List of settlements in the Falkland Islands
This is a list of towns and settlements on the Falkland Islands.
List of settlements by name, population, and island it is located on :
- Ajax Bay
- Beaver Settlement
- Bluff Cove Settlement
- Bombilia House
- Burnside House
- Camp Verde
- Carcass Island Settlement
- Ceritos
- Chartres Settlement
- Cranmer
- Darwin Settlement
- Dos Lomas
- Douglas Settlement
- Dunnose Head Settlement
- Estancia House
- Fitzroy North
- Fitzroy Settlement
- Foam Creek Settlement
- Fox Bay East Settlement
- Fox Bay West Settlement
- Goose Green Settlement
- Green Patch Settlement
- Hill Cove
- Hope Cottage
- Hope Place
- Horseshoe Bay
- Johnson's Harbour
- Keppel Settlement
- Lively Settlement
- Mare Harbour Rancho
- Mariqueta
- Mid Rancho
- New House of Glamis
- New Island Settlement
- North Arm Settlement
- Orqueta
- Pebble Island Settlement
- Piedra Sola
- Port Albemarle
- Port Egmont
- Port Harriet
- Port Howard
- Port Louis Settlement
- Port Louis South
- Port Patterson
- Port San Carlos Settlement
- Port Stephens Settlement
- Port William
- RAF Mount Pleasant
- Rincon Grande Settlement
- Roy Cove Settlement
- Salvador
- San Carlos
- Sand Fountain
- Saunders Island Settlement
- Sealion Island Settlement
- Speedwell Island Settlement
- Spring Point Settlement
- Stanley
- Teal Inlet Settlement
- Tranquilidad
- Volunteer Point
- Walker Creek
- Weddell Settlement
- Westpoint Island Settlement