List of islands of Argentina

The following are lists of islands that are part of, or claimed by, Argentina.
The list is divided into three parts. The first part is those islands that are not disputed. The second part is the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, which are claimed by Argentina but are United Kingdom sovereign overseas territories.
The third part is the Argentine claim to Antarctica which overlaps both the British and Chilean Antarctic claims. All three countries are signatories to the Antarctic Treaty.


These are islands currently administered by Argentina
Apipé, IslaCorrientes
Apipé Chico, IslaCorrientes
Arce, IslaChubut
Blancas, IslasChubut
Choele Choel Grande, IslaRío Negro
Costa Brava, IslaCorrientes
Curuzú Chalí, IslaEntre Ríos
De Los Estados, IslaTierra del Fuego
Del Cerrito, IslaChaco
Del Palo, IslaBuenos Aires
Del Paraguayo, IslaEntre Ríos
Del Portugués, IslaBuenos Aires
Entre Ríos, IslaCorrientes
Gable, IslaTierra del Fuego
Grande De Tierra Del Fuego, IslaTierra del Fuego
Grande Del Río Chico, IslaSanta Cruz
Grupo De La Isla Grande, IslasMisiones
Lechiguanas, IslasEntre Ríos
Leones, IslaChubut
Manuelín Cué, IslaChaco
Martín García, IslaBuenos Aires
Observatorio, IslaTierra del Fuego
Oyarbide, IslaBuenos Aires
San Lucas Grande, IslaMisiones
Solís, IslasBuenos Aires
Tova, IslaChubut
Trinidad, IslaBuenos Aires
Victoria, IslaNeuquén

Falkland Islands, and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

The Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are United Kingdom sovereign territories claimed by Argentina.
Island ProvinceCoordinates
Águila, IslaFalkland Islands
Annenkov, IslaSouth Georgia
Baja, IslaFalkland Islands
Beauchêne, IslaFalkland Islands
Bellingshausen, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Blanco, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Bougainville, IslaFalkland Islands
Calista, IslaFalkland Islands
Candelaria, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Candelaria, IslasSouth Sandwich Islands
Celebroña, IslaFalkland Islands
Cisne, IslaFalkland Islands
Conejo, IslaFalkland Islands
Cook, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Cooper, IslaSouth Georgia
Cuarta, IslaFalkland Islands
Culebra, IslaFalkland Islands
De Borbón, IslaFalkland Islands
De Goicoechea, IslaFalkland Islands
De Las Lechiguanas, IslasSouth Sandwich Islands
De Los Arrecifes, IslaFalkland Islands
De Los Leones Marinos, IslasFalkland Islands
Del Este, IslaFalkland Islands
Del Este, IslaFalkland Islands
Del Medio, IslaFalkland Islands
Del Pasaje, IslasFalkland Islands
Del Río, IslaFalkland Islands
Del Rosario, IslaFalkland Islands
Divisoria, IslaFalkland Islands
Dyke, IslaFalkland Islands
Elefante, IslaFalkland Islands
Georgias Del Sur, IslasSouth Georgia
Gobierno, IslaFalkland Islands
Gran Malvina, IslaFalkland Islands
Grande, IslaFalkland Islands
Grupo Tule Del Sur, IslasSouth Sandwich Islands
Jorge, IslaFalkland Islands
Jorge, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
León Marino Este, IslaFalkland Islands
Leskov, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Larga, IslaFalkland Islands
Las Llaves, IslasFalkland Islands
León Marino, IslaFalkland Islands
Los Hermanos, IslaFalkland Islands
Los Salvajes, IslasFalkland Islands
María, IslaFalkland Islands
Mayor, IslaFalkland Islands
Montículo, IslaFalkland Islands
Montura, IslaFalkland Islands
Morrell, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Norte, IslaFalkland Islands
Oeste, IslaFalkland Islands
Pájaro, IslaFalkland Islands
Pájaro, IslaSouth Georgia
Pájaros, IslaFalkland Islands
Pan De Azúcar, IslaFalkland Islands
Pelada, IslaFalkland Islands
Pickersgill, IslasSouth Georgia
Principal, IslaSouth Georgia
Principal, IslaFalkland Islands
Rasa, IslaFalkland Islands
Rasa Del Oeste, IslaFalkland Islands
Remolinos, IslaFalkland Islands
San José, IslaFalkland Islands
San Julián, IslaFalkland Islands
San Pedro, IslaSouth Georgia
San Rafael, IslaFalkland Islands
Sandwich Del Sur, IslasSouth Sandwich Islands
Saunders, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Sebaldes, IslasFalkland Islands
Segunda, IslaFalkland Islands
Soledad, IslaFalkland Islands
Tercera, IslaFalkland Islands
Traverse, IslasSouth Sandwich Islands
Trinidad, IslaFalkland Islands
Trinidad, IslaSouth Georgia
Triste, IslasFalkland Islands
Tussac, IslasFalkland Islands
Vigía, IslaFalkland Islands
Vindicación, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Visokoi, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands
Zavodovski, IslaSouth Sandwich Islands


Argentina's claim to Antarctica overlaps with the claims of Chile and the United Kingdom. All these claims are subject to the Antarctic Treaty and none have gained wide international recognition.
Alejandro I, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Amberes, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Belgrano, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Berkner, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Brabante, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Clarence, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Coronación, IslasArgentine Antarctica
Decepción, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Dolleman, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Dundee, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Elefante, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Hearst, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Joinville, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Latady, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Laurie, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Orcadas Del Sur, IslasArgentine Antarctica
Portillo, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Quijada, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Robertson, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Ross, IslaArgentine Antarctica
Shetland Del Sur, IslasArgentine Antarctica
Steele, IslaArgentine Antarctica
25 De Mayo, IslaArgentine Antarctica