List of species and habitats of principal importance in England
The UK countries of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are obliged by their individual laws to maintain lists of species and habitats of principal importance for biodiversity conservation. Public bodies, including local authorities now have a legal duty to have regard to conserving biodiversity in the exercise of their normal functions. In England, this obligation derives from the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.
The species that have been designated to be of "principal importance for the purpose of conserving biodiversity" are those that are most threatened, in greatest decline, or where the UK holds a significant proportion of the world's total population. They mainly derive from lists originally drawn up for the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Similarly the list of habitats of principal importance in England also derive from the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Both lists were reviewed in 2007, and the total number of UK BAP habitats increased from 45 to 65, and the number of UK BAP species increased from under 600 to 1,150.From these, the formal list just for England now contains 56 of those 65 habitats, and 943 of the original 1,150 UK species.
Legal obligations
Section 40 of The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 places a legal obligation on public bodies in England to have regard to particular living organisms and types of habitat which are of the greatest conservation importance whilst carrying out their functions, whilst also having a general regard for protecting all biodiversity. Section 41 of that same Act of Parliament requires the Secretary of State to maintain and publish statutory lists of these features - a function carried out on his/her behalf by Defra and Natural England. The lists given here are sometimes known as the 'Section 41 lists', or 'priority habitats' and 'priority species' lists. They replace an earlier list which was required under Section 74 of the CRoW Act of 2000, and which was published by Defra two years later, though their contents were at that time identical to the UK BAP priority habitats and species lists.Significance
Awareness of the presence of any principal species or principal habitat identified on these lists is of great importance within the local authority planning process when land is considered for development. Along with legally protected species, statutory and non-statutory sites, knowledge of their presence is required if the impact of future development is to be avoided or mitigated. By fully considering all these features in the decision-making process, the planning authority will have demonstrated that it has discharged its duties to conserve biodiversity.Habitats of 'principal importance' in England
The latest update to the list of Section 41 habitats of principal importance was published by Natural England in August 2010.The list shows the broad habitat group, followed by name of the habitat of principal importance.
- Arable and horticulture: Arable field margins
- Arable and horticulture: Traditional orchards
- Boundary: Hedgerows
- Coastal: Coastal saltmarsh
- Coastal: Coastal sand dunes
- Coastal: Coastal vegetated shingle
- Coastal: Intertidal mudflats
- Coastal: Maritime cliff and slopes
- Coastal: Saline lagoons
- Freshwater: Aquifer-fed naturally fluctuating water bodies
- Freshwater: Eutrophic standing waters
- Freshwater: Mesotrophic lakes
- Freshwater: Oligotrophic and dystrophic lakes
- Freshwater: Ponds
- Freshwater: Rivers
- Grassland: Lowland calcareous grassland
- Grassland: Lowland dry acid grassland
- Grassland: Lowland meadows
- Grassland: Purple moor-grass and rush pastures
- Grassland: Upland calcareous grassland
- Grassland: Upland hay meadows
- Heathland: Lowland heathland
- Heathland: Mountain heaths and willow scrub
- Heathland: Upland heathland
- Inland rock: Calaminarian grasslands
- Inland rock: Inland rock outcrop and scree habitats
- Inland rock: Limestone pavements
- Inland rock: Open mosaic habitats on previously developed land
- Marine: Blue mussel beds
- Marine: Estuarine rocky habitats
- Marine: Fragile sponge and anthozoan communities on subtidal rocky habitats
- Marine: Horse mussel beds
- Marine: Intertidal boulder communities
- Marine: Intertidal chalk
- Marine: Maërl beds
- Marine: Mud habitats in deep water
- Marine: Peat and clay exposures
- Marine: Sabellaria alveolata reefs
- Marine: Sabellaria spinulosa reefs
- Marine: Seagrass beds
- Marine: Sheltered muddy gravels
- Marine: Subtidal chalk
- Marine: Subtidal sands and gravels
- Marine: Tide-swept channels
- Wetland: Blanket bog
- Wetland: Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
- Wetland: Lowland fens
- Wetland: Lowland raised bog
- Wetland: Reedbeds
- Wetland: Upland flushes, fens and swamps
- Woodland: Lowland beech and yew woodland
- Woodland: Lowland mixed deciduous woodland
- Woodland: Upland mixed ashwoods
- Woodland: Upland oakwood
- Woodland: Wet woodland
- Woodland: Wood-pasture and parkland
Species of 'principal importance' in England
Common name | Scientific name | Taxonomic category | Taxon |
Water vole | Arvicola amphibius | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Barbastelle bat | Barbastella barbastellus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Hedgehog | Erinaceus europaeus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Brown hare | Lepus europaeus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Mountain hare | Lepus timidus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Otter | Lutra lutra | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Pine marten | Martes martes | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Harvest mouse | Micromys minutus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Dormouse | Muscardinus avellanarius | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Polecat | Mustela putorius | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Bechstein's bat | Myotis bechsteinii | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Noctule | Nyctalus noctula | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Common seal | Phoca vitulina | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Soprano pipistrelle | Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Brown long-eared bat | Plecotus auritus | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Greater horseshoe bat | Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Lesser horseshoe bat | Rhinolophus hipposideros | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Red squirrel | Sciurus vulgaris | Vertebrates | Mammal |
Minke whale | Balaenoptera acutorostrata | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Sei whale | Balaenoptera borealis | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Fin whale | Balaenoptera physalus | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Common dolphin | Delphinus delphis | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Northern right whale | Eubalaena glacialis | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Long-finned pilot whale | Globicephala melas | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Risso's dolphin | Grampus griseus | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Atlantic white-sided dolphin | Lagenorhynchus acutus | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
White-beaked dolphin | Lagenorhynchus albirostris | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Sowerby's beaked whale | Mesoplodon bidens | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
True's beaked whale | Mesoplodon mirus | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Killer whale | Orcinus orca | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Harbour porpoise | Phocoena phocoena | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Sperm whale | Physeter catodon | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Bottlenosed dolphin | Tursiops truncatus | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Cuvier's beaked whale | Ziphius cavirostris | Vertebrates | Cetacean |
Slowworm | Anguis fragilis | Vertebrates | Reptile |
Smooth snake | Coronella austriaca | Vertebrates | Reptile |
Sand lizard | Lacerta agilis | Vertebrates | Reptile |
Grass snake | Natrix natrix | Vertebrates | Reptile |
Adder | Vipera berus | Vertebrates | Reptile |
Common lizard | Zootoca vivipara | Vertebrates | Reptile |
Loggerhead turtle | Caretta caretta | Vertebrates | Turtle |
Leatherback turtle | Dermochelys coriacea | Vertebrates | Turtle |
Common toad | Bufo bufo | Vertebrates | Amphibian |
Natterjack toad | Epidalea calamita | Vertebrates | Amphibian |
Pool frog | Pelophylax lessonae | Vertebrates | Amphibian |
Great crested newt | Triturus cristatus | Vertebrates | Amphibian |
Common sturgeon | Acipenser sturio | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Allis shad | Alosa alosa | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Twaite shad | Alosa fallax | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Lesser sandeel | Ammodytes marinus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
European eel | Anguilla anguilla | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Black scabbardfish | Aphanopus carbo | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Herring | Clupea harengus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Roundnose grenadier | Coryphaenoides rupestris | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Atlantic cod | Gadus morhua | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Long-snouted seahorse | Hippocampus guttulatus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Short-snouted seahorse | Hippocampus hippocampus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Atlantic halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Orange roughy | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Sea monkfish | Lophius piscatorius | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
European hake | Merluccius merluccius | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Blue ling | Molva dypterygia | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Ling | Molva molva | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Smelt | Osmerus eperlanus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Greenland halibut | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Common sole | Solea solea | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Blue-fin tuna | Thunnus thynnus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Spined loach | Cobitis taenia | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Vendace | Coregonus albula | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Whitefish | Coregonus lavaretus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Burbot | Lota lota | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Atlantic salmon | Salmo salar | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Brown/sea trout | Salmo trutta | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
Arctic charr | Salvelinus alpinus | Vertebrates | Fish - bony |
River lamprey | Lampetra fluviatilis | Vertebrates | Fish - jawless |
Sea lamprey | Petromyzon marinus | Vertebrates | Fish - jawless |
Gulper shark | Centrophorus granulosus | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Leafscraper shark | Centrophorus squamosus | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Portuguese dogfish | Centroscymnus coelolepis | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Basking shark | Cetorhinus maximus | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Kitefin shark | Dalatias licha | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Tope shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Shortfin mako | Isurus oxyrinchus | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Porbeagle shark | Lamna nasus | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Blue shark | Prionace glauca | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Spiny dogfish | Squalus acanthias | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Common skate | Dipturus batis | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
White or bottlenosed skate | Rostroraja alba | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Undulate ray | Raja undulata | Vertebrates | Shark/Skate/Ray |
Aquatic warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | Vertebrates | Bird |
Marsh warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | Vertebrates | Bird |
Skylark | Alauda arvensis subsp. arvensis/scotica | Vertebrates | Bird |
European greater white-fronted goose | Anser albifrons subsp. albifrons | Vertebrates | Bird |
Tree pipit | Anthus trivialis | Vertebrates | Bird |
Greater scaup | Aythya marila | Vertebrates | Bird |
Great bittern | Botaurus stellaris | Vertebrates | Bird |
Dark-bellied brent goose | Branta bernicla subsp. bernicla | Vertebrates | Bird |
Stone-curlew | Burhinus oedicnemus | Vertebrates | Bird |
European nightjar | Caprimulgus europaeus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Lesser redpoll | Carduelis cabaret | Vertebrates | Bird |
Common linnet | Carduelis cannabina subsp. autochthona/cannabina | Vertebrates | Bird |
Twite | Carduelis flavirostris subsp. bensonorum/pipilans | Vertebrates | Bird |
Hen harrier | Circus cyaneus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Hawfinch | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Vertebrates | Bird |
Corn crake | Crex crex | Vertebrates | Bird |
Common cuckoo | Cuculus canorus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Tundra swan | Cygnus columbianus subsp. bewickii | Vertebrates | Bird |
Lesser spotted woodpecker | Dendrocopos minor subsp. comminutus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Corn bunting | Emberiza calandra subsp. calandra/clanceyi | Vertebrates | Bird |
Cirl bunting | Emberiza cirlus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Yellowhammer | Emberiza citrinella | Vertebrates | Bird |
Reed bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Red grouse | Lagopus lagopus subsp. scotica | Vertebrates | Bird |
Herring gull | Larus argentatus subsp. argenteus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Black-tailed godwit | Limosa limosa subsp. limosa | Vertebrates | Bird |
Savi's warbler | Locustella luscinioides | Vertebrates | Bird |
Common grasshopper warbler | Locustella naevia | Vertebrates | Bird |
Wood lark | Lullula arborea | Vertebrates | Bird |
Common scoter | Melanitta nigra | Vertebrates | Bird |
Yellow wagtail | Motacilla flava subsp. flavissima | Vertebrates | Bird |
Spotted flycatcher | Muscicapa striata | Vertebrates | Bird |
Eurasian curlew | Numenius arquata | Vertebrates | Bird |
House sparrow | Passer domesticus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Eurasian tree sparrow | Passer montanus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Grey partridge | Perdix perdix | Vertebrates | Bird |
Wood warbler | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Vertebrates | Bird |
Willow tit | Poecile montanus subsp. kleinschimdti | Vertebrates | Bird |
Marsh tit | Poecile palustris subsp. palustris/dresseri | Vertebrates | Bird |
Hedge accentor | Prunella modularis subsp. occidentalis | Vertebrates | Bird |
Balearic shearwater | Puffinus mauretanicus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Common bullfinch | Pyrrhula pyrrhula subsp. pileata | Vertebrates | Bird |
Roseate tern | Sterna dougallii | Vertebrates | Bird |
European turtle dove | Streptopelia turtur | Vertebrates | Bird |
Common starling | Sturnus vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Vertebrates | Bird |
Black grouse | Tetrao tetrix subsp. britannicus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Song thrush | Turdus philomelos subsp. clarkei | Vertebrates | Bird |
Ring ouzel | Turdus torquatus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Northern lapwing | Vanellus vanellus | Vertebrates | Bird |
Dark guest ant | Anergates atratulus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Narrow-headed ant | Formica exsecta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Black-backed meadow ant | Formica pratensis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Red barbed ant | Formica rufibarbis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Shining guest ant | Formicoxenus nitidulus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Erratic ant | Tapinoma erraticum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Long-spined ant | Temnothorax interruptus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Ant |
Oak mining bee | Andrena ferox | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Tormentil mining bee | Andrena tarsata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Potter flower bee | Anthophora retusa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Brown-banded carder bee | Bombus humilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Moss carder bee | Bombus muscorum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Red-shanked carder-bee | Bombus ruderarius | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Large garden bumblebee | Bombus ruderatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Short haired bumblebee | Bombus subterraneus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Shrill carder bee | Bombus sylvarum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Northern colletes | Colletes floralis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Sea-aster colletes bee | Colletes halophilus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Long-horned bee | Eucera longicornis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
a solitary bee | Lasioglossum angusticeps | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Scabious cuckoo bee | Nomada armata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
a cuckoo bee | Nomada errans | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Wall mason bee | Osmia parietina | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Large mason bee | Osmia xanthomelana | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bee |
Sharp's diving beetle | Agabus brunneus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a ground beetle | Agonum scitulum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Early sunshiner | Amara famelica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Wormwood moonshiner | Amara fusca | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Red-horned cardinal click beetle | Ampedus rufipennis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Heath short-spur | Anisodactylus nemorivagus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Saltmarsh short-spur | Anisodactylus poeciloides | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Chestnut coloured click beetle | Anostirus castaneus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Flowering rush weevil | Bagous nodulosus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Thorne pin-palp | Bembidion humerale | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Scarce four-dot pin-palp | Bembidion quadripustulatum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Pale pin-palp | Bembidion testaceum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
One-grooved diving beetle | Bidessus unistriatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Streaked bombardier beetle | Brachinus sclopeta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Silt silver-spot | Bracteon argenteolum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Poplar leaf-rolling weevil | Byctiscus populi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Caterpillar-hunter | Calosoma inquisitor | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Blue ground beetle | Carabus intricatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a ground beetle | Carabus monilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Black night-runner | Chlaenius tristis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Tansy beetle | Chrysolina graminis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Northern dune tiger beetle | Cicindela hybrida | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Heath tiger beetle | Cicindela sylvatica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Hazel pot beetle | Cryptocephalus coryli | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Ten-spotted pot beetle | Cryptocephalus decemmaculatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Pashford pot beetle | Cryptocephalus exiguus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Shining pot beetle | Cryptocephalus nitidulus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Rock-rose pot beetle | Cryptocephalus primarius | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Blue pepper-pot beetle | Cryptocephalus punctiger | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Six-spotted pot beetle | Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Mire pill-beetle | Curimopsis nigrita | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Cliff tiger beetle | Cylindera germanica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Zircon reed beetle | Donacia aquatica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Two-tone reed beetle | Donacia bicolora | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Petty whin weevil | Exapion genistae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Noble chafer | Gnorimus nobilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Variable chafer | Gnorimus variabilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Spangled water beetle | Graphoderus zonatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Brush-thighed seed-eater | Harpalus froelichii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
St. Bees seed-eater | Harpalus honestus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a seed-eater ground beetle | Harpalus melancholicus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
New forest mud beetle | Helophorus laticollis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Gravel water beetle | Hydrochus nitidicollis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Ron's diving beetle | Hydroporus necopinatus subsp. roni | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Oxbow diving beetle | Hydroporus rufifrons | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Sussex diving beetle | Laccophilus poecilus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Oak click beetle | Lacon querceus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Blue plunderer | Lebia cyanocephala | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Violet click beetle | Limoniscus violaceus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Stag beetle | Lucanus cervus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Scarlet malachite beetle | Malachius aeneus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Queens executioner | Megapenthes lugens | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Sallow guest weevil | Melanapion minimum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Bearded false darkling beetle | Melandrya barbata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Sandwich click beetle | Melanotus punctolineatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Black oil beetle | Meloe proscarabaeus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Rough oil beetle | Meloe rugosus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Violet oil beetle | Meloe violaceus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a river shingle beetle | Meotica anglica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Eyed longhorn beetle | Oberea oculata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Rockface beetle | Ochthebius poweri | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Set-aside downy-back | Ophonus laticollis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Mellet's downy-back | Ophonus melletii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a downy-back ground beetle | Ophonus puncticollis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Oolite downy-back | Ophonus stictus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Alder flea weevil | Orchestes testaceus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Crucifix ground beetle | Panagaeus cruxmajor | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Mab’s lantern | Philorhizus quadrisignatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a ground beetle | Philorhizus vectensis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Cosnard's net-winged beetle | Platycis cosnardi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Kugelann’s green clock | Poecilus kugelanni | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Yellow pogonus | Pogonus luridipennis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Lundy cabbage flea beetle | Psylliodes luridipennis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Skeetle | Stenus longitarsis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
Hairy click beetle | Synaptus filiformis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Beetle |
a leafhopper | Chlorita viridula | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
New forest cicada | Cicadetta montana | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Large dune leafhopper | Doratura impudica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Chalk planthopper | Eurysa douglasi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Carline thistle leafhopper | Euscelis venosus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Lesser water measurer | Hydrometra gracilenta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Pondweed leafhopper | Macrosteles cyane | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Apple lace-bug | Physatocheila smreczynskii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Tall fescue planthopper | Ribautodelphax imitans | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Hairy shore-bug | Saldula setulosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bug |
Northern brown argus | Aricia artaxerxes | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Pearl-bordered fritillary | Boloria euphrosyne | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Small pearl-bordered fritillary | Boloria selene | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Small heath | Coenonympha pamphilus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Large heath | Coenonympha tullia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Small blue | Cupido minimus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Mountain ringlet | Erebia epiphron | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Dingy skipper | Erynnis tages | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Marsh fritillary | Euphydryas aurinia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
High brown fritillary | Fabriciana adippe | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Duke of burgundy | Hamearis lucina | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Grayling | Hipparchia semele | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Wall | Lasiommata megera | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Wood white | Leptidea sinapis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
White admiral | Limenitis camilla | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Heath fritillary | Melitaea athalia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Glanville fritillary | Melitaea cinxia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Large blue | Phengaris arion | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Silver-studded blue | Plebejus argus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Grizzled skipper | Pyrgus malvae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
White-letter hairstreak | Satyrium w-album | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Brown hairstreak | Thecla betulae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Lulworth skipper | Thymelicus acteon | Terrestrial invertebrates | Butterfly |
Small grey sedge | Glossosoma intermedium | Terrestrial invertebrates | Caddisfly |
Window winged sedge | Hagenella clathrata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Caddisfly |
Scarce grey flag | Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Caddisfly |
Scarce brown sedge | Ironoquia dubia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Caddisfly |
Norfolk hawker | Aeshna isosceles | Terrestrial invertebrates | Dragonfly |
Southern damselfly | Coenagrion mercuriale | Terrestrial invertebrates | Damselfly |
Variegated fruit-fly | Amiota variegata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Hornet robberfly | Asilus crabroniformis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Black fungus gnat | Asindulum nigrum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Heath bee-fly | Bombylius minor | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Golden hoverfly | Callicera spinolae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Fancy-legged fly | Campsicnemus magius | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Broken-banded wasp-hoverfly | Chrysotoxum octomaculatum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Southern silver stiletto-fly | Cliorismia rustica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Broads long-legged fly | Dolichopus laticola | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Bure long-legged fly | Dolichopus nigripes | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Phantom hoverfly | Doros profuges | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Picture winged fly | Dorycera graminum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Clubbed big-headed fly | Dorylomorpha clavifemora | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
English assassin fly | Empis limata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Bog hoverfly | Eristalis cryptarum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Royal splinter cranefly | Gnophomyia elsneri | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Six-spotted cranefly | Idiocera sexguttata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Cigarillo gall-fly | Lipara similis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Northern yellow splinter | Lipsothrix errans | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Southern yellow splinter | Lipsothrix nervosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Scarce yellow splinter | Lipsothrix nigristigma | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Western wood-vase hoverfly | Myolepta potens | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
a fungus gnat | Neoempheria lineola | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Barred green colonel | Odontomyia hydroleon | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Hairy canary | Phaonia jaroschewskii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
River-shore cranefly | Rhabdomastix japonica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Dune snail-killing fly | Salticella fasciata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Mottled bee-fly | Thyridanthrax fenestratus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Fly |
Wart-biter bush cricket | Decticus verrucivorus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Grasshopper/cricket |
Mole cricket | Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Grasshopper/cricket |
Field cricket | Gryllus campestris | Terrestrial invertebrates | Grasshopper/cricket |
Large marsh grasshopper | Stethophyma grossum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Grasshopper/cricket |
Iron blue mayfly | Nigrobaetis niger | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mayfly |
Yellow mayfly | Potamanthus luteus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mayfly |
Reddish buff | Acosmetia caliginosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Grey dagger | Acronicta psi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Knot grass | Acronicta rumicis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
The forester | Adscita statices | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Greenweed flat-body moth | Agonopterix atomella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Fuscous flat-body moth | Agonopterix capreolella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Flounced chestnut | Agrochola helvola | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Brown-spot pinion | Agrochola litura | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Beaded chestnut | Agrochola lychnidis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Beautiful pearl | Agrotera nemoralis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Sloe carpet | Aleucis distinctata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Green-brindled crescent | Allophyes oxyacanthae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Ear moth | Amphipoea oculea | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Mouse moth | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
White-spotted sable moth | Anania funebris | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Large nutmeg | Apamea anceps | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dusky brocade | Apamea remissa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Rest harrow | Aplasta ononaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Scarce brown streak | Aplota palpella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Deep-brown dart | Aporophyla lutulenta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
White-mantled wainscot | Archanara neurica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Garden tiger | Arctia caja | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Straw belle | Aspitates gilvaria subsp. gilvaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Sprawler | Asteroscopus sphinx | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Centre-barred sallow | Atethmia centrago | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Marsh moth | Athetis pallustris | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dark brocade | Blepharita adusta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Minor shoulder knot | Brachylomia viminalis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Mottled rustic | Caradrina morpheus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Light crimson underwing | Catocala promissa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dark crimson underwing | Catocala sponsa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Haworth's minor | Celaena haworthii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Crescent | Celaena leucostigma | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Mistletoe marble | Celypha woodiana | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Streak | Chesias legatella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Broom-tip | Chesias rufata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Latticed heath | Chiasmia clathrata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Fenn's wainscot | Chortodes brevilinea | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
The concolorous | Chortodes extrema | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Water-dock case-bearer | Coleophora hydrolapathella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Basil-thyme case-bearer | Coleophora tricolor | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Large gold case-bearer | Coleophora vibicella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Betony case-bearer | Coleophora wockeella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Speckled footman | Coscinia cribraria subsp. bivittata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
White-spotted pinion | Cosmia diffinis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Goat moth | Cossus cossus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dingy mocha | Cyclophora pendularia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
False mocha | Cyclophora porata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Oak lutestring | Cymatophorima diluta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Brindled ochre | Dasypolia templi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Small square-spot | Diarsia rubi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Heart moth | Dicycla oo | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Figure of eight | Diloba caeruleocephala | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Small phoenix | Ecliptopera silaceata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
September thorn | Ennomos erosaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dusky thorn | Ennomos fuscantaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
August thorn | Ennomos quercinaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Grey mountain carpet | Entephria caesiata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Chalk-hill lance-wing | Epermenia insecurella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dark bordered beauty | Epione vespertaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Galium carpet | Epirrhoe galiata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dorset tineid moth | Eudarcia richardsoni | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Autumnal rustic | Eugnorisma glareosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Spinach | Eulithis mellinata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Scarce pug | Eupithecia extensaria subsp. occidua | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Netted carpet | Eustroma reticulatum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Garden dart | Euxoa nigricans | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
White-line dart | Euxoa tritici | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Double dart | Graphiphora augur | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Liquorice piercer | Grapholita pallifrontana | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
White spot | Hadena albimacula | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Bordered gothic | Heliophobus reticulata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Shoulder-striped clover | Heliothis maritima subsp. warneckei | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Narrow-bordered bee hawk-moth | Hemaris tityus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Small emerald | Hemistola chrysoprasaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Ghost moth | Hepialus humuli | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Rustic | Hoplodrina blanda | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Rosy rustic | Hydraecia micacea | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Marsh mallow moth | Hydraecia osseola subsp. hucherardi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Silky wave | Idaea dilutaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Bright wave | Idaea ochrata subsp. cantiata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Orange upperwing | Jodia croceago | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Currant-shoot borer | Lampronia capitella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Grey carpet | Lithostege griseata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Sandhill rustic | Luperina nickerlii subsp. leechi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Brindled beauty | Lycia hirtaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Belted beauty | Lycia zonaria subsp. britannica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
V-moth | Macaria wauaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Lackey | Malacosoma neustria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dot moth | Melanchra persicariae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Broom moth | Melanchra pisi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Pretty chalk carpet | Melanthia procellata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Rosy minor | Mesoligia literosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Drab looper | Minoa murinata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Shoulder-striped wainscot | Mythimna comma | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Horehound long-horn moth | Nemophora fasciella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Lunar yellow underwing | Noctua orbona | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Scarce vapourer | Orgyia recens | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Brighton wainscot | Oria musculosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Oblique carpet | Orthonama vittata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Powdered quaker | Orthosia gracilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Clay fan-foot | Paracolax tristalis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Barberry carpet | Pareulype berberata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Common fan-foot | Pechipogo strigilata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dark spinach | Pelurga comitata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Grass rivulet | Perizoma albulata subsp. albulata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Scarce aspen midget moth | Phyllonorycter sagitella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Surrey midget moth | Phyllonorycter scabiosella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Pale shining brown | Polia bombycina | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Fiery clearwing | Pyropteron chrysidiformis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Argent and sable | Rheumaptera hastata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Large wainscot | Rhizedra lutosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Scarce aspen knot-horn | Sciota hostilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Mullein wave | Scopula marginepunctata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Chalk carpet | Scotopteryx bipunctaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Shaded broad-bar | Scotopteryx chenopodiata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Least owlet | Scythris siccella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Striped lychnis | Shargacucullia lychnitis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Black-veined moth | Siona lineata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
White ermine | Spilosoma lubricipeda | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Buff ermine | Spilosoma luteum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Sandhill pigmy moth | Stigmella zelleriella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Anomalous | Stilbia anomala | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Slate sober moth | Syncopacma albipalpella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Western sober moth | Syncopacma suecicella | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Sussex emerald | Thalera fimbrialis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Hedge rustic | Tholera cespitis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Feathered gothic | Tholera decimalis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Blood vein | Timandra comae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Pale eggar | Trichiura crataegi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Barred tooth-striped | Trichopteryx polycommata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Olive crescent | Trisateles emortualis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Cinnabar | Tyria jacobaeae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Four-spotted moth | Tyta luctuosa | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Oak hook-tip | Watsonalla binaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dusky lemon sallow | Xanthia gilvago | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Sallow | Xanthia icteritia | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Red carpet | Xanthorhoe decoloraria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Dark-barred twin-spot carpet | Xanthorhoe ferrugata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Heath rustic | Xestia agathina | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Northern dart | Xestia alpicola subsp. alpina | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
Neglected rustic | Xestia castanea | Terrestrial invertebrates | Moth |
a stonefly | Brachyptera putata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Stonefly |
a solitary wasp | Cerceris quadricincta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
5-banded tailed digger wasp | Cerceris quinquefasciata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
Ruby-tailed wasp | Chrysis fulgida | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
Bloody spider-hunting wasp | Homonotus sanguinolentus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
Black-headed mason wasp | Odynerus melanocephalus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
Fen mason-wasp | Odynerus simillimus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
Purbeck mason wasp | Pseudepipona herrichii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Wasp |
Golden lantern-spider | Agroeca cuprea | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Great fox-spider | Alopecosa fabrilis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Dorset mesh-weaver | Altella lucida | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Yellow-striped bear-spider | Arctosa fulvolineata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
a money spider | Baryphyma duffeyi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
a money spider | Centromerus serratus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Rosser's sac-spider | Clubiona rosserae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Small mesh-weaver | Dictyna pusilla | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Silky gallows-spider | Dipoena inornata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Fen raft spider | Dolomedes plantarius | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Ladybird spider | Eresus sandaliatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Welch's money-spider | Erigone welchi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Cotton's amazon spider | Glyphesis cottonae | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Heath grasper | Haplodrassus dalmatensis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Peus's long-back spider | Mecopisthes peusi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Thin weblet | Meioneta mollis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Midas tree-weaver | Midia midas | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Broad groove-head spider | Monocephalus castaneipes | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Horrid ground-weaver | Nothophantes horridus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Swamp lookout spider | Notioscopus sarcinatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Southern crablet | Ozyptila nigrita | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Sand running-spider | Philodromus fallax | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Lichen running-spider | Philodromus margaritatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Whelk-shell jumper | Pseudeuophrys obsoleta | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Triangle hammock-spider | Saaristoa firma | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Cloud-living spider | Semljicola caliginosus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Bend-bearing blunt-brow spider | Silometopus incurvatus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Sedge jumper | Calositticus caricis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Distinguished jumper | Sitticus distinguendus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Gentle groove-head spider | Tapinocyba mitis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Small-horned walckenaer | Walckenaeria corniculans | Terrestrial invertebrates | Spider |
Turk's earth-centipede | Nothogeophilus turki | Terrestrial invertebrates | Centipede |
Kentish snake millipede | Metaiulus pratensis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Millipede |
Boring millipede | Polyzonium germanicum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Millipede |
Sand pill-millipede | Trachysphaera lobata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Millipede |
White-clawed crayfish | Austropotamobius pallipes | Terrestrial invertebrates | Crustacean |
British cave shrimp | Niphargus glenniei | Terrestrial invertebrates | Crustacean |
Tadpole shrimp | Triops cancriformis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Crustacean |
Lagoon sand shrimp | Gammarus insensibilis | Marine invertebrates | Crustacean |
Crayfish, crawfish or spiny lobster | Palinurus elephas | Marine invertebrates | Crustacean |
Little whirlpool ram's-horn snail | Anisus vorticulus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Fan mussel | Atrina fragilis | Marine invertebrates | Mollusc |
Thames ram's-horn snail | Gyraulus acronicus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Lagoon spire snail | Heleobia stagnorum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Freshwater pearl mussel | Margaritifera margaritifera | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Swollen spire snail | Mercuria similis | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Mud snail | Omphiscola glabra | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Native oyster | Ostrea edulis | Marine invertebrates | Mollusc |
Fine-lined pea mussel | Pisidium tenuilineatum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Gooseneck barnacle | Pollicipes pollicipes | Marine invertebrates | Mollusc |
Depressed river mussel | Pseudanodonta complanata | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Sandbowl snail | Quickella arenaria | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
The shining ram's-horn snail | Segmentina nitida | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Witham orb mussel | Sphaerium solidum | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Lagoon sea slug | Tenellia adspersa | Marine invertebrates | Mollusc |
Cylindrical whorl snail | Truncatellina cylindrica | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Large-mouthed valve snail | Valvata macrostoma | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Narrow-mouthed whorl snail | Vertigo angustior | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Round-mouthed whorl snail | Vertigo genesii | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Geyer's whorl snail | Vertigo geyeri | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Desmoulin's whorl snail | Vertigo moulinsiana | Terrestrial invertebrates | Mollusc |
Lagoon sandworm | Armandia cirrhosa | Marine invertebrates | Worm |
Jennings's ribbon-worm | Prostoma jenningsi | Terrestrial invertebrates | Worm |
Crystal moss animal | Lophopus crystallinus | Terrestrial invertebrates | Bryozoan |
Trembling sea-mat | Victorella pavida | Marine invertebrates | Bryozoan |
Sea-fan anemone | Amphianthus dohrnii | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Ivell's sea anemone | Edwardsia ivelli | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Timid burrowing anemone | Edwardsia timida | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Pink sea-fan | Eunicella verrucosa | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Tall sea pen | Funiculina quadrangularis | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Kaleidoscope jellyfish | Haliclystus auricula | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Sunset cup coral | Leptopsammia pruvoti | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
a stalked jellyfish | Lucernariopsis campanulata | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
St John’s jellyfish | Lucernariopsis cruxmelitensis | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Starlet sea anemone | Nematostella vectensis | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
Brackish hydroid | Pachycordyle navis | Marine invertebrates | Cnidarian |
an eyebright | Euphrasia officinalis subsp. monticola | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pheasants-eye | Adonis annua | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Ground-pine | Ajuga chamaepitys | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pyramidal bugle | Ajuga pyramidalis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a lady's mantle | Alchemilla acutiloba | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a lady's mantle | Alchemilla micans | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a lady's mantle | Alchemilla minima | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a lady's mantle | Alchemilla monticola | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a lady's mantle | Alchemilla subcrenata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Ribbon-leaved water-plantain | Alisma gramineum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Creeping marshwort | Apium repens | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Tall thrift | Armeria maritima subsp. elongata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Field wormwood | Artemisia campestris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Wild asparagus | Asparagus prostratus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Purple milk-vetch | Astragalus danicus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pedunculate sea-purslane | Atriplex pedunculata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Flat-sedge | Blysmus compressus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Interrupted brome | Bromus interruptus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Thorow-wax | Bupleurum rotundifolium | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Slender hare's-ear | Bupleurum tenuissimum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Narrow small-reed | Calamagrostis stricta | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Spreading bellflower | Campanula patula | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Rampion bellflower | Campanula rapunculus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Starved wood-sedge | Carex depauperata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Divided sedge | Carex divisa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Rare spring-sedge | Carex ericetorum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Curved sedge | Carex maritima | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
True fox sedge | Carex vulpina | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Caraway | Carum carvi | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Red star-thistle | Centaurea calcitrapa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Cornflower | Centaurea cyanus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
White helleborine | Cephalanthera damasonium | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Narrow-leaved helleborine | Cephalanthera longifolia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Red helleborine | Cephalanthera rubra | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Chamomile | Chamaemelum nobile | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Upright goosefoot | Chenopodium urbicum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Stinking goosefoot | Chenopodium vulvaria | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Yellow centaury | Cicendia filiformis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Basil thyme | Clinopodium acinos | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Wood calamint | Clinopodium menthifolium | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Lundy cabbage | Coincya wrightii | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Strapwort | Corrigiola litoralis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Stinking hawk's-beard | Crepis foetida | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Northern hawk's-beard | Crepis mollis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Green hound's-tongue | Cynoglossum germanicum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Brown galingale | Cyperus fuscus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Lady's slipper orchid | Cypripedium calceolus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
an early marsh-orchid | Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. ochroleuca | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Frog orchid | Dactylorhiza viridis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Starfruit | Damasonium alisma | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Deptford pink | Dianthus armeria | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Crested buckler-fern | Dryopteris cristata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Lindisfarne helleborine | Epipactis sancta | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Field eryngo | Eryngium campestre | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Glandular eyebright | Euphrasia officinalis subsp. anglica | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
an eyebright | Euphrasia ostenfeldii | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Chalk eyebright | Euphrasia pseudokerneri | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
an eyebright | Euphrasia rivularis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
an eyebright | Euphrasia vigursii | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Copse-bindweed | Fallopia dumetorum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Red-tipped cudweed | Filago lutescens | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Broad-leaved cudweed | Filago pyramidata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Purple ramping-fumitory | Fumaria purpurea | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Red hemp-nettle | Galeopsis angustifolia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Slender bedstraw | Galium pumilum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Corn cleavers | Galium tricornutum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Early gentian | Gentianella anglica | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Field gentian | Gentianella campestris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Dune gentian | Gentianella uliginosa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fringed gentian | Gentianopsis ciliata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Hoary rock-rose | Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. levigatum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Musk orchid | Herminium monorchis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Hawkweeds | Hieracium sect. Alpestria | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Borrowdale hawkweed | Hieracium subgracilentipes | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Sea barley | Hordeum marinum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Yellow bird's-nest | Hypopitys monotropa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Yellow bird's-nest | Hypopitys monotropa subsp. hypophegea | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Yellow bird's-nest | Hypopitys monotropa subsp. monotropa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Wild candytuft | Iberis amara | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Coral-necklace | Illecebrum verticillatum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pygmy rush | Juncus pygmaeus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Juniper | Juniperus communis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Juniper | Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Least lettuce | Lactuca saligna | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Cut-grass | Leersia oryzoides | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fen orchid | Liparis loeselii | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Heath lobelia | Lobelia urens | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Darnel | Lolium temulentum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Floating water plantain | Luronium natans | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fen wood-rush | Luzula pallescens | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Marsh clubmoss | Lycopodiella inundata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Grass-poly | Lythrum hyssopifolia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Sea stock | Matthiola sinuata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Crested cow-wheat | Melampyrum cristatum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Bastard balm | Melittis melissophyllum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pennyroyal | Mentha pulegium | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Cotswold pennycress | Microthlaspi perfoliatum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fine-leaved sandwort | Minuartia hybrida | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Grape-hyacinth | Muscari neglectum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Slender naiad | Najas flexilis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Holly-leaved naiad | Najas marina | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Tubular water-dropwort | Oenanthe fistulosa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fly orchid | Ophrys insectifera | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Man orchid | Orchis anthropophora | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Monkey orchid | Orchis simia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Burnt orchid | Orchis ustulata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Oxtongue broomrape | Orobanche picridis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Spiked rampion | Phyteuma spicatum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pillwort | Pilularia globulifera | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Lesser butterfly-orchid | Platanthera bifolia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Glaucous meadow-grass | Poa glauca | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Holly-fern | Polystichum lonchitis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Sharp-leaved pondweed | Potamogeton acutifolius | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Grass-wrack pondweed | Potamogeton compressus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Small-white orchid | Pseudorchis albida | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Borrer's saltmarsh-grass | Puccinellia fasciculata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Small fleabane | Pulicaria vulgaris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Suffolk lungwort | Pulmonaria obscura | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pasqueflower | Pulsatilla vulgaris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Plymouth pear | Pyrus cordata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Corn buttercup | Ranunculus arvensis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Three-lobed water-crowfoot | Ranunculus tripartitus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Shore dock | Rumex rupestris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Downy willow | Salix lapponum | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Prickly saltwort | Salsola kali subsp. kali | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Yellow marsh saxifrage | Saxifraga hirculus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Shepherd’s needle | Scandix pecten-veneris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Triangular club-rush | Schoenoplectus triqueter | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Round-headed club-rush | Scirpoides holoschoenus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Annual knawel | Scleranthus annuus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Prostrate perennial knawel | Scleranthus perennis subsp. prostratus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fen ragwort | Senecio paludosus | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Small-flowered catchfly | Silene gallica | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Spanish catchfly | Silene otites | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Greater water parsnip | Sium latifolium | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a whitebeam | Sorbus bristoliensis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a whitebeam | Sorbus eminens | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a whitebeam | Sorbus subcuneata | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a whitebeam | Sorbus vexans | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
a whitebeam | Sorbus wilmottiana | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Small cord-grass | Spartina maritima | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Marsh stitchwort | Stellaria palustris | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Field fleawort | Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. integrifolia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Water germander | Teucrium scordium | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Spreading hedge parsley | Torilis arvensis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Tower mustard | Turritis glabra | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Broad-fruited corn salad | Valerianella rimosa | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fingered speedwell | Veronica triphyllos | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Spring speedwell | Veronica verna | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Pale dog-violet | Viola lactea | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Fen violet | Viola persicifolia | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Oblong woodsia | Woodsia ilvensis | Vascular plants | Vascular plant |
Triangular pygmy-moss | Acaulon triquetrum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Long-leaved tail-moss | Anomodon longifolius | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Carrion-moss | Aplodon wormskjoldii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Lesser smoothcap | Atrichum angustatum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Matted bryum | Bryum calophyllum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Round-leaved bryum | Bryum cyclophyllum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Welsh thread-moss | Bryum gemmiparum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Knowlton's thread-moss | Bryum knowltonii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Baltic bryum | Bryum marratii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Saltmarsh thread-moss | Bryum salinum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Sea bryum | Bryum warneum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Chalk threadwort | Cephaloziella baumgartneri | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Entire threadwort | Cephaloziella calyculata | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Toothed threadwort | Cephaloziella dentata | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Lobed threadwort | Cephaloziella integerrima | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Greater copperwort | Cephaloziella nicholsonii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Scarce redshank | Ceratodon conicus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Multi-fruited river moss | Cryphaea lamyana | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Bright-green cave-moss | Cyclodictyon laetevirens | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Waved fork-moss | Dicranum bergeri | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Rusty fork-moss | Dicranum spurium | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Glaucous beard-moss | Didymodon glaucus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Sausage beard-moss | Didymodon tomaculosus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Cornish path moss | Ditrichum cornubicum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Lead-moss | Ditrichum plumbicola | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Awl-leaved ditrichum | Ditrichum subulatum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Dumortier's liverwort | Dumortiera hirsuta | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Clustered earth-moss | Ephemerum cohaerens | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Portuguese pocket-moss | Fissidens curvatus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Large atlantic pocket-moss | Fissidens serrulatus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Pitted frillwort | Fossombronia foveolata | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Pretty cord-moss | Funaria pulchella | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Hedgehog grimmia | Grimmia crinita | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Brown grimmia | Grimmia elongata | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Lesser squirrel-tail moss | Habrodon perpusillus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Incurved feather-moss | Homomallium incurvatum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Marsh earwort | Jamesoniella undulifolia | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Long-leaved flapwort | Jungermannia leiantha | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Fen notchwort | Leiocolea rutheana | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Atlantic lejeunea | Lejeunea mandonii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Thatch moss | Leptodontium gemmascens | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Large-celled flapwort | Lophozia capitata | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Western rustwort | Marsupella profunda | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Millimetre moss | Micromitrium tenerum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Slender thread-moss | Orthodontium gracile | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Pale bristle-moss | Orthotrichum pallens | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Dwarf bristle-moss | Orthotrichum pumilum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Veilwort | Pallavicinia lyellii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Petalwort | Petalophyllum ralfsii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Bog apple-moss | Philonotis marchica | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Norfolk bladder-moss | Physcomitrium eurystomum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Round-leaved feather-moss | Rhynchostegium rotundifolium | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Scarce turf-moss | Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Lizard crystalwort | Riccia bifurca | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Channelled crystalwort | Riccia canaliculata | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Black crystalwort | Riccia nigrella | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Tongue-leaf copper-moss | Scopelophila cataractae | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Water rock-bristle | Seligeria carniolica | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Blackwort | Southbya nigrella | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Texas balloonwort | Sphaerocarpos texanus | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Baltic bog-moss | Sphagnum balticum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Rugged collar-moss | Splachnum vasculosum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Irish threadwort | Telaranea nematodes | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Derbyshire feather-moss | Thamnobryum angustifolium | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Yorkshire feather-moss | Thamnobryum cataractarum | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Flamingo moss | Tortula cernua | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Wedge-leaved screw-moss | Tortula cuneifolia | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Freiberg's screw-moss | Tortula freibergii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Chalk screw-moss | Tortula vahliana | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Wilson's pottia | Tortula wilsonii | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Curly beardless-moss | Weissia condensa | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Levier's beardless-moss | Weissia levieri | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Weissia multicapsularis | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte | |
Spreading-leaved beardless-moss | Weissia squarrosa | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Sterile beardless-moss | Weissia sterilis | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Knothole moss | Zygodon forsteri | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Nowell's limestone moss | Zygodon gracilis | Non-vascular plants | Bryophyte |
Acarospora subrufula | Fungi | Lichen | |
Anaptychia ciliaris subsp. ciliaris | Fungi | Lichen | |
Arthonia anglica | Fungi | Lichen | |
Arthonia atlantica | Fungi | Lichen | |
Arthonia invadens | Fungi | Lichen | |
Bacidia circumspecta | Fungi | Lichen | |
Bacidia incompta | Fungi | Lichen | |
Bacidia subincompta | Fungi | Lichen | |
Bacidia subturgidula | Fungi | Lichen | |
Belonia calcicola | Fungi | Lichen | |
Biatorella fossarum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Biatoridium monasteriense | Fungi | Lichen | |
Blarneya hibernica | Fungi | Lichen | |
Bryoria nadvornikiana | Fungi | Lichen | |
Bryoria smithii | Fungi | Lichen | |
Starry breck-lichen | Buellia asterella | Fungi | Lichen |
Buellia hyperbolica | Fungi | Lichen | |
Buellia violaceofusca | Fungi | Lichen | |
Calicium adspersum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Calicium corynellum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Caloplaca aractina | Fungi | Lichen | |
Caloplaca atroflava | Fungi | Lichen | |
Caloplaca flavorubescens | Fungi | Lichen | |
Caloplaca herbidella | Fungi | Lichen | |
Caloplaca lucifuga | Fungi | Lichen | |
Orange-fruited elm-lichen | Caloplaca luteoalba | Fungi | Lichen |
Caloplaca virescens | Fungi | Lichen | |
Catapyrenium michelii | Fungi | Lichen | |
Tree catapyrenium | Catapyrenium psoromoides | Fungi | Lichen |
Catillaria alba | Fungi | Lichen | |
Chaenotheca gracilenta | Fungi | Lichen | |
Cladonia convoluta | Fungi | Lichen | |
Reindeer lichen | Cladonia mediterranea | Fungi | Lichen |
Cladonia peziziformis | Fungi | Lichen | |
Cliostomum corrugatum | Fungi | Lichen | |
River jelly lichen | Collema dichotomum | Fungi | Lichen |
Collema fragile | Fungi | Lichen | |
Collema fragrans | Fungi | Lichen | |
Collema latzelii | Fungi | Lichen | |
Cryptolechia carneolutea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Endocarpon adscendens | Fungi | Lichen | |
New forest beech-lichen | Enterographa elaborata | Fungi | Lichen |
Enterographa sorediata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Fulgensia fulgens | Fungi | Lichen | |
Fuscopannaria sampaiana | Fungi | Lichen | |
Graphina pauciloculata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Elm's gyalecta | Gyalecta ulmi | Fungi | Lichen |
Ciliate strap-lichen | Heterodermia leucomela | Fungi | Lichen |
Heterodermia speciosa | Fungi | Lichen | |
Lecania chlorotiza | Fungi | Lichen | |
Lecanographa amylacea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Tarn lecanora | Lecanora achariana | Fungi | Lichen |
Lecanora quercicola | Fungi | Lichen | |
Lecanora sublivescens | Fungi | Lichen | |
Lecidea erythrophaea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Copper lecidea | Lecidea inops | Fungi | Lichen |
Leptogium cochleatum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Leptogium saturninum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Megalaria laureri | Fungi | Lichen | |
Megalospora tuberculosa | Fungi | Lichen | |
Melaspilea lentiginosa | Fungi | Lichen | |
Opegrapha prosodea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Opegrapha subelevata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Parmeliella testacea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Parmelina quercina | Fungi | Lichen | |
Parmotrema robustum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Pixie gowns | Peltigera venosa | Fungi | Lichen |
Pertusaria velata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Phaeophyscia endococcina | Fungi | Lichen | |
Southern grey physcia | Physcia tribacioides | Fungi | Lichen |
Poeltinula cerebrina | Fungi | Lichen | |
Porina effilata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Porina hibernica | Fungi | Lichen | |
Porina sudetica | Fungi | Lichen | |
Pseudocyphellaria aurata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Pseudocyphellaria intricata | Fungi | Lichen | |
Pyrenula nitida | Fungi | Lichen | |
Ramonia chrysophaea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Ramonia dictyospora | Fungi | Lichen | |
Ramonia nigra | Fungi | Lichen | |
Rinodina isidioides | Fungi | Lichen | |
Schismatomma graphidioides | Fungi | Lichen | |
Sclerophora pallida | Fungi | Lichen | |
Serpentine solenopsora | Solenopsora liparina | Fungi | Lichen |
Scaly breck-lichen | Squamarina lentigera | Fungi | Lichen |
Stereocaulon delisei | Fungi | Lichen | |
Stereocaulon symphycheilum | Fungi | Lichen | |
Strigula stigmatella var. stigmatella | Fungi | Lichen | |
Synalissa symphorea | Fungi | Lichen | |
Golden hair lichen | Teloschistes flavicans | Fungi | Lichen |
Toninia physaroides | Fungi | Lichen | |
Toninia sedifolia | Fungi | Lichen | |
String-of-sausages lichen | Usnea articulata | Fungi | Lichen |
Witches’ whiskers | Usnea florida | Fungi | Lichen |
Verrucaria xyloxena | Fungi | Lichen | |
Wadeana dendrographa | Fungi | Lichen | |
Wadeana minuta | Fungi | Lichen | |
Fragile amanita | Amanita friabilis | Fungi | Fungus |
Marsh honey fungus | Armillaria ectypa | Fungi | Fungus |
Drab tooth | Bankera fuligineoalba | Fungi | Fungus |
Sandy stiltball | Battarrea phalloides | Fungi | Fungus |
Constant bolete | Boletus immutatus | Fungi | Fungus |
The pretender | Boletus pseudoregius | Fungi | Fungus |
Royal bolete | Boletus regius | Fungi | Fungus |
Oldrose bolete | Boletus rhodopurpureus | Fungi | Fungus |
Brawny bolete | Boletus torosus | Fungi | Fungus |
Fen puffball | Bovista paludosa | Fungi | Fungus |
Orange chanterelle | Cantharellus friesii | Fungi | Fungus |
Blackening chanterelle | Cantharellus melanoxeros | Fungi | Fungus |
Flea's ear | Chlorencoelia versiformis | Fungi | Fungus |
Wintergreen rust | Chrysomyxa pirolata | Fungi | Fungus |
Woolly rosette | Cotylidia pannosa | Fungi | Fungus |
Big blue pinkgill | Entoloma bloxamii | Fungi | Fungus |
Berkeley's earthstar | Geastrum berkeleyi | Fungi | Fungus |
Weathered earthstar | Geastrum corollinum | Fungi | Fungus |
Elegant earthstar | Geastrum elegans | Fungi | Fungus |
Tiny earthstar | Geastrum minimum | Fungi | Fungus |
Dark-purple earthtongue | Geoglossum atropurpureum | Fungi | Fungus |
Coral tooth | Hericium coralloides | Fungi | Fungus |
Bearded tooth | Hericium erinaceus | Fungi | Fungus |
Marram oyster | Hohenbuehelia culmicola | Fungi | Fungus |
Zoned tooth | Hydnellum concrescens | Fungi | Fungus |
Mealy tooth | Hydnellum ferrugineum | Fungi | Fungus |
Ridged tooth | Hydnellum scrobiculatum | Fungi | Fungus |
Velvet tooth | Hydnellum spongiosipes | Fungi | Fungus |
Date waxcap | Hygrocybe spadicea | Fungi | Fungus |
Rosy woodwax | Hygrophorus pudorinus | Fungi | Fungus |
Willow gloves | Hypocreopsis lichenoides | Fungi | Fungus |
Hazel gloves | Hypocreopsis rhododendri | Fungi | Fungus |
Gilded domecap | Lyophyllum favrei | Fungi | Fungus |
Olive earthtongue | Microglossum olivaceum | Fungi | Fungus |
Beautiful bonnet | Mycena renati | Fungi | Fungus |
Pepper pot | Myriostoma coliforme | Fungi | Fungus |
Fused tooth | Phellodon confluens | Fungi | Fungus |
Grey tooth | Phellodon melaleucus | Fungi | Fungus |
Black tooth | Phellodon niger | Fungi | Fungus |
Woolly tooth | Phellodon tomentosus | Fungi | Fungus |
Conifer scalycap | Pholiota astragalina | Fungi | Fungus |
Golden gilled bolete | Phylloporus pelletieri | Fungi | Fungus |
Oak polypore | Piptoporus quercinus | Fungi | Fungus |
Zoned rosette | Podoscypha multizonata | Fungi | Fungus |
Nail fungus | Poronia punctata | Fungi | Fungus |
Bladder-seed rust | Puccinia physospermi | Fungi | Fungus |
Scorzonera rust | Puccinia scorzonerae | Fungi | Fungus |
Bastard-toadflax rust | Puccinia thesii | Fungi | Fungus |
Bitter tooth | Sarcodon scabrosus | Fungi | Fungus |
Scaly tooth | Sarcodon squamosus | Fungi | Fungus |
Orchard tooth | Sarcodontia crocea | Fungi | Fungus |
Violet crowncup | Sarcosphaera coronaria | Fungi | Fungus |
Carroty false truffle | Stephanospora caroticolor | Fungi | Fungus |
Sweet greyling | Tephrocybe osmophora | Fungi | Fungus |
Frogbit smut | Tracya hydrocharidis | Fungi | Fungus |
Mulberry brain | Tremella moriformis | Fungi | Fungus |
Ashen coral | Tremellodendropsis tuberosa | Fungi | Fungus |
Scaly stalkball | Tulostoma melanocyclum | Fungi | Fungus |
Colchicum smut | Urocystis colchici | Fungi | Fungus |
Bird's-eye primrose smut | Urocystis primulicola | Fungi | Fungus |
Felwort rust | Uromyces gentianae | Fungi | Fungus |
Bearded red seaweed | Anotrichium barbatum | Non-vascular plants | Alga |
a red seaweed | Cruoria cruoriaeformis | Non-vascular plants | Alga |
a red seaweed | Dermocorynus montagnei | Non-vascular plants | Alga |
Coral maërl | Lithothamnion corallioides | Non-vascular plants | Alga |
Peacock’s tail | Padina pavonica | Non-vascular plants | Alga |
Common maërl | Phymatolithon calcareum | Non-vascular plants | Alga |
Baltic stonewort | Chara baltica | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Bearded stonewort | Chara canescens | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Convergent stonewort | Chara connivens | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Intermediate stonewort | Chara intermedia | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Foxtail stonewort | Lamprothamnium papulosum | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Dwarf stonewort | Nitella tenuissima | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Starry stonewort | Nitellopsis obtusa | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Tassel stonewort | Tolypella intricata | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |
Great tassel stonewort | Tolypella prolifera'' | Non-vascular plants | Stonewort |