List of information technology initialisms

The table below lists information technology initialisms and acronyms in common and current usage. These acronyms are used to discuss LAN, internet, WAN, routing and switching protocols, and their applicable organizations. The table contains only current, common, non-proprietary initialisms that are specific to information technology. Most of these initialisms appear in IT career certification exams.
AcronymMeaningPrimary ApplicabilityNormative Reference
ACKAcknowledgementTransport and other layersTCP/IP, for example. RFC 793
ACLAccess control listSecurity, application layerAccess control list,
ADSLAsymmetric digital subscriber lineTelecom, for example
AESAdvanced Encryption StandardSecurity
ANSIAmerican National Standards InstituteOrganization
APIApplication Programming InterfaceSoftware
ARPAddress Resolution ProtocolLink layerRFC 1122
ATMAsynchronous Transfer ModeTelecom
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol Application layer, RoutersRFC 4271
BSSBasic service set Wireless
CATCategory Physical layer
CCITT Standards organization that has been replaced by ITU-TOrganization
CHAPChallenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Security, telecomRFC 1994
CIDRClassless Inter-Domain RoutingArchitectureRFC 1518 RFC 1519
CIRCommitted Information Rate TelecomRFC 1490 RFC 1973 RFC 2427
CLICommand line interpreterHardware, for example
CPECustomer premises equipmentTelecom
CPUCentral processing UnitMicroprocessorWikipedia
CRCCyclic redundancy checkLink and other layers24 References here.
CRC-16-CCITTCyclic redundancy check Link layersReference on CRC page.
CRTCathode Ray TubeTelevision set, Computer MonitorCathode ray tube
CSMA/CACarrier sense multiple access / collision avoidanceWireless
CSMA/CDCarrier sense multiple access / collision detectionPhysical layer
CSU/DSUChannel service unit / data service unitTelecom
CMOSComplementary metal-oxide semiconductorUtillityWikipedia
DAMDatabase activity monitoringSecurityWikipedia
DAMDigital asset managementInternet LayerWikipedia
DCEData communications equipmentTelecom-
DEC Digital Equipment CorporationOrganizationPurchased by Compaq in 1998. Merged with Hewlett-Packard 2002.
DESData Encryption Standard Security
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration ProtocolApplication layer, Internet LayerRFC 2131 and others
DNSDomain Name SystemApplication layerOver 30 RFCs here.
DRAMDynamic random-access memoryHardware
DSLDigital subscriber lineTelecom
DSLAMDigital subscriber line access multiplexerTelecom
DTEData Terminal EquipmentTelecom
DMIDesktop Management InterfaceUtillityWikipedia
EHAEthernet Hardware Address Link layer
EIAElectronics Industry AllianceOrganization
EIGRPEnhanced Interior Gateway Routing ProtocolInternet Layer
EOFEnd Of Frame Link layerHDLC framing
ESSExtended service set Wireless
FCCFederal Communications Commission Organization
FCSFrame check sequence Link layerEthernet Frame
FDDIFiber Distributed Data InterfaceLink layer X3T9.5,
FTPFile Transfer ProtocolApplication layerRFC 959 and others
GBICGigabit interface converterHardware
gbpsGigabit per secondPhysical layerGigabit per second
GEPOFGigabit Ethernet Plastic Optical FiberPhysical layerIEEE P802.3bv
HDLCHigh-level Data Link ControlLink layer
HTTPHyperText Transfer ProtocolApplication layer
HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol SecureTransport and other layers
IANAInternet Assigned Number AuthorityOrganization
ICaaSIntegration Capability as a ServiceOrganization
ICMPInternet Control Message ProtocolInternet LayerRFC 792
IDFIntermediate distribution framePhysical layerStructured cabling or
IDSIntrusion Detection--
IEEEInstitute for Electrical and Electronic EngineersOrganization
IETFInternet Engineering Task ForceOrganization
IMAPInternet Message Access ProtocolApplication layerRFC 3501
IPInternet ProtocolInternet LayerRFC 791 RFC 1606
IPSIntrusion prevention systemSecurity
IS-ISIntermediate System to Intermediate System Internet Layer
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital NetworkTelecom
ISPInternet service providerTelecom
ITU-TInternational Telecommunications UnionOrganization
kbpsKilobit per secondPhysical layerKilobit_per_second
LACPLink Aggregation Control ProtocolData link layer
LANLocal area networkLink and other layers
LAPBLink Access Procedure, Balanced Telecom
LAPFLink-access procedure for frame relayTelecomRFC 1490
LLCLogical link controlLink layer
MACMedia access controlLink layer and , for example
MAMMedia access management Internet layerWikipedia
MANMetropolitan area networkTelecom
MbpsMegabits per secondPhysical layerMegabit_per_second
MCMultiple choiceIT Professional Certification
MDFMain distribution framePhysical layer See also Structured cabling
MIBManagement information base Application layerRFC 3418
MoCAMultimedia over Coax AllianceOrganization
MPLSMultiprotocol Label Switchingnetwork technology
MTUMaximum Transmission UnitMultiple layers
NACNetwork access controlLink and other layers
NATNetwork Address TranslationInternet Layer
NBMANon-Broadcast Multiple Access TelecomSee ATM, Frame Relay and X.25, for examples.
NICNetwork Interface CardPhysical layer
NRZNon-return-to-zeroPhysical layer
NRZINon-return to zero invertedPhysical layer
NVRAMNon-volatile RAMHardwareSample vendor data
OSIOpen System Interconnect Organization Open Systems Interconnection Protocol Specifications
OSPFOpen Shortest Path First Internet LayerRFC 2238
OUIOrganization Unique IdentifierLink and other layers
PAPPassword authentication protocolSecurityRFC 1334
PATPort address translationInternet LayerRFC 1918
PCPersonal computer Hardware-
PIMPersonal information managerSoftware category-
PIMPrivileged Identity ManagementSoftware category-
PCMPulse-code modulationPhysical layer
PDUProtocol data unit Multiple layers
POP3Post Office Protocol, version 3Application layerRFC 1939
POPPoint of presenceTelecom
POSTPower-on self testHardware, for example
POTSPlain old telephone serviceTelecom
PPPPoint-to-point ProtocolTelecomRFC 1661
PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling ProtocolTelecomRFC 2637
PTTPublic Telephone and TelegraphTelecom or
PVSTPer-VLAN Spanning TreeLink layer
RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User ServiceSecurityRFC 2865
RAMRandom Access MemoryPhysical layer
RARPReverse ARPLink layerRFC 903
RFCRequest for CommentsMultiple layers
RIPRouting Information ProtocolInternet LayerRFC 2453, for RIP version 2
RLLRun-Length LimitedPhysical layerRLL is used in a wide range of encodings.
ROMRead-Only MemoryHardware
RSTPRapid Spanning Tree ProtocolLink layer - Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree
RTPReal-time Transport ProtocolApplication layerRFC 3550
RCPRoyal College of PhysiciansGibson layerRFC 69
SDLCSynchronous Data Link ControlLink layer
SDNSoftware Defined NetworkingArchitectureSoftware-defined networking
SFDStart-of-frame delimiter Link layer, or RFC 2687, for examples
SFPSmall form-factor pluggableHardware
S-HTTPSecure HTTP Transport and other layersRFC 2660 See also https
SLARPSerial Line ARP Link and other layers
SLIPSerial Line Internet Protocol TelecomRFC 1055
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer ProtocolApplication layerRFC 5321
SNASystems Network Architecture Multiple layers
SNAPSubNet Access ProtocolLink layer
SNMPSimple Network Management ProtocolApplication layerRFC 1155, RFC 3410 thru RFC 3418 and others
SOFStart of frameLink layer, or RFC 2687, for examples
SRAMStatic random access memoryHardware
SSHSecure shellApplication layerRFC 4252
SSIDService set identifier Wireless
STPSpanning Tree ProtocolLink layer
SYN SynchronizationLink and other layersRFC 793 and many others
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolTransport layerRFC 793 and many others
TDMTime-division multiplexingPhysical layer
TFTPTrivial File Transfer ProtocolApplication layerRFC 1350
TIATelecommunications Industry AllianceOrganization
TOFUTrust On First UseSecurity
UDPUser Datagram ProtocolTransport layerRFC 768
USBUniversal Serial BusPhysical and other layers
UTPUnshielded twisted pairPhysicalMany versions are defined by TIA, such as:
VCVirtual circuitTransport and other layers
VLANVirtual local area networkLink layer
VLSMVariable-length subnet maskingArchitectureRFC 1518 RFC 1519
VPNVirtual private networkApplication layer
W3CWorld Wide Web ConsortiumOrganization
WANWide-area networkTelecom
WEPWired Equivalent PrivacyWireless
Wi-FiIEEE 802.11 Wireless
WPAWi-Fi Protected AccessSecurity
wwwWorld Wide WebArchitecture