List of phylogenetics software

This list of phylogenetics software is a compilation of computational phylogenetics software used to produce phylogenetic trees. Such tools are commonly used in comparative genomics, cladistics, and bioinformatics. Methods for estimating phylogenies include neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, UPGMA, Bayesian phylogenetic inference, maximum likelihood and distance matrix methods.
AncesTreeAn algorithm for clonal tree reconstruction from multi-sample cancer sequencing data.Maximum Likelihood, Integer Linear Programming M. El-Kebir, L. Oesper, H. Acheson-Field, and B. J. Raphael
AliGROOVEVisualisation of heterogeneous sequence divergence within multiple sequence alignments and detection of inflated branch supportIdentification of single taxa which show predominately randomized sequence similarity in comparison with other taxa in a multiple sequence alignment and evaluation of the reliability of node support in a given topologyPatrick Kück, Sandra A Meid, Christian Groß, Bernhard Misof, Johann Wolfgang Wägele.
apeR-Project package for analysis of phylogenetics and evolutionProvides a large variety of phylogenetics functionsMaintainer: Emmanuel Paradis
Armadillo Workflow PlatformWorkflow platform dedicated to phylogenetic and general bioinformatic analysisInference of phylogenetic trees using Distance, Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Parsimony, Bayesian methods and related workflows.E. Lord, M. Leclercq, A. Boc, A.B. Diallo and V. Makarenkov
BAli-PhySimultaneous Bayesian inference of alignment and phylogenyBayesian inference, alignment as well as tree search.M.A. Suchard, B. D. Redelings
BATWINGBayesian Analysis of Trees With Internal Node GenerationBayesian inference, demographic history, population splitsI. J. Wilson, Weale, D.Balding
BayesPhylogeniesBayesian inference of trees using Markov chain Monte Carlo methodsBayesian inference, multiple models, mixture model M. Pagel, A. Meade
BayesTraitsAnalyses trait evolution among groups of species for which a phylogeny or sample of phylogenies is availableTrait analysisM. Pagel, A. Meade
Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling TreesBayesian inference, relaxed molecular clock, demographic historyA. J. Drummond, M. A. Suchard, D Xie & A. Rambaut
BioNumericsUniversal platform for the management, storage and analysis of all types of biological data, including tree and network inference of sequence data.Neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, UPGMA, maximum likelihood, distance matrix methods,... Calculation of the reliability of trees/branches using bootstrapping, permutation resampling or error resampling.L. Vauterin & P. Vauterin.
BosqueIntegrated graphical software to perform phylogenetic analyses, from the importing of sequences to the plotting and graphical edition of trees and alignmentsDistance and maximum likelihood methods S. Ramirez, E. Rodriguez.
BUCKyBayesian concordance of gene treesBayesian concordance using modified greedy consensus of unrooted quartetsC. Ané, B. Larget, D.A. Baum, S.D. Smith, A. Rokas and B. Larget, S.K. Kotha, C.N. Dewey, C. Ané
CanopyAssessing intratumor heterogeneity and tracking longitudinal and spatial clonal evolutionary history by next-generation sequencingMaximum Likelihood, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodsY. Jiang, Y. Qiu, A. J. Minn, and N. R. Zhang
CITUPClonality Inference in Tumors Using PhylogenyExhaustive search, Quadratic Integer Programming S. Malikic, A.W. McPherson, N. Donmez, C.S. Sahinalp
ClustalWProgressive multiple sequence alignmentDistance matrix/nearest neighborThompson et al.
DendroscopeTool for visualizing rooted trees and calculating rooted networksRooted trees, tanglegrams, consensus networks, hybridization networksDaniel Huson et al.
EzEditorEzEditor is a java-based sequence alignment editor for rRNA and protein coding genes. It allows manipulation of both DNA and protein sequence alignments for phylogenetic analysis.Neighbor JoiningJeon, Y.S. et al.
fastDNAmlOptimized maximum likelihood Maximum likelihoodG.J. Olsen
FastTree 2Fast phylogenetic inference for alignments with up to hundreds of thousands of sequencesApproximate maximum likelihoodM.N. Price, P.S. Dehal, A.P. Arkin
fitmodelFits branch-site codon models without the need of prior knowledge of clades undergoing positive selectionMaximum likelihoodS. Guindon
GeneiousGeneious provides genome and proteome research toolsNeighbor-joining, UPGMA, MrBayes plugin, PHYML plugin, RAxML plugin, FastTree plugin, GARLi plugin, PAUP* PluginA. J. Drummond,M.Suchard,V.Lefort et al.
HyPhyHypothesis testing using phylogeniesMaximum likelihood, neighbor-joining, clustering techniques, distance matricesS.L. Kosakovsky Pond, S.D.W. Frost, S.V. Muse
IQPNNIIterative ML treesearch with stopping ruleMaximum likelihood, neighbor-joiningL.S. Vinh, A. von Haeseler, B.Q. Minh
IQ-TREEAn efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood, as successor of IQPNNI and TREE-PUZZLE.Maximum likelihood, model selection, partitioning scheme finding, AIC, AICc, BIC, ultrafast bootstrapping, branch tests, tree topology tests, likelihood mappingLam-Tung Nguyen, O. Chernomor, H.A. Schmidt, A. von Haeseler, B.Q. Minh
jModelTest 2A high-performance computing program to carry out statistical selection of best-fit models of nucleotide substitutionMaximum likelihood, AIC, BIC, DT, hLTR, dLTRD. Darriba, GL. Taboada, R. Doallo, D. Posada
LisBethThree-item analysis for phylogenetics and biogeographyThree-item analysisJ. Ducasse, N. Cao & R. Zaragüeta-Bagils
MEGAMolecular Evolutionary Genetics AnalysisDistance, Parsimony and Maximum Composite Likelihood MethodsTamura K, Dudley J, Nei M & Kumar S
MesquiteMesquite is software for evolutionary biology, designed to help biologists analyze comparative data about organisms. Its emphasis is on phylogenetic analysis, but some of its modules concern comparative analyses or population genetics, while others do non-phylogenetic multivariate analysis. It can also be used to build timetrees incorporating a geological timescale, with some optional modules.Maximum parsimony, distance matrix, maximum likelihoodWayne Maddison and D. R. Maddison
MetaPIGA2Maximum likelihood phylogeny inference multi-core program for DNA and protein sequences, and morphological data. Analyses can be performed using an extensive and user-friendly graphical interface or by using batch files. It also implements tree visualization tools, ancestral sequences, and automated selection of best substitution model and parameters.Maximum likelihood, stochastic heuristics, discrete Gamma rate heterogeneity, ancestral state reconstruction, model testing.Michel C. Milinkovitch and Raphaël Helaers
ModelgeneratorModel selection Maximum likelihoodThomas Keane
MOLPHYMolecular phylogenetics Maximum likelihoodJ. Adachi and M. Hasegawa
MrBayesPosterior probability estimationBayesian inferenceJ. Huelsenbeck, et al.
NetworkFree Phylogenetic Network SoftwareMedian Joining, Reduced Median, Steiner NetworkA. Roehl
NonaPhylogenetic inferenceMaximum parsimony, implied weighting, ratchetP. Goloboff
PAMLPhylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihoodMaximum likelihood and Bayesian inferenceZ. Yang
ParaPhyloComputation of gene and species trees based on event-relations Cograph-Editing and Triple-InferenceHellmuth
PartitionFinderCombined selection of models of molecular evolution and partitioning schemes for DNA and protein alignments.Maximum likelihood, AIC, AICc, BICR. Lanfear, B Calcott, SYW Ho, S Guindon
PASTISR package for phylogenetic assemblyR, two‐stage Bayesian inference using MrBayes 3.2Thomas et al. 2013
PAUP*Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony Maximum parsimony, distance matrix, maximum likelihoodD. Swofford
phangornPhylogenetic analysis in RML, MP, distance matrix, bootstrap, phylogentic networks, bootstrap, model selection, SH-test, SOWH-testMaintainer: K. Schliep
Phybasean R package for species tree analysisphylogenetics functions, STAR, NJst, STEAC, maxtree, etcL. Liu & L. Yu
phyclustPhylogenetic Clustering Maximum likelihood of Finite Mixture ModesWei-Chen Chen
PHYLIPPhylogenetic inference packageMaximum parsimony, distance matrix, maximum likelihoodJ. Felsenstein
phyloTGenerates phylogenetic trees in various formats, based on NCBI taxonomynoneI. Letunic
PhyloQuartQuartet implementation Quartet methodV. Berry
PhyloWGSReconstructing subclonal composition and evolution from whole-genome sequencing of tumorsMCMCA. G. Deshwar, S. Vembu, C. K. Yung, G. H. Jang, L. Stein, and Q. Morris
PhyMLFast and accurate estimation of phylogenies using maximum likelihoodMaximum likelihoodS. Guindon & O. Gascuel
phyxUnix/GNU/Linux command line phylogenetic toolsExplore, manipulate, analyze, and simulate phylogenetic objects J.W. Brown, J.F. Walker, and S.A. Smith
POYA phylogenetic analysis program that supports multiple kinds of data and can perform alignment and phylogeny inference. A variety of heuristic algorithms have been developed for this purpose.Maximum parsimony, Maximum likelihood, Chromosome rearrangement, discreet characters, continuous characters, AlignmentA. Varon, N. Lucaroni, L. Hong, W. Wheeler
ProtTest 3A high-performance computing program for selecting the model of protein evolution that best fits a given set of aligned sequencesMaximum likelihood, AIC, BIC, DTD. Darriba, GL. Taboada, R. Doallo, D. Posada
PyCogentSoftware library for genomic biologySimulating sequences, alignment, controlling third party applications, workflows, querying databases, generating graphics and phylogenetic treesKnight et al.
QuickTreeTree construction optimized for efficiencyNeighbor-joiningK. Howe, A. Bateman, R. Durbin
RAxML-HPCRandomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood for High Performance Computing Maximum likelihood, simple Maximum parsimonyA. Stamatakis
RAxML-NGRandomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood for High Performance Computing Next GenerationMaximum likelihood, simple Maximum parsimonyA. Kozlov, D. Darriba, T. Flouri, B. Morel, A. Stamatakis
SEMPHYTree reconstruction using the combined strengths of maximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining. SEMPHY has become outdated. The authors now refer users to RAxML, which is superior in both accuracy and speed.A hybrid maximum-likelihood / neighbor-joining methodM. Ninio, E. Privman, T. Pupko, N. Friedman
sowhatHypothesis testingSOWH testChurch, Ryan, and Dunn
SplitsTreeTree and network programComputation, visualization and exploration of phylogenetic trees and networksD.H. Huson and D. Bryant
TNTPhylogenetic inferenceParsimony, weighting, ratchet, tree drift, tree fusing, sectorial searchesP. Goloboff et al.
TOPALiPhylogenetic inferencePhylogenetic model selection, Bayesian analysis and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree estimation, detection of sites under positive selection, and recombination breakpoint location analysisIain Milne, Dominik Lindner et al.
TreeGenTree construction given precomputed distance dataDistance matrixETH Zurich
TreeAlignEfficient hybrid methodDistance matrix and approximate parsimonyJ. Hein
TreefinderFast ML tree reconstruction, bootstrap analysis, model selection, hypothesis testing, tree calibration, tree manipulation and visualization, computation of sitewise rates, sequence simulation, many models of evolution, GUI and scripting languageMaximum likelihood, distances, and othersJobb G, von Haeseler A, Strimmer K
TREE-PUZZLEMaximum likelihood and statistical analysisMaximum likelihoodMakarenkov
T-REX Tree inference and visualization, Horizontal gene transfer detection, multiple sequence alignmentDistance, Parsimony and Maximum likelihood tree inference, MUSCLE, MAFFT and ClustalW sequence alignments and related applicationsBoc A, Diallo AB, Makarenkov V
UGENEFast and free multiplatform tree editorbased Phylip 3.6 package algorithmsUnipro
WincladaGUI and tree editor Maximum parsimony, ratchetK. Nixon
XratePhylo-grammar engineRate estimation, branch length estimation, alignment annotationI. Holmes