List of dialling codes in the Republic of Ireland

Country code: +353
International call prefix: 00
Trunk prefix: 0
This is a list of telephone dialling codes for Ireland. Fixed-line telephone users do not need to dial the dialling code when they are contacting someone else within their own area.

Geographic codes

Irish geographic codes generally correspond to the areas in the list below. Some exceptions and overlap may apply, as the codes reflect the evolution & technical history of the telephone network, rather than exact geographical county & town boundaries.

Dublin area (01)

CodeNumbering area

Cork area (02)

East, Midlands and Northern area (04)

Midlands and Southeast area (05)

Southwest area (06)

Northwest area (07)

Western area (09)

Mobile codes

Other codes

Special codes and numbers

These codes, unlike most of the above, cannot be dialled from abroad.
The following are special numbers dialled by themselves:
999 or 112Emergency services
13XXXCarrier Pre Select Codes
1471Last-call return
171Mobile and fixed line voicemail
172, 173, 174X and 179Reserved for network use
1901–1999Helpline / customer service numbers for telecommunications companies. All are free of charge.
199000Identifies current number on OpenEir PSTN & ISDN lines.

The following codes begin special phone numbers:
116Harmonised service of social value
118Directory enquiries services
151XPremium-rate numbers
15X0 Premium rate numbers
1598 and 1599Premium rate adult services
1800Freephone / Toll Free
1850Non-geographical due to be phased out.
1890Non-geographical due to be phased out.
1891Dial-up internet access, local rate
1892Dial-up internet access, pay as you go
1893Dial-up internet access, partial/full flat-rate
199Network engineering tests

The following prefix regular phone numbers in order to affect how they are handled:
13Carrier Selection - Allows users to select specific carriers, other than their default service. This will override carrier preselection.
141Withhold Caller ID -
142Present Caller ID

Legacy, Historic and Obsolete codes
03Calls to Great Britain
0300Premium Rate
08Calls to Northern Ireland
10Operator Assistance
114International Operator Assistance
1191Speaking clock
16Former International Access Code
17Callback tests