List of fictional counties

Fictional counties are locations within books, movies, television shows or songs, created for character placement and story background. Fictional counties, cities and towns are arrows in the fiction writers' quivers they lend an air of authenticity to the story, and since there are so many of them, readers find them to be a plausible addition that makes the story more realistic. Credible, well fleshed out, and named locales are integral to fictional world building.
William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County uses a convincing set of facts and details, and is a prototypical development of a place and time in a work of fiction. Faulkner often referred to Yoknapatawpha County as "my apocryphal county."
Fictional county maps are part of the creative process, and are part of selling the story. They sometimes combine existing cartographic information to present an imaginary location, or combine existing cartographic information to show a different perspective of a location. Absalom, Absalom! includes a map of Yoknapatawpha County drawn by Faulkner.

United Kingdom