List of sundial mottos
Many sundials bear a motto to reflect the sentiments of its maker or owner.English mottos
- Be as true to each other as this dial is to the sun.
- Begone about Thy business.
- Come along and grow old with me; the best is yet to be.
- Hours fly, Flowers die. New days, New ways, Pass by. Love stays.
- Hours fly, Flowers bloom and die. Old days, Old ways pass. Love stays.
- I only tell of sunny hours.
- I count only sunny hours.
- Let others tell of storms and showers, I tell of sunny morning hours.
- Let others tell of storms and showers, I'll only count your sunny hours. Has date of 1767
- Life is but a shadow: the shadow of a bird on the wing.
- Self-dependent power can time defy, as rocks resist the billows and the sky.
- Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away.
- Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow
- When I am gone, mark not the passing of the hours, but just that love lives on.
- The Concern of the Rich and the Poor
Latin mottos
Time flies
- Hora fugit, ne tardes.
- Ruit hora.
- Tempus breve est.
- Tempus fugit .
- Tempus volat, hora fugit.
Make use of time
- Altera pars otio, pars ista labori.
- Festina lente.
- – carpe diem.
- Utere, non numera.
- Utere non reditura.
- Ex iis unam cave.
- Lente hora, celeriter anni.
- Meam vide umbram, tuam videbis vitam.
- Memor esto brevis ævi.
- Mox nox.
- pereunt et imputantur.
- Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat.
- umbra sumus.
- Serius est quam cogitas.
- Sic labitur ætas.
- Sic vita fluit, dum stare videtur.
- Ultima latet ut observentur omnes.
- Umbra sicut hominis vita.
- Una ex his erit tibi ultima.
- Ver non semper viret.
- Vita fugit, sicut umbra
- Vita similis umbræ.
- Tempus edax rerum.
- Tempus vincit omnia.
- Vidi nihil permanere sub sole.
- Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum.
- Omnes æquales sola virtute discrepantes.
- Amicis qualibet hora.
- Dona præsentis cape lætus horæ .
- Fruere hora.
- Post tenebras spero lucem.
- Semper amicis hora.
- Sit fausta quæ labitur.
- Sol omnibus lucet.
- Tempus omnia dabit.
- Una dabit quod negat altera.
- Vita in motu.
- Vivere memento.
- Horas non numero nisi æstivas
- Horas non numero nisi serenas
- Nunc est bibendum
- Si sol deficit, respicit me nemo.
- Sine sole sileo.
German mottos
- Mach' es wie die Sonnenuhr; Zähl' die heitren Stunden nur!