List of geological features on Pluto

This is a list of named geological features on Pluto, identified by scientists working with data from the New Horizons spacecraft. The International Astronomical Union officially approved the first 14 names on 8 August 2017, with additional names following in 2018 and 2019, but most of the names listed on this page are still informal. The IAU has determined that names will be chosen from the following themes:
A cavus is a hollow or steep-sided depression. The following is a list of official and unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Adlivun CavusUnderworld in Inuit myths2017-08-08
Baralku CaviBaralku, the island of the dead in Yolngu culture
Hekla CavusAn Icelandic volcano believed to be the entrance to Hell in medieval European times2018-05-30
Quidlivun CavusThe land on the Moon where the souls of the dead find rest in Inuit mythology


A collis is a low hill. Plutonian colles are named after spacecraft that operated in Earth orbit. The following is a list of official and unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Astrid CollesThe Astrid program, Sweden's first satellites
Challenger CollesHonors the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger
Coleta de Dados CollesSatélite de Coleta de Dados, first Brazilian satellite
Columbia CollesHonors the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia
Soyuz CollesThe Soyuz program; honors the loss of Soyuz 11


Plutonian craters are named after scientists and other people associated with the study of Pluto. The following is a list of official and unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
BrintonHenry Brinton, NASA administrator instrumental in Pluto studies
BurneyVenetia Burney, who proposed the name of Pluto2017-08-08
CoradiniAngioletta Coradini, Italian astronomer
CoughlinThomas Boyd Coughlin, American mechanical and space engineer, first project manager of the New Horizons mission2020-01-03
DrakeMichael Julian Drake, British-American astronomer who chaired the committee that approved the New Horizons mission
ElliotJames L. Elliot, discoverer of Pluto's atmosphere2017-08-08
FarinellaPaolo Farinella, Italian astronomer
GiclasHenry L. Giclas, an astronomer at Lowell Observatory
GuestJohn Guest, British volcanologist and planetary scientist
H. SmithHarlan Smith, astronomer and director of McDonald Observatory
HardieRobert H. Hardie, American astronomer, co-discoverer of Pluto’s 6.4-day rotation period2020-01-03
HarringtonRobert Sutton Harrington, co-discoverer of Charon
HollisAndrew Hollis, British astronomer
K. EdgeworthKenneth Edgeworth, Irish astronomer who posited the Kuiper Belt
KhareBishun Khare, Indian-American chemist specialized in planetary atmospheres, studied tholins extensively2019-05-30
KiladzeRolan Il'ich Kiladze, Georgian astronomer who investigated the dynamics, astrometry, and photometry of Pluto2019-05-30
KowalCharles T. Kowal, American astronomer who discovered the first centaur
OortJan Oort, Dutch astronomer who posited the Oort Cloud
PulfrichCarl Pulfrich, German physicist who developed the blink-comparator used to discover Pluto
SafronovViktor Safronov, Russian astronomer
SimonelliDamon Simonelli, American astronomer and Pluto geologist2019-05-30


A dorsum is a ridge. Plutonian dorsa are named after underworlds in mythology. The following is a list officia iand unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Pandemonium DorsaPandæmonium, the capital of Hell in the poems of John Milton
Tartarus DorsaTartarus, the pit of hell in Greek mythology2017-08-08


A Fluctus is a terrain covered by outflow of liquid. Plutonian fluctūs are named after travellers to the underworld. The following is a list of official and unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
to bring the playwright Euripides back
Mpobe FluctusMpobe from Baganda mythology, a hero who willingly enters the underground world
Pere Porter FluctusPere Porter is the character of a 16th-17th century moral novel who travels to hell
Xanthias FluctusXanthias from Greek mythology, the slave who joins Dionysus on his travel to the underworld


A fossa is a ditch-like feature. Plutonian fossae are named after figures associated with underworld myths. The following is a list of official and unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Beatrice FossaBeatrice Portinari, Purgatory to Heaven in The Divine Comedy
Djanggawul FossaeDjanggawul, Yolngu creation figures from the Island of the Dead2017-08-08
Dumuzi FossaDumuzid, legendary Sumerian king who replaced his wife Inanna in the underworld
Hermod FossaeHermod, son of Odin, who rode the horse Sleipnir into the underworld to retrieve his brother Balder2019-09-25
Inanna FossaInanna, Sumerian goddess who descended to the underworld
Kaknú FossaKaknú, legendary Ohlone hero who resembled a peregrine falcon, who travelled to the underworld to battle Wiwe2019-08-13
Mwindo FossaeMwindo, legendary Nyanga hero who travelled to the underworld2019-05-30
Sleipnir FossaSleipnir, the steed Odin rides to the underworld2017-08-08
Sun Wukong FossaSun Wukong, the Chinese Monkey King who went to Hell
Uncama FossaUncama, Zulu tale hero who followed a porcupine underground and came upon the village of dead souls2020-01-03
Virgil FossaeVirgil, as Dante's guide through Hell and Purgatory in The Divine Comedy2017-08-08


A lacus is a small plain, derived from the word. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Alcyonia LacusLerna, also known as the Alcyonian Lake, was an entry to the netherworld in Greek mythology.2019-05-30


A linea is an elongated marking. Plutonian lineae are named after space probes. The following is a list of official and unofficial names chosen by the New Horizons team.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Chandrayaan Lineathe Chandrayaan program, India's first lunar probes
Luna Lineathe Luna program, the first spacecraft to visit the Moon
Yutu LineaYutu, the first Chinese lunar rover


A macula is a dark spot. Plutonian maculae are named after underworld creatures from fiction and mythology. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Ala MaculaAla, an Igbo god of the underworld
Balrog Maculabalrog, an underground demon in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien
Cadejo Maculacadejo, from Central American folklore
Cthulhu MaculaCthulhu, an ancient deity in the writings of H.P. Lovecraft
Hun-Came MaculaOne of the two leading Maya death gods from the Popol Vuh
Krun MaculaKrun, the Mandaean overlord of the underworld
Meng-p'o MaculaMeng Po, the Chinese goddess of forgetfulness after death
Morgoth MaculaMorgoth, a figure of evil in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien
Vucub-Came MaculaOne of the two leading Maya death gods from the Popol Vuh


A mons is a mountain. Plutonian montes are named after explorers and adventurers. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Piccard MonsAuguste Piccard, conducted measurements of the upper atmosphere using balloons to reach an altitude of 23 kilometers2019-05-30
Pigafetta MontesAntonio Pigafetta, participated in Magellan's circumnavigation and wrote its only first-hand record2019-05-30
Tabei MontesJunko Tabei, first woman to climb both Mount Everest and the Seven Summits2019-11-19
Tenzing MontesTenzing Norgay, first to scale Mount Everest 2017-08-08
Wright MonsWilbur and Orville Wright, built and flew the first successful airplane2019-05-30
Zheng He MontesZheng He, medieval Chinese explorer


A palus is a small plain. Paludes on Pluto are named after historic explorers. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
David-Néel PalusAlexandra David-Néel, Belgian–French explorer, best known for her 1924 visit to Lhasa, Tibet
Hyecho PalusHyecho, Korean traveler and scholar, crossed Asia from China to Arabia and back in 724-7272020-01-02
Tinné PaludesAlexandrine Tinné, Dutch explorer in Africa, the first European woman to attempt to cross the Sahara


A planum is a plateau or high plain. One was initially identified on Pluto; but it has since been recognized to be a planitia.


A planitia is a low plain, distinct from plana as they are located on lower terrain. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Bird PlanitiaIsabella Bird, nineteenth-century English explorer
Sputnik PlanitiaSputnik 1, the first satellite to orbit the Earth2017-08-08


A regio is a region geographically distinct from its surroundings. Plutonian regiones are named after underworld spirits in fiction and mythology, or after scientists associated with the study of Pluto. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such. One such feature, the former Cthulhu Regio, is now considered to be a macula.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Lowell RegioPercival Lowell, whose ideas about Planet X inadvertently led to Pluto's discovery2019-05-30
Tombaugh RegioClyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto2017-08-08


A rupes is an escarpment. Plutonian rupēs are named after explorers. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Cousteau RupesJacques Cousteau, undersea explorer
Eriksson RupesLeif Erikson, first Norse explorer of America
Piri RupesPiri Reis, creator of the one of the first map of the New World2019-05-30


A terra is an extensive landmass. Plutonian terrae are named after space probes. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Hayabusa TerraHayabusa, the first spacecraft to return a sample of an asteroid2017-08-08
Pioneer Terrathe Pioneer program, the first spacecraft to explore the outer Solar System
Vega Terrathe Vega program, which dropped probes onto Venus' surface along with the first close flybys to Comet Halley2019-05-30
Venera Terrathe Venera program, first landers on Venus2019-05-30
Viking Terrathe Viking program, landers on Mars
Voyager Terrathe Voyager program, the first probes to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and interstellar space2017-08-08


A vallis is a valley. Plutonian valles are named after historic explorers. The following is a list of names chosen by the New Horizons team. Names that have been officially approved are labeled as such.
FeatureNamed afterName approved
Heyerdahl VallisThor Heyerdahl, Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer
Hunahpu VallesHunahpu, one of the mythological Maya Hero Twins2019-05-30
Kupe VallisKupe, legendary discoverer of New Zealand