List of scholarly publishing stings

This is a list of scholarly publishing "sting operations" such as the Sokal affair. These are nonsense papers that were accepted by an academic journal or academic conference; the list does not include cases of scientific misconduct. The intent of such publications is typically to expose shortcomings in a journal's peer review process or to criticize the standards of pay-to-publish journals.


On April 1st 2015, philosophers Philippe Huneman and Anouk Barberousse published a hoax article entitled “Ontology, Neutrality and the Strive for Being-Queer" in the journal Badiou Studies. The paper was submitted under the pen name Benedetta Tripodi and was subsequently retracted. The parody was designed to undermine the foundation of Alain Badiou's thought.
The authors have explained their motives this way:
The hoax was exposed in the french newspaper Libération, with the support of Alan Sokal, among others. Answering to critics which denounced their strategy as one of avoidance rather than criticism, they pointed to Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal to show that publishing hoaxes is sometimes a good way to voice criticism.
