List of ships of Serco Marine Services

List of ships of Serco Marine Services is a list of active ships operated by Serco Marine Services in support of Her Majesty's Naval Service and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
The ships Kingdom of Fife and Cameron are provided by Briggs Marine who won a £100M subcontract from Serco Marine Services for the support and maintenance of the Royal Navy's navigational marks and moorings in the United Kingdom and overseas.

List of ships

;Worldwide support ship
;Multi-purpose ship
;Moor-class diving support vessels
;Multicat 2510-class recovery vessels
;Multicat 2613-class utility boat
;Recovery vessels
;Coastal oilers
;Damen ART 80-32 tug
;Impulse-class tugs
;ASD 2509-class tugs
;ATD 2909-class tugs
;Twin Unit Tractor Tugs
;STAN 2608-class tugs
;ASD 2009-class tugs
;Felicity-class water tractors
;Pushy Cat 1204-class tugs
;STAN 1405-class tug
;Trials vessels
;Storm-class tenders
;Newhaven-class tenders
;Padstow-class tender
;Oban-class tenders
;Personnel ferries
;Fleet tenders
;STAN 1505-class tenders
;STAN 1905-class tenders