List of political parties in Spain
This article lists political parties in Spain.
Spain has a multi-party system at both the national and regional level. Nationally, there are five dominant political parties: Podemos, PSOE, Ciudadanos, Partido Popular and Vox.
The current makeup makes it difficult for any other formation or coalition to achieve an electoral majority in the bicameral Cortes Generales. Regional parties can be strong in autonomous communities like Catalonia and the Basque Country and are often essential for national government coalitions.
National political formations of Spain
- People's Party — mainstream centre-right to right-wing party, that is conservative, Catholic and economically liberal. It has stablished alliances with regional right-to-centre parties like Foro Asturias and Navarrese People's Union.
- Spanish Socialist Workers' Party — mainstream centre-left social democratic party linked to General Union of Workers trade union.
- United We Can — an anti-austerity left-wing electoral alliance led by the leftist 2014-founded party Podemos. The alliance is also formed by the United Left, which is associated with Workers' Commissions trade union, and other left-wing parties that advocate green politics.
- Citizens — a centre to centre-right economically liberal party. It supports high degree of political decentralization, but it rejects autonomous communities' right to self-determination.
- Vox — a right-wing to far-right, Spanish nationalist party whose main ideologies are social conservatism, economic liberalism and centralism. It defends the restriction of ilegal immigration.
- Union, Progress and Democracy — a progressive party which ideologically combines social liberalism with centralism from the centre of political spectrum. It strongly supports the unity of Spain, thereby being an enemy of Spain's peripheral nationalism.
- Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals — a centre-left party focused on the fight for animal rights, the environment and social justice. The party seeks to ban all sorts of bullfighting events.
Most voted political parties in the [November 2019 Spanish general election]
Other political parties represented in regional parliaments
Political parties running for the Spanish general election, 2011
- Amaiur
- Partido Andalucista
- Andecha Astur
- Anticapitalist Left
- Asturias Forum
- Basque Nationalist Party
- Convergence and Union
- Communist Party of the People of Spain
- Communist Unification of Spain
- España 2000
- Falange Española de las JONS
- Foro Centro y Democracia
- Humanist Party
- Internet Party
- Animalist Party Against Mistreatment to Animals
- People's Party aka Popular Party
- Pirates of Catalonia
- Platform for Catalonia
- Podemos
- Regionalist Party of Cantabria
- Republican Left of Catalonia
- Republican Left of the Valencian Country
- Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
- Unidá
- Union, Progress and Democracy
- United Left
Political parties without any representation
- Estat Català
- Partido Regionalista del País Leonés Salamanca, Zamora, León PREPAL
- Los Verdes
- Partíu Asturianista
- Frente Popular Galega
- Batzarre
- Andecha Astur
- Unidad Regionalista de Castilla y León
- Izquierda Asturiana
- Conceju Nacionaliegu Cántabru
- Falange Auténtica
- Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal
- Izquierda Castellana
- Partido Pirata
- Partido da Terra
- Ciudadanos Agobiados y Cabreados
- Ciudadanos En Blanco
- Comunión Tradicionalista
- Herritarren Zerrenda
- Los Verdes de la Comunidad de Madrid
- Carlist Party, see Carlism
- Partido Cannabis
- Partido del Karma Democrático
- Partido Humanista
- Zutik
- Por un Mundo más Justo
- Por una Europa de los Trabajadores y los Pueblos - No a la Constitucion Europea - coalition of PCPE and LI-LIT.CI
- Prepal
- Unidad Regionalista Asturiana
- Unión Centrista Liberal
- Zornotza Eginez
- Agrupación de Electores Independientes Zamoranos
- Alianza para el Desarrollo y la Naturaleza
- Alianza por la Unidad Nacional
- Bloque por Asturies
- Coalición Asturiana
- Coalición Europea
- Coalición Liberal - European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
- Extremadura Unida
- Iniciativa Socialista de Izquierdas
- Los Parados
- Los Verdes Ecopacifistas
- Lucha Internacionalista
- Nueva Izquierda Verde
- Nuevo Partido por la Democracia
- Partido de Acción Socialista
- Partido de los Autónomos Jubilados y Viudas
- Partido del Bierzo
- Partido de Internet
- Partido de la Libertad Individual
- Partido Demócrata Español
- Partido Familia y Vida
- Partido Ibérico
- Partido Mutuo Apoyo Romántico
- Partido Obrero Socialista Internacionalista
- Muerte al Sistema
- SOMOS España
Social conservatism parties
- Spanish Alternative
Communist parties
- Communist Party of Spain
- Communist Unification of Spain
- Partido Comunista Obrero Español PCOE
- Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España
- Communist Party of Spain
- Revolutionary Left
- Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
Nationalist parties
- Democracia Nacional
- España 2000
- Party for Freedom
Illegal parties
- Communist Party of the Basque Homelands PCTV - EHAK
- Euskal Herritarrok has been made illegal by the Spanish Supreme Court of Justice, which regards it as part of ETA, which is banned as a terrorist group
- Herri Batasuna/Batasuna
- Herritarren Zerrenda
- Demokrazia Hiru Milioi
- Askatasuna
Defunct parties
Defunct major parties
- Radical Republican Party
- Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas, the leading right-wing party of the Second Spanish Republic
- Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista
- Partido Socialista Popular
- Alianza Popular, refounded as Partido Popular
- Partido Liberal, absorbed into the Partido Popular
- Unión de Centro Democrático, refounded as Centro Democrático y Social
- Euskadiko Ezkerra, absorbed into Partido Socialista de Euskadi
- Partido Demócrata Popular, absorbed into the Partido Popular
- Partit Socialista de Mallorca, absorbed into PSM - Nationalist Agreement
- Partido Reformista Democrático
- Unió Valenciana
Defunct Nationalist parties
- National Alliance July 18
- National Union
- Movimiento Social Republicano
Defunct parties
- Republican Left
- Partido Andalucista
- Partido Galeguista
- Coalición Galega
- Tierra Comunera - Partido nacionalista Castellano, Castilian nationalist party
- Nós-Unidade Popular
- Unidad Cántabra
- Unión del Pueblo Salmantino, Salamanca
- Otra Democracia Es Posible
- Frente Nacional