List of newsgroups

This is a partial list of newsgroups that are significant for their popularity or their position in Usenet history.

The Big 8 hierarchies

These are the most widely distributed and carefully controlled newsgroup hierarchies. See Big 8 and the Great Renaming for more information.


-related topics.


Topics related to the humanities.


Miscellaneous topics. Examples include:
Matters related to the functioning of Usenet itself. Examples include:
and entertainment topics.
Examples include:
-related topics.
Discussion related to society and social subcultures. Examples include:
Discussion of various topics, especially controversial ones. Includes political topics as well. Examples include:
This is the most extensive newsgroup hierarchy outside of the Big 8. Examples include:
These newsgroups fall outside of the official Big 8 hierarchies, as well as the less formal alt hierarchy. Other newsgroups can consist of geographic regions, corporations, and other institutions or groups.