List of fugal works by Johann Sebastian Bach

This page lists the fugal works of Johann Sebastian Bach, defined here as the fugues, fughettas, and canons, as well as other works containing fugal expositions but not denoted as fugues, such as some choral sections of the Mass in B minor, the St Matthew Passion, the St John Passion, and the cantatas.
This sub-list of the complete list of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach is intended to facilitate the study of Bach's counterpoint techniques. Each work cited in this list will be annotated with the fugal subject and any countersubjects in musical notation.

Organ fugues

[The Well-Tempered Clavier] (BWV 846–893)

Sonatas and partitas for solo [violin (BWV 1001–1006)">Sonatas and partitas for solo violin">Sonatas and partitas for solo [violin (BWV 1001–1006)]

Canons (BWV 1072–1078)

  • BWV 1072 – Canon trias harmonica a 8
  • BWV 1073 – Canon a 4 perpetuus
  • BWV 1074 – Canon a 4
  • BWV 1075 – Canon a 2 perpetuus
  • BWV 1076 – Canon triplex a 6
  • BWV 1077 – Canone doppio sopr'il soggetto
  • BWV 1078 – Canon super fa mi a 7 post tempus musicum
  • Later additions to the BWV catalogue:
  • * BWV 1086 – Canon concordia discors
  • * BWV 1087 – 14 canons on the First Eight Notes of Goldberg Variations Ground

    Late contrapuntal works (BWV 1079–1080)

  • BWV 1079 – The Musical Offering
  • BWV 1080 – The Art of Fugue

    Doubtful fugues

  • BWV 131a – Fugue in G minor, BWV 131a for organ. Doubtful arrangement of a choral fugue from BWV 131
  • BWV 1026 – Fugue in G minor for violin and harpsichord. Once considered spurious, current thinking is that this is an early work by Bach.