List of rare species in the British National Vegetation Classification
The following is a list of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens which were regarded as rare species by the authors of British Plant Communities, together with the communities in which they occur.Vascular plants
- Man orchid CG2, CG3, CG5
- Baneberry W9
- Bristle bent H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
- Ground-pine CG2, OV15
- The lady's-mantle Alchemilla filicaulis ssp. filicaulis CG10
- The lady's-mantle Alchemilla acutiloba MG3
- The lady's-mantle Alchemilla glomerulans MG3
- The lady's-mantle Alchemilla monticola MG3
- The lady's-mantle Alchemilla subcrenata MG3
- The lady's-mantle Alchemilla wichurae MG3, CG10
- Babington's leek OV6
- Chives H6, H7, MC5
- Three-cornered garlic OV24
- Bog-rosemary M2
- Annual vernal-grass OV1
- Loose silky-bent OV5
- Bristol rock-cress CG1
- Field wormwood CG7
- Goldilocks aster CG1
- Purple milk-vetch H7, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, SD11, SD12, MC10, MC5
- Wild cabbage OV41, MC4, MC5
- Lesser quaking-grass OV1, OV2, OV6
- Lesser hairy brome W9
- Great pignut CG2
- Small hare's-ear CG1
- European box W13
- Narrow small-reed S1
- Narrow-leaved bittercress W8
- Fibrous tussock-sedge W3
- Hair sedge CG10
- String sedge M4
- Lesser tussock-sedge W3
- Elongated sedge W2
- Rare spring-sedge CG2, CG5, CG7
- Dwarf sedge CG1, CG2, CG3
- Tall bog-sedge M2
- Soft-leaved sedge H4, CG2, CG10
- Rock sedge CG10
- Common centaury MC5
- Dwarf mouse-ear CG1, CG2
- Tuberous thistle MG5, CG2
- Coralroot orchid W3
- Grey hair-grass SD11
- Sea-kale SD1
- Northern hawk's-beard W9
- Mezereon W8
- Yellow whitlowgrass CG1, OV41
- Hoary whitlowgrass CG10
- Crested buckler-fern W2
- The fern Dryopteris × uliginosa, the hybrid of crested buckler-fern and narrow buckler-fern W2
- Dorset heath H3, H4
- Cornish heath H4, H5, H6, H7
- Musk stork's-bill OV14
- Portland spurge H7, CG1
- The eyebright Euphrasia pseudokerneri CG2
- Wood fescue W8
- Snake's-head fritillary MG4
- Tall ramping-fumitory OV6, OV11, OV13
- Yellow star-of-Bethlehem W9
- Wall bedstraw CG7
- Slender bedstraw CG2, CG5
- Limestone bedstraw CG2, CG10
- Early gentian CG1, CG2
- Chiltern gentian CG2
- Hairy greenweed ) H2, H7, MC5
- Bog orchid M1
- White rock-rose CG1
- Hoary rock-rose CG1
- The hybrid between white and hoary rock-roses Helianthemum × sulfureum CG1
- Musk orchid CG2, CG4, CG5
- Fringed rupturewort H7, MC5
- Lizard orchid CG7
- Hutchinsia CG7, OV39
- Spotted cat's-ear CG1, CG2, CG3
- Wild candytuft CG2
- Land quillwort H7
- Dwarf rush H6
- Somerset hair-grass CG1
- Rock sea-lavender MC1
- Perennial flax CG2, CG3
- Hairy bird's-foot trefoil MC5
- Tufted loosestrife W1, W3, M4
- Bur medick CG7
- Sickle medick CG7
- Toothed medick OV14
- Sand lucerne CG7
- Oysterplant SD3
- Early sand-grass SD19, MC5
- Fine-leaved sandwort CG7
- Spring sandwort H7, CG10, MC5
- Alpine forget-me-not CG10
- Dwarf cudweed CG10
- Small restharrow MC5
- Late spider-orchid CG2
- Early spider-orchid CG2, MC4
- Monkey orchid CG2
- Burnt orchid CG2
- Orange bird's-foot MC5
- Oxtongue broomrape CG2
- Purple oxytropis MC10
- Curved hard-grass MC1
- Milk-parsley W2
- Purple-stem cat's-tail CG7
- Round-headed rampion CG2, CG3, CG5
- Bulbous meadow-grass MC5
- Early meadow-grass MC5
- Jacob's-ladder MG2
- Four-leaved allseed MC5
- Dwarf milkwort CG2
- Chalk milkwort CG2, CG3, CG5
- Whorled Solomon's-seal W9
- Ray's knotgrass SD2, SD3
- Holly fern OV40
- Spring cinquefoil CG1, CG7
- Oxlip W8
- Primula × digenea, the hybrid between oxlip and primrose W8
- Scottish primrose H7, MC10
- Pasqueflower CG2, CG3, CG5
- Round-leaved wintergreen W2, W3
- Brown beak-sedge M1
- Mountain currant W8
- Sand crocus MC5
- Alpine pearlwort CG10
- Dwarf willow CG10
- Dark-leaved willow W3
- Meadow clary CG2
- Perennial glasswort SM10
- Shepherd's-needle OV15
- Rannoch-rush M1
- Autumn squill H7, CG1, MC5
- Spring squill H5, H6, H7, MC10, CG1, MC5, MC12
- Rock stonecrop CG1
- Silver ragwort CG1
- Field fleawort CG2, CG3, MC5
- Moon carrot CG2
- Sibbaldia CG10
- Sand catchfly CG7
- Small-flowered catchfly OV2, OV6
- Night-flowering catchfly OV16
- Nottingham catchfly MG1, CG2, OV41, OV39, MC4
- Spanish catchfly CG7
- London-rocket OV14
- Autumn ladies'-tresses CG2, H7
- The dandelion Taraxacum fulgidum MG4
- The dandelion Taraxacum haematicum MG4
- The dandelion Taraxacum melanthoides MG4
- The dandelion Taraxacum sublaeticolor MG4
- The dandelion Taraxacum subundulatum MG4
- The dandelion Taraxacum tamesense MG4
- Cut-leaved germander CG2
- Marsh fern W2
- Bastard toadflax CG2, CG3, CG5
- Breckland thyme CG7
- Large thyme CG2, CG3, CG5
- Large-leaved lime W8
- Scottish asphodel CG10
- Twin-headed clover H6, H7
- Western clover H7, MC10, MC5
- Suffocated clover MC5, OV2
- Intermediate bladderwort M1
- Spiked speedwell CG1, CG2, CG7
- Fingered speedwell OV3
- Spring speedwell CG7
- Pale dog-violet H3
- Dune fescue SD19
- Alpine woodsia OV40