List of forestry journals

This list includes representative academic, peer-reviewed journals in forestry, forest science and related fields. Included are several historic but still-publishing journals of forestry, traditional scientific forestry journals, and several newer, open-access journals. More than 180 forestry journals were being published in 2008.
JournalHomepagePublisherPublication HistoryLanguagePublication Frequency
Acta AmazonicaNational Institute of Amazonian Research1971–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Allgemeine Forst- und JagdzeitungJ.D. Sauerlaender's Verlag1825–presentGerman6 issues per year
Annals of Forest ScienceSpringer and French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment1923–presentEnglish 4 issues per year
ÁrvoreSociedade de Investigações Florestais1977–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Australian ForestryTaylor & Francis and Institute of Foresters of Australia1936–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Baltic ForestryLithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Vytautas Magnus University & Latvian State Forest Reseach Institute1995–presentEnglish2 issues per year
BosqueFacultad de Ciencias Forestales - Austral University of Chile1975–presentSpanish and English3 issues per year
Canadian Journal of Forest ResearchCanadian Science Publishing1971–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Ciência FlorestalFederal University of Santa Maria1991–presentPortuguese, English and Spanish4 issues per year
Croatian Journal of Forest EngineeringFaculty of Forestry - University of Zagreb2005–presentEnglish2 issues per year
DendrobiologyInstitute of Dendrology1955–presentEnglish and Polish 2 volumes per year
European Journal of Forest ResearchSpringer1857–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Floresta e AmbienteInstituto de Florestas - Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro1994–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Forest Ecology and ManagementElsevier1976–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Forest EcosystemsSpringer and Beijing Forestry University2014–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Forest Policy and EconomicsElsevier2000–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Forest ScienceOxford University Press and Society of American Foresters1955–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Forest Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis and Korean Society of Forest Science2005–presentEnglish4 issues per year
ForestsMDPI2010–presentEnglish12 issues per year
ForestryOxford University Press and Institute of Chartered Foresters1927–presentEnglish5 issues per year
iForestItalian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology2008–presentEnglish6 issues per year
The Indian ForesterIndian Council of Forestry Research and Education1875–presentEnglish12 issues per year
International Journal of Forest EngineeringTaylor & Francis and Forest Products Society1989–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Irish ForestrySociety of Irish Foresters1943–presentEnglish1 volume per year
Journal of Forest and Environmental ScienceInstitute of Forest Science - Kangwon National University1980–presentEnglish 4 issues per year
Journal of Forest ResearchTaylor & Francis and Japanese Forest Society1996–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Forest PlanningJapan Society of Forest Planning1995–presentEnglish1 volume per year
Journal of ForestryOxford University Press and Society of American Foresters1902–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Korean Society of Forest ScienceKorean Society of Forest Science1961–presentKorean4 issues per year
Journal of Tropical Forest ScienceForest Research Institute Malaysia1988–presentEnglish4 issues per year
MontesColegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes1868–presentSpanish4 issues per year
New ForestsSpringer1986–presentEnglish4 issues per year
New Zealand Journal of Forestry ScienceScion1971–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Pesquisa Florestal BrasileiraEmbrapa Florestas1980–presentPortuguese and EnglishContinuous, Online
QuebrachoFacultad de Ciencias Forestales - National University of Santiago del Estero1993–presentSpanish, English and Portuguese1 volume per year
Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias Forestales y del AmbienteChapingo Autonomous University1995–presentSpanish2-3 issues per year
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias ForestalesInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias2010–presentSpanish6 issues per year
Revista Forestal del PerúLa Molina National Agrarian University1967–presentSpanish2 issues per year
Revista Forestal VenezolanaFacultad de Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales - University of the Andes1958–presentSpanish2 issues per year
Revista pădurilorSocietatea Progresul Silvic1882–presentRomanian and English3-6 issues per year
Revue Forestière FrançaiseAgroParisTech1801–presentFrench6 issues per year
Scandinavian Journal of Forest ResearchTaylor & Francis and Nordic Forest Research1986–presentEnglish8 issues per year
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für ForstwesenSwiss Forest Society1850–presentGerman and French; occasionally English and Italian6 issues per year
Scottish ForestryRoyal Scottish Forestry Society1858–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Siberian Journal of Forest ScienceSiberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences2014–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Silva FennicaFinnish Society of Forest Science1926–presentEnglish, German, and FinnishContinuous, Online
Small-scale ForestrySpringer and International Union of Forest Research Organizations2002–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Southern ForestsTaylor & Francis, NISC and Southern African Institute of Forestry1938–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Šumarski listCroatian Forestry Society1876–presentCroatian12 issues per year
SylwanPolish Forest Society1820–presentPolish12 issues per year
Sylwan Polish Forest Society2004–presentEnglish12 issues per year