List of salaries of heads of state and government
This is a list of salaries of heads of state and government per year, showing heads of state and heads of government where different, mainly in parliamentary systems. Often a leader is both in presidential systems. Some states have semi-presidential systems, where the head of government role is fulfilled by both the listed head of government and the head of state.GDP means nominal GDP provided by International Monetary Fund.
GDP per capita means nominal GDP per capita provided by International Monetary Fund.The following states control their territory and are recognized by at least one UN member state.
State | Also claimed by | Head of state | Head of government |
| | | |
| | 39,650 USD | 40,519 USD |
| | | 39,028 USD |
| | | |
| | | |
| | 180,000 USD | 121,500 USD |
The following states/governments control their territory, but are not recognized by any UN member states.
State/Government | Also claimed by | Head of state | Head of government |
| | 19,600 USD | |
| | | |