred catalog for the works of CPE Bach. This listing also conforms substantially to the works given by Grove's Music Online. The New Complete Edition of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's works is nearly finished as of 2018 and their editorial work surpasses any other earlier organizational efforts in dating and cataloging the enormous output of C. P. E. Bach.

Solo keyboard