List of compositions by Reynaldo Hahn

This is a list of compositions by Reynaldo Hahn sorted by genre, date of composition, titles and scoring.
GenreDateFrench title English titleScoringNotes
Opera1891–1893L'île du rêveIdylle polynésienne in 3 acts; libretto by André Alexandre and Georges Hartmann after Pierre Loti
Opera1902La Carmélitefor soloists, chorus and orchestraComédie musicale in 4 acts; libretto by Catulle Mendès
Opera1908La pastorale de Noël, Mistèrefor soloists, chorus and orchestraChristmas Mystery in 3 acts; libretto by Léonel de La Tourasse and Charles Gailly de Taurines
Opera1914MiousicOpérette in 3 acts; co-composed with Charles Lecocq and André Messager; libretto by Paul Ferrier
Opera1919NausicaaNausicaafor soloists, chorus and orchestraOpéra comique in 3 acts; libretto by René Fauchois
Opera1919Fête triomphaleOpéra in 3 acts; libretto by St. Georges de Bouhélier
Opera1921La colombe de Bouddhafor soloists, chorus and orchestraConte lyrique japonais in 1 act; libretto by André Alexandre
Opera1923CibouletteCiboulettefor soloists, chorus and orchestraOpérette in 3 acts; libretto by Robert de Flets and Francis de Croisset
1933 film version Ciboulette directed by Claude Autant-Lara
Opera1925MozartMozartfor soloists and orchestraComédie musicale in 3 acts; libretto by Sacha Guitry
Opera1926Une revuefor soloists, chorus and orchestraComédie musicale in 1 act; libretto by Maurice Donnay and Henri Duvernois
Opera1926Le temps d'aimerfor soloists, chorus and orchestraComédie musicale in 3 acts; libretto by Pierre Wolff, Henri Duvernois and Hugues Delorme
Opera1930–1931BrummelBrummelfor soloists, chorus and orchestraOpérette in 3 acts, 5 scenes; libretto by Rip and Robert Dieudonné
Opera1932–1933Ô mon bel inconnufor soloists and orchestraComédie musicale in 3 acts; libretto by Sacha Guitry
Opera1935Le marchand de VeniseThe Merchant of Venicefor soloists, chorus and orchestraOpéra in 3 acts; libretto by Miguel Zamacoïs after the play by William Shakespeare
Opera1935MalvinaMalvinaOpérette in 3 acts; libretto by Maurice Donnay and Henri Duvernois
Opera1936Beaucoup de bruit pour rienMuch Ado About NothingComédie musicale in 4 acts; libretto by Jean Sarment after the play by William Shakespeare
Opera1942Le oui des jeunes fillesComédie lyrique in 3 acts; libretto by René Fauchois after Leandro Fernández de Moratín; orchestrated by Büsser
Ballet1892Fin d'amourBallet-pantomime; libretto by Eugène Berrier
Ballet1909La fête chez ThérèseBallet-pantomime in 2 acts; libretto by Catulle Mendès
Ballet1909Les fêtes de l'hymen et de l'amourBallet
Ballet1910Le bois sacréBallet-pantomime in 1 act, 2 scenes; libretto by Edmond Rostand
Ballet1912Le dieu bleuBallet in 1 act; libretto by Jean Cocteau and Frédéric de Madrazo
Ballet1925Degas, Suite de dansesBallet for Carina Ari
Ballet1932ValsesBallet for Carina Ari; orchestration of piano music by Johannes Brahms
Ballet1937Aux bosquets d'ItalieBallet in 2 scenes; libretto by Abel Hermant
Incidental music1890L'obstacle
for pianoIntroduction and 10 waltzes
Piano1902–1910Le rossignol éperdu, 53 Poèmes
The Bewildered Nightingale, 53 Poems
for piano
Piano19047 Berceuses for piano 4-hands

6. for piano 3-hands
Piano1904Variations puériles sur une mélodie de Carl ReineckePuerile Variations on a Melody of Carl Reineckefor piano 4-hands
Piano1905Bacchante endormiefor piano
Piano1905Pavane d'AngeloPavane in B major from Angelo, tyran de Padouefor pianofrom the incidental music for the play by Victor Hugo
original for orchestra; transcription by the composer
Piano1907Sonatine en ut majeurSonatina in C majorfor piano
Piano1909Canon dans le mode phrygienCanon in Phrygian Modefor piano
Piano1909Thème varié sur le nom de HaydnTheme and Variations on the Name of Haydn in G majorfor piano
Piano1910Les fêtes de l'hymen et de l'amour ou Les dieux de l'Egyptefor pianotranscription of a piece by Jean-Philippe Rameau
Piano1911Préface en musiquefor piano
Piano1915Le ruban dénoué, 12 valses à 2 pianos et une mélodie The Untied Ribbon, 12 Waltzes for 2 Pianos and a Songfor 2 pianos

13. for voice and piano

13. words by Victor Hugo
Piano1915Les jeunes lauriers, Marche militaire en si bémol majeurLes jeunes lauriers, Military March in B majorfor piano
Piano1915Pour bercer un convalescent for 2 pianos
Piano19272 Études2 Étudesfor piano
Choral1888–1933Le pauvre d'AssiseOratorio
Choral1890Aubade espagnolefor tenor, male chorus and pianofrom the incidental music L'obstacle by Alphonse Daudet
also for 2 tenors, baritone and piano
Choral1896Cantique sur le bonheur des justes et le malheur des réprouvésfor female chorus and pianowords from Cantiques spirituels by Jean Racine; also for voice and piano
Choral1896Les Bretonnes, Duofor female chorus and pianowords by Charles Le Goffic; also for soprano, alto and piano
Choral1897Chanson de piratesfor 2 tenors and male chorus a cappellawords by Victor Hugo
Choral1897L'obscuritéfor mixed chorus a cappellawords by Victor Hugo
Choral1899–190010 Études latines for soloists, chorus and pianowords by Leconte de Lisle
9. also used as Mélodies, Book 1, No. 20
Choral1901O fons Bandusiæ!, Fragment d'une Ode d'Horacefor soprano, female chorus and orchestrawords by Horace
Choral1902Les muses pleurant la mort de Ruskinfor 9 female voices, female chorus and harp
Choral1908Prométhée triomphant, Poème lyriquefor soloists, chorus and orchestrawords by Paul Reboux
Choral1910Le rosier et la colombefor chorus a cappellawords by Jean Cocteau; published in La Revue musicale
Choral1911Aubade athéniennefor female chorus and pianowords by Paul Reboux; fragment d'un opéra esquissé
Choral1917Noctem quietamfor tenor, chorus and organ or piano
Choral1925À la lumièrefor mixed chorus a cappella words by Anatole France
Choral1938Tu es Petrus, Motetfor bass, chorus and organ
Choral1945Cathédrale de Strasbourg, Cantatefor tenor, chorus and orchestrawords by Louis Aragon
ChoralChœur pour célébrer l'heureuse arrivée d'Édouard Reisslerius for soloist, chorus and piano
Vocal1887–18907 Chansons grises for voice and pianowords by Paul Verlaine
Vocal1888–189620 Mélodies, 1er recueil 20 Songs, Book Ifor voice and piano

20. for bass, chorus and piano 4-hands

1. words by Victor Hugo
2. words by Victor Hugo
3. words by François Coppée
4. words by André Theuriet
5. words by Théodore de Banville
6. words by Théophile Gautier
7. words by Théodore de Banville; also choral version: No. 11 of Rondels
8. words by Paul Verlaine
9. words by Alphonse Daudet
10. words by Théophile Gautier
11. words by Paul Verlaine
12. words by Gabriel Vicaire
13. words by Léon Dierx
14. words by Paul Verlaine
15. words by Armand Renaud
16. words by Paul Verlaine
17. words by Théodore de Banville
18. words by Heinrich Heine
19. words by Jean Lahor
20. words by Leconte de Lisle; also used as No. 9 of Études latines
Vocal1890Aubade espagnolefor 2 tenors, baritone and pianofrom the incidental music L'obstacle by Alphonse Daudet
also for tenor, male chorus and piano
Vocal1891Aimons-nous!for voice and pianowords by Théodore de Banville
Vocal1891Au clair de lune, Conte en musique for narrator and pianotext and illustrations by Louis Montégut
Vocal1891Comme un crifor voice and pianowords by Théodore de Banville
Vocal1891Fleur de mon âmefor voice and piano
Vocal1891Naïofor voice and pianowords by Sully Prudhomme
Vocal1891Ressemblancefor voice and pianowords by Sully Prudhomme
Vocal18912 Mélodies 2 Songsfor voice and piano
Vocal1892Liedfor voice and pianowords by François Coppée
Vocal1892Hymnefor voice and pianowords by Victor Hugo
Vocal1892Le Bon reposfor voice and piano
Vocal1896Cantique sur le bonheur des justes et le malheur des réprouvésfor voice and pianowords from Cantiques spirituels by Jean Racine; also for female chorus and piano
Vocal1896Les Bretonnes, Duofor soprano, alto and pianowords by Charles Le Goffic
Vocal18962 Mélodies en allemand 2 Songsfor voice and pianowords by Heinrich Heine
Vocal1896Naguère au temps des églantinesfor voice and pianowords by Catulle Mendès
Vocal1896–192120 Mélodies, 2e recueil 20 Songs, Book IIfor voice and piano
1. words by Victor Hugo
2. words by Jean Racine; also for female chorus and piano
3. words by Augustine-Malvina Blanchecotte
4. words by Augustine-Malvina Blanchecotte
5. words by Jean Moréas
6. words by Catulle Mendès
7. words by Charles d'Orléans
8. words by Maurice Magre; from the incidental music Méduse
9. words by Sully Prudhomme
10. words by Jean Moréas; also used as No. 8 of Les feuilles blessées
11. words by Théodore de Banville
12. words by Jean Moréas; also used as No. 5 of Les feuilles blessées
13. words by Henri de Régnier
14. words by Théophile de Viau
15. words by Léopold Dauphin
16. words by Louis Hennevé; also known as Aux morts de Vauquois
17. words by Elena Văcărescu
18. words by Maurice Magre
19. words by Victor Hugo; also published with piano work Le ruban dénoué
20. words by Léon Guillot de Saix
Vocal1897Agnus Deifor soprano, baritone and organ
Vocal1897L'alouettefor voice and pianopublished in the collection L'âme enfantine, 50 Chansons pour les écoles by Marc Legrand, 1897
Vocal1897–189812 Rondels 12 Rondelsfor soloists, mixed chorus and piano
1. words by Théodore de Banville
2.words by Charles d'Orléans
3.~5. words by Théodore de Banville
6. words by Charles d'Orléans
7. words by Théodore de Banville
8. words by Charles d'Orléans
9.~11. words by Théodore de Banville
11. also vocal version: No. 7 of 20 Mélodies, 1er recueil
12. words by Catulle Mendès
Vocal1898Le Destin "Phèdre"for voice and piano
VocalEs-tu bien sûr que tu ne m'aimes pasfor voice and pianowords by Augustine-Malvina Blanchecotte
VocalPâques païennesfor voice and pianowords by "Vincent-Eloy", pseudonym of Albert Eloy-Vincent
VocalQue lentement passentfor voice and pianowords by Guillaume Apollinaire
VocalL'amourfor voice and piano
Vocal1899Le marchand des marronsfor voice and pianowords by Paul Collin
Vocal1899Adieu!Adieu!for voice and pianowords by Stéphan Bordèse; published in the collection Chansons de Page
Vocal1899Amour sans ailes Love without Wings for voice and pianowords by Mary Robinson
published 1899, 1904 and 1911
Vocal1900O SalutarisO Salutarisfor tenor and piano or organwords attributed to St. Francis of Assisi
Vocal1901À une étoilefor voice and pianowords by Alfred de Musset
Vocal1901Venezia, 6 Chansons en dialecte vénitien Venezia, 6 Songs in the Venetian Dialectfor voice and pianoFrench version by Maurice Léna
1. words by Pietro Pagello
2.~3. words by Pietro Buratti
4. words by Antonio Lamberti
5. words by Francesco Dall'Ongaro
6. words by Alvise Cicogna; paraphrase for piano by Albert Périlhou
Vocal1901–1906Les feuilles blessées for voice and pianowords by Jean Moréas

5. also used as No. 12 Dans la nuit from 20 Mélodies, 2e recueil

8. also used as No. 10 Fumée from 20 Mélodies, 2e recueil
Vocal1903J'ai caché dans la Rose en Pleurs!for voice and pianowords by Armand Silvestre
Vocal1904Avoir des ailes de colombeOh! For the Wings of a Dovefor voice and pianowords by Mary Robinson
Vocal1904SérénadeSérénadefor tenor, baritone and pianowords by Victor Hugo
Vocal1906Au pays musulmanfor voice and pianowords by Henri de Régnier
Vocal1907Chansons et madrigaux for 3 or 4 voices and piano
1., 5., 6. words by Charles d'Orléans
2. words by Jean-Antoine de Baïf
3. words by Agrippa d'Aubigné
4. anonymous 17th-century words; composed in the style of Antoine Boësset
Vocal1908Dans l'étéfor voice and pianowords by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Vocal1910Le rosier et la colombefor 2 voices a cappellawords by Jean Cocteau; published in La Revue musicale
Vocal1911Danse, petite sirènefor voice and piano words by Maurice Magre ; from the incidental music for Méduse
Vocal19155 Little Songs 5 Little Songs for voice and pianowords from A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson; French translation by Maurice Léna
Vocal1934La dame aux Camélias for voice and pianowords by Albert Willemetz
from the 1934 film score La Dame aux Camélias
sung by Yvonne Printemps
Vocal1947Chansons espagnoles for voice and pianowords by Léon Guillot de Saix
Vocal9 Mélodies retrouvées for voice and pianopublished posthumously in 1955
1.~2. words by Léon Guillot de Saix
3. words by Lucien Paté
4. words by Catulle Mendès
5.~6. anonymous words
7.~9. words by Léon Guillot de Saix