List of epics in Meitei language

, a 3500 years old Tibeto-Burman language of Manipur, India, is an archive of numerous epic poetries as well as epic prose.


Here is a list of the epics in Meitei literature:
SanamahismKhamba ThoibiThe tale of an orphan hero and a princess.
SanamahismNumit KappaThe tale of a hero who shoots one of the two Suns to create a night.
Sanamahism and HinduismCheitharol KumbabaOne of the longest chronological series of the Manipuri royalties.
SanamahismKonthoujam NongarolThe tale of Sky God Soraren, who kidnapped the Konthou princess Tampha to be his consort.
HinduismAwa NgambaThe heroic actions of Emperor Narasingh in his conquest of Awa kingdom.
SanamahismKhuman KangleirolThe chronicle of Khuman rulers of a couple of millennium.
VaisnavismSamsok NgambaThe heroic actions of the kingdom of Samsok by Emperor Pamheiba.
SanamahismHijan-HiraoThe contributions of Luwang Ningthou Punshiba in the invention of the great dragon boat, from the giant Uningthou tree.
VaisnavismTakhel NgambaThe heroic actions of Emperor Pamheiba in the conquest of the Tripura kingdom.
SanamahismMoirang KangleirolThe chronicle of Moilang emperors about a couple of millennium.
SanamahismKhagi NgambaThe heroic actions of Emperor Khagemba in the conquest of Khagi.
SanamahismChainarolThe chivalry of heroes, who combat for the fame of masculinity.
SecularShingel InduA complete masterpiece of Hijam Anganghal, about the irony of a lady named Indu.
SanamahismPoireiton KhunthokThe establishment of the Khuman Kingdom by King Poireiton in Kangleipak.
SanamahismNaothingkhong Phambal KabaThe tale of struggles of Prince Naothingkhong to ascend the Throne of Kangleipak.
SanamahismNumban Pombi LuwaobaThe tale of a hero who fights the God of death, to save his consort's life.
SecularJaheraThe irony of a Muslim Lady named Jahera who can't fulfill her love with a Hindu man, due to social and religious barriers.
VaisnavismKhongjom TirthaThe journey to Khongjom region, masterpiece of Nilabir Sharma