List of electromagnetism equations
This article summarizes equations in the theory of electromagnetism.
Here subscripts e and m are used to differ between electric and magnetic charges. The definitions for monopoles are of theoretical interest, although real magnetic dipoles can be described using pole strengths. There are two possible units for monopole strength, Wb and A m. Dimensional analysis shows that magnetic charges relate by qm = μ0 qm.Initial quantities
Electric quantities
Contrary to the strong analogy between gravitation and electrostatics, there are no "centre of charge" or "centre of electrostatic attraction" analogues.Electric transport
V = voltage, not volume.
Electric fields
a = charge separation
directed from -ve to +ve charge
Magnetic quantities
Magnetic transportA m,
n = 1, 2, 3
A m s−1
A m−1 s−1
Magnetic fields
Two definitions are possible:
using pole strengths,
using currents:
a = pole separation
N is the number of turns of conductor
most common:
using pole strengths,
1,2 subscripts refer to two conductors/inductors mutually inducing voltage/ linking magnetic flux through each other. They can be interchanged for the required conductor/inductor;
Electric circuits
DC circuits, general definitionsPower Supply
AC circuits
Magnetic circuits
N = number of turns of conductorElectromagnetism
Electric fields
General Classical EquationsMagnetic fields and moments
General classical equationsElectromagnetic induction
- N = number of turns of conductor
- η = energy efficiency