List of forestry journals
This list includes representative academic, peer-reviewed journals in forestry, forest science and related fields. Included are several historic but still-publishing journals of forestry, traditional scientific forestry journals, and several newer, open-access journals. More than 180 forestry journals were being published in 2008.
Journal | Homepage | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Acta Amazonica | National Institute of Amazonian Research | 1971–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung | J.D. Sauerlaender's Verlag | 1825–present | German | 6 issues per year | |
Annals of Forest Science | Springer and French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment | 1923–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Árvore | Sociedade de Investigações Florestais | 1977–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
Australian Forestry | Taylor & Francis and Institute of Foresters of Australia | 1936–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Baltic Forestry | Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Vytautas Magnus University & Latvian State Forest Reseach Institute | 1995–present | English | 2 issues per year | |
Bosque | Facultad de Ciencias Forestales - Austral University of Chile | 1975–present | Spanish and English | 3 issues per year | |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | Canadian Science Publishing | 1971–present | English | 12 issues per year | |
Ciência Florestal | Federal University of Santa Maria | 1991–present | Portuguese, English and Spanish | 4 issues per year | |
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering | Faculty of Forestry - University of Zagreb | 2005–present | English | 2 issues per year | |
Dendrobiology | Institute of Dendrology | 1955–present | English and Polish | 2 volumes per year | |
European Journal of Forest Research | Springer | 1857–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
Floresta e Ambiente | Instituto de Florestas - Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro | 1994–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Forest Ecology and Management | Elsevier | 1976–present | English | Continuous, Online | |
Forest Ecosystems | Springer and Beijing Forestry University | 2014–present | English | Continuous, Online | |
Forest Policy and Economics | Elsevier | 2000–present | English | Continuous, Online | |
Forest Science | Oxford University Press and Society of American Foresters | 1955–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
Forest Science and Technology | Taylor & Francis and Korean Society of Forest Science | 2005–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Forests | MDPI | 2010–present | English | 12 issues per year | |
Forestry | Oxford University Press and Institute of Chartered Foresters | 1927–present | English | 5 issues per year | |
iForest | Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology | 2008–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
The Indian Forester | Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education | 1875–present | English | 12 issues per year | |
International Journal of Forest Engineering | Taylor & Francis and Forest Products Society | 1989–present | English | 3 issues per year | |
Irish Forestry | Society of Irish Foresters | 1943–present | English | 1 volume per year | |
Journal of Forest and Environmental Science | Institute of Forest Science - Kangwon National University | 1980–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Journal of Forest Research | Taylor & Francis and Japanese Forest Society | 1996–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
Journal of Forest Planning | Japan Society of Forest Planning | 1995–present | English | 1 volume per year | |
Journal of Forestry | Oxford University Press and Society of American Foresters | 1902–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science | Korean Society of Forest Science | 1961–present | Korean | 4 issues per year | |
Journal of Tropical Forest Science | Forest Research Institute Malaysia | 1988–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Montes | Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes | 1868–present | Spanish | 4 issues per year | |
New Forests | Springer | 1986–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science | Scion | 1971–present | English | Continuous, Online | |
Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | Embrapa Florestas | 1980–present | Portuguese and English | Continuous, Online | |
Quebracho | Facultad de Ciencias Forestales - National University of Santiago del Estero | 1993–present | Spanish, English and Portuguese | 1 volume per year | |
Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente | Chapingo Autonomous University | 1995–present | Spanish | 2-3 issues per year | |
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias | 2010–present | Spanish | 6 issues per year | |
Revista Forestal del Perú | La Molina National Agrarian University | 1967–present | Spanish | 2 issues per year | |
Revista Forestal Venezolana | Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales - University of the Andes | 1958–present | Spanish | 2 issues per year | |
Revista pădurilor | Societatea Progresul Silvic | 1882–present | Romanian and English | 3-6 issues per year | |
Revue Forestière Française | AgroParisTech | 1801–present | French | 6 issues per year | |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research | Taylor & Francis and Nordic Forest Research | 1986–present | English | 8 issues per year | |
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen | Swiss Forest Society | 1850–present | German and French; occasionally English and Italian | 6 issues per year | |
Scottish Forestry | Royal Scottish Forestry Society | 1858–present | English | 3 issues per year | |
Siberian Journal of Forest Science | Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences | 2014–present | English | 6 issues per year | |
Silva Fennica | Finnish Society of Forest Science | 1926–present | English, German, and Finnish | Continuous, Online | |
Small-scale Forestry | Springer and International Union of Forest Research Organizations | 2002–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Southern Forests | Taylor & Francis, NISC and Southern African Institute of Forestry | 1938–present | English | 4 issues per year | |
Šumarski list | Croatian Forestry Society | 1876–present | Croatian | 12 issues per year | |
Sylwan | Polish Forest Society | 1820–present | Polish | 12 issues per year | |
Sylwan | Polish Forest Society | 2004–present | English | 12 issues per year |