List of forms of electricity named after scientists

This is a list of forms of electricity named after scientists. The terms in this list are mostly archaic usages but are found in many 19th and early 20th-century publications.


; faradic : Of electricity that is alternating, especially when obtained from an induction coil. Named after Michael Faraday who built the first electromagnetic generator.
; galvanic : Of electricity that is not alternating. Named after Luigi Galvani.
; voltaic : Of electricity derived from an electrochemical cell or battery. Named after Alessandro Volta who built the first battery, the voltaic pile. In most contexts it can be considered a synonym of galvanic.

Nouns (applications)

; Faradization : Electrotherapy treatment of a person with faradic electricity. Coined by Duchenne de Boulogne and named after Michael Faraday.
; Franklinization : Electrotherapy by charging a person to high voltage with static electricity. Named after Benjamin Franklin.
; d'Arsonvalization : Electrotherapy treatment of a person with high frequency electricity. Named after Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval.

Nouns (forms)

; Faradism : Faradic electricity
; Franklinism : High voltage static electricity as used in Franklinization
; Galvanism : Originally, voltaic electricity, but can also be used to distinguish Galvani's animal electricity from Volta's chemical/metal contact electricity