List of motions
The following is a list of motions in parliamentary procedure and their classification according to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, and Demeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure.
; Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised
- Lay on the table
- Previous question
- Limit or extend limits of debate
- Postpone to a certain time
- Commit or refer
- Amend
- Postpone indefinitely
; The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure
- Postpone temporarily, or table
- Close debate
- Limit or extend debate
- Postpone to a certain time
- Refer to committee
- Amend
; Demeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure
- Lay on the table
- Previous question
- Limit or extend debate
- Postpone to a definite time
- Refer to a committee
- Amend the main motion
- Postpone indefinitely
Privileged motions">Privileged motion">Privileged motions
- Adjourn
- Recess
- Raise a question of privilege
; Demeter
- Fix the day to which to adjourn
- Adjourn
- Recess
- Raise a question of privilege
- Call for the orders of the day
Incidental motions">Incidental motion">Incidental motions
- Point of order
- Appeal
- Suspend the rules
- Objection to the consideration of a question
- Division of a question
- Consideration by paragraph or seriatim
- Division of the assembly
- Motions relating to methods of voting and the polls
- Motions relating to nominations
- Request to be excused from a duty
- Requests and inquiries
- *Parliamentary inquiry
- *Request for information
- *Request for permission to withdraw or modify a motion
- *Request to read papers
- *Request for any other privilege
Motions that bring a question again before the assembly
; Bring a Question back motions
; Restorative motions
- Amend a previously action
- Ratify
- Reconsider
- Rescind
- Resume Consideration
; Restoratory motions
- Ratify
- Expunge
- Rescind
- Reconsider and Enter
- Reconsider
- Take from the table