List of human anatomical parts named after people
This is a list of human anatomical parts named after people. These are often called eponyms.
Alphabetical list
For clarity, entries are listed by the name of the person associated with them, so Loop of Henle is listed under H not L.A
- Achilles tendonAchilles, Greek mythological character
- Adam's appleAdam, Biblical figure
- Alcock's canal Benjamin Alcock, Irish anatomist
- Artery of AdamkiewiczAlbert Wojciech Adamkiewicz, Polish pathologist
- Auerbach's plexusLeopold Auerbach
- Bachmann's bundleJean George Bachmann, German-American physiologist
- Balbiani bodiesÉdouard-Gérard Balbiani
- Bartholin's glandCaspar Bartholin the Younger, Danish anatomist
- Batson's plexusOscar Vivian Batson, American anatomist
- Long thoracic nerve of BellSir Charles Bell, Scottish surgeon-anatomist
- Duct of BelliniLorenzo Bellini, Italian anatomist
- Renal columns of BertinExupere Joseph Bertin, French anatomist
- Betz cellsVladimir Alekseyevich Betz, Ukrainian histologist
- Billroth's cordsTheodor Billroth, Austrian surgeon
- Bowman's capsule and Bowman's membraneSir William Bowman, English surgeon-anatomist
- Broca's areaPaul Broca, French surgeon-anatomist
- Brodmann's areasKorbinian Brodmann, German neurologist
- Brunner's glandsJohann Conrad Brunner, Swiss anatomist
- Buck's fasciaGurdon Buck, American surgeon
- Cajal cellSantiago Ramón y Cajal, Spanish pathologist
- Cajal–Retzius cellSantiago Ramón y Cajal and Gustaf Retzius, Swedish histologist
- Calyx of Held Hans Held, German Anatomist
- Calot's triangleJean-François Calot, French surgeon
- Chassaignac tubercleCharles Marie Édouard Chassaignac, French physician
- Clara cellMax Clara, German anatomist
- Cloquet's canal Jules Cloquet, French Anatomist
- Colles' fasciaAbraham Colles, Irish surgeon
- Cooper's fasciaAstley Cooper, English surgeon
- Cooper's iliopectineal ligamentAstley Cooper
- Cooper's suspensory ligamentsAstley Cooper
- Organ of CortiAlfonso Corti, Italian microanatomist
- Cowper's glandsWilliam Cowper, English surgeon-anatomist
- Cuvier ductsGeorges Cuvier, French Naturalist and comparative anatomist
- Darwin's tubercleCharles Darwin, British Naturalist
- Denonvilliers' fasciaCharles-Pierre Denonvilliers, French surgeon
- Descemet's membrane Jean Descemet, French physician
- Space of DisseJoseph Disse, German histologist
- Dorello's canalPrimo Dorello, Italian Anatomist.
- Pouch of Douglas, Douglas' lineJames Douglas, Scottish anatomist
- Von Ebner's glandsVictor von Ebner, German histologist
- Edinger–Westphal nucleusLudwig Edinger, German neuroanatomist, and Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal, German neurologist
- Eustachian tubeBartolomeo Eustachi, Italian anatomist
- Fallopian tubeGabriele Falloppio, Italian anatomist
- Gallaudet's fasciaBern Budd Gallaudet, American anatomist
- Gartner's ductHermann Treschow Gartner, Danish surgeon-anatomist
- Gerdy's FibersPierre Nicolas Gerdy, French physician
- Gerota CapsuleDumitru Gerota, Romanian urology surgeon-anatomist
- Giacomini veinCarlo Giacomini Italian anatomist
- Glisson's capsuleFrancis Glisson, English anatomist
- Golgi apparatus and Golgi receptorCamillo Golgi, Italian pathologist
- Graafian follicleRegnier de Graaf, Dutch anatomist
- Gräfenberg spot Ernst Gräfenberg, German-American gynecologist
- Great vein of Galen and the other veins of GalenGalen, an ancient Greek physician
- Hartmann's pouchHenri Hubert Vadim Hartmann, German Surgeon
- Hasner's FoldJoseph Hasner, Austrian ophthalmologist
- Haversian canalClopton Havers, English physician
- Spiral valves of HeisterLorenz Heister, German surgeon-anatomist
- Loop of HenleF. G. J. Henle, German pathologist
- Canals of HeringKarl Ewald Konstantin Hering, German physiologist
- Hering's nerveHeinrich Ewald Hering, Austrian physician
- Herring bodiesPercy Theodore Herring, English physiologist
- Heschl's gyriRichard L. Heschl, Austrian anatomist
- Hesselbach's triangleFranz Kaspar Hesselbach, German surgeon-anatomist
- Antrum of HighmoreNathaniel Highmore, English surgeon-anatomist
- Bundle of HisWilhelm His, Jr., Swiss cardiologist
- Houston's muscle John Houston, Irish anatomist
- Houston's valves John Houston, Irish anatomist
- Canal of HuguierPierre Charles Huguier, French surgeon-gynecologist
- Hurthle cellKarl Hürthle, German histologist
- Kerckring's valvesTheodor Kerckring, Dutch anatomist
- Kernohan notchJames Watson Kernohan, Irish-American pathologist
- Kiesselbach's plexusWilhelm Kiesselbach
- Pores of KohnHans Kohn
- Krause's end-bulbsWilhelm Krause
- Kupffer cellsKarl Wilhelm von Kupffer
- Langer's linesKarl Langer
- Islets of Langerhans and Langerhans cellPaul Langerhans
- Langhans giant cellTheodor Langhans
- Lauth's canalThomas Lauth
- Leydig CellsFranz Leydig
- Crypts of LieberkühnJohann Nathanael Lieberkühn
- Lissauer's tractHeinrich Lissauer
- Lister's tubercle
- Little's plexus
- Urethral glands of LittréAlexis Littré
- Lockwood's ligamentCharles Barrett Lockwood
- Angle of LouisAntoine Louis
- Lovibond's angle
- Lund's node
- Crypts of Luschka, Ducts of Luschka, Foramina of Luschka, and Luschka's jointsHubert von Luschka
- Macewen's triangleSir William Macewen
- Foramen of MagendieFrançois Magendie
- McBurney's pointCharles McBurney
- Malpighian corpuscleMarcello Malpighi, the name given to both renal corpuscle and splenic lymphoid nodules
- Meckel's cartilage and Meckel's diverticulumJohann Friedrich Meckel
- Meibomian glandsHeinrich Meibom
- Meissner's corpuscle and Meissner's plexusGeorg Meissner
- Merkel cellFriedrich Sigmund Merkel
- Meyer's loop
- Moll's glandJacob Anton Moll
- Space of Möll
- Foramina of MonroAlexander Monro
- Glands of MontgomeryWilliam Fetherstone Montgomery
- Hydatids of Morgagni, and Lacunae of MorgagniGiovanni Battista Morgagni
- Morison's pouchJames Rutherford Morison
- Müllerian ductsJohannes Peter Müller
- Nissl bodies or granules and Nissl substanceFranz Nissl
- Sphincter of OddiRuggero Oddi
- Pacinian corpusclesFilippo Pacini
- Paneth cellsJoseph Paneth
- Papez circuitJames Papez
- Artery of PercheronGerard Percheron
- Peyer's patchesJohann Conrad Peyer
- Poupart's ligamentFrançois Poupart
- Prussak's spaceAlexander Prussak
- Purkinje cellsJan E. Purkinje
- Purkinje fibresJan E. Purkinje
- Pimenta's Point
- Island of Reil Johann Christian Reil
- Node of RanvierLouis-Antoine Ranvier
- Rathke's pouchMartin Heinrich Rathke
- Reichert cartilageKarl Bogislaus Reichert
- Renshaw cellsBirdsey Renshaw
- Space of Retzius and Veins of RetziusAnders Retzius
- Riedel's lobeBernhard Moritz Carl Ludwig Riedel
- Rokitansky–Aschoff sinusesCarl Freiherr von Rokitansky and Ludwig Aschoff
- Rolandic fissure and fissure of RolandoLuigi Rolando
- Rotter's lymph nodesJosef Rotter
- Ruffini's corpusclesAngelo Ruffini
- Duct of SantoriniGiovanni Domenico Santorini
- Canal of SchlemmFriedrich Schlemm
- Schwann CellTheodor Schwann
- Sertoli cellEnrico Sertoli
- Sharpey's fibresWilliam Sharpey
- Shrapnell's membraneHenry Jones Shrapnell
- Skene's glandAlexander Skene
- Spiegelian fascia, Spiegelian line, Spiegelian lobe Adriaan van den Spiegel
- Stensen's ductNiels Stensen
- Stilling's canal
- Struthers' ligamentSir John Struthers
- Sylvian aqueductFranciscus Sylvius
- Thebesian foraminaAdam Christian Thebesius
- Thebesian valveAdam Christian Thebesius
- Thebesian veinAdam Christian Thebesius
- White lines of ToldtCarl Toldt
- Torcular herophiliHerophilus
- Traube's spaceLudwig Traube-
- Ligament, veil or bloodless fold of Treves -- Sir Frederick Treves
- Ligament of TreitzVáclav Treitz
- Sinus of ValsalvaAntonio Maria Valsalva
- Ampulla of VaterAbraham Vater
- Limbus of VieussensRaymond Vieussens
- Valve of VieussensRaymond Vieussens
- Vieussens valve of the Coronary SinusRaymond Vieussens
- Virchow–Robin spacesRudolf Virchow and Charles-Philippe Robin
- Virchow's nodeRudolf Virchow
- Waldeyer's tonsillar ringHeinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz
- Weibel–Palade bodyEwald R. Weibel and George Emil Palade
- Wenckebach's bundleKarel Frederik Wenckebach
- Wernicke's areaKarl Wernicke
- Wharton's duct and Wharton's jellyThomas Wharton
- Circle of Willisarterial circle in base of brainDr. Thomas Willis, English physician
- Foramen of WinslowJean-Jacques Bénigne Winslow
- Duct of WirsungJohann Georg Wirsung
- Wolffian ductKaspar Friedrich Wolff
- Wormian bonesOle Worm
- Zonule of ZinnJohann Gottfried Zinn
- Organ of ZuckerkandlEmil Zuckerkandl