List of typefaces
This is a list of typefaces, which are separated into groups by distinct artistic differences. The list includes typefaces that have articles or that are referenced. Superfamilies that fall under more than one category have an asterisk after their name.
- Adobe Jenson
- Albertus
- Aldus
- Alexandria
- Algerian
- Amelia
- American Typewriter
- Antiqua
- Arno *
- Aster
- Aurora
- *News 706
- Baskerville
- Bell
- Belwe Roman
- Bembo
- Berkeley Old Style
- Bernhard Modern
- Bodoni
- *Bauer Bodoni
- Bookman
- Bulmer
- Caledonia
- Californian FB
- Calisto MT
- Cambria
- Capitals
- Cartier
- Caslon
- *Wyld
- Caslon Antique / Fifteenth Century
- Catull
- Centaur
- Century Old Style*
- Century Schoolbook*
- *New Century Schoolbook*
- *Century Schoolbook Infant*
- Charis SIL
- Charter
- Cheltenham
- Clearface
- Cochin
- Computer Modern
- Concrete Roman
- Constantia
- Cooper Black
- Copperplate Gothic
- Corona
- *News 705
- DejaVu Serif
- Didot
- Droid Serif
- Elephant
- Emerson
- Excelsior
- *News 702
- Fairfield
- FF Scala
- Footlight
- FreeSerif
- Friz Quadrata
- Garamond
- Gentium
- Georgia
- Gloucester
- Goudy Old Style / Goudy
- Granjon
- High Tower Text
- Hoefler Text
- IBM Plex Serif*
- Imprint
- Ionic No. 5
- *News 701
- ITC Benguiat
- Janson
- Jokerman
- Joanna
- Korinna
- Lexicon
- Liberation Serif
- Linux Libertine
- Literaturnaya
- Lucida Bright*
- Melior
- Memphis
- Miller
- Minion*
- Modern
- Mona Lisa
- Mrs Eaves*
- MS Serif
- New York
- Nimbus Roman
- NPS Rawlinson Roadway
- OCR A Extended
- Palatino
- *Book Antiqua
- Perpetua
- Plantin
- Playbill
- Primer
- PT Serif
- Renault
- Requiem
- Rotis Serif*
- Sabon
- Sistina
- Source Serif Pro
- Souvenir
- Sylfaen
- Theano Didot
- Times New Roman
- *Times
- Torino
- Trajan
- Trinité
- Trump Mediaeval
- Utopia
- Vera Serif
- Wide Latin
- Windsor
Slab serif
- Alexandria
- American Typewriter
- Archer
- Athens
- Candida
- Cholla Slab
- City
- Clarendon
- Concrete Roman
- Courier
- Egyptienne
- Guardian Egyptian
- Ionic No. 5
- Lexia
- Memphis
- Nilland
- Roboto Slab
- Rockwell
- Schadow
- Serifa
- Skeleton Antique
- Tower
- Agency FB
- Akzidenz-Grotesk
- Andalé Sans
- Antique Olive
- Arial
- Arial Unicode MS
- Avant Garde Gothic
- Avenir
- Bank Gothic
- Bauhaus
- Bell Centennial
- Bell Gothic
- Benguiat Gothic
- Berlin Sans
- Brandon Grotesque
- Calibri
- Casey
- Century Gothic*
- Charcoal
- Chicago
- Clearview
- Comic Sans
- Compacta
- Corbel
- DejaVu Sans
- Dotum
- Droid Sans
- Dyslexie
- Ecofont
- Eras
- Esseltub
- Espy Sans
- Eurocrat
- Eurostile
- *Square 721
- FF Dax
- FF Meta*
- FF Scala Sans
- Fira Sans
- Fira Mono
- Fira Code
- Fira Go
- Folio
- Franklin Gothic*
- FreeSans
- Frutiger
- Futura
- Geneva
- Gill Sans*
- *Gill Sans Schoolbook
- Gotham*
- Haettenschweiler
- Handel Gothic
- Hei
- Helvetica
- *Helvetica Neue
- *Swiss 721
- Highway Gothic
- Hobo
- IBM Plex Sans*
- Impact
- Industria
- Interstate
- Johnston/New Johnston
- Kabel
- Klavika
- Lato
- Liberation Sans
- Linux Biolinum
- Lucida Sans*
- *Lucida Grande*
- *Lucida Sans Unicode*
- Lydian
- Meiryo
- Meta
- Microgramma
- Modern
- Motorway
- MS Sans Serif
- Myriad*
- Neutraface
- Neuzeit S
- News Gothic
- Nimbus Sans L
- Nordstern
- Open Sans
- Optima
- Overpass
- Parisine
- Product Sans
- Proxima Nova
- PT Sans
- Rail Alphabet
- Roboto
- Rotis Sans
- San Francisco
- Segoe UI
- Skia
- Source Sans Pro
- Sweden Sans
- Syntax
- System
- Tahoma
- Template Gothic
- Thesis Sans*
- Tiresias
- Trade Gothic
- Transport
- Trebuchet MS
- Twentieth Century
- Ubuntu
- Unica
- Univers
- *Zurich
- Vera Sans
- Verdana
- Nyala
- Rotis Semi Serif
- EasyReading
- 3x3
- Andalé Mono
- Arial Monospaced
- Bitstream Vera
- Consolas
- Courier
- *Courier New
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Droid Sans Mono
- Everson Mono
- Fira Mono
- Fira Code
- Fixed
- Fixedsys
- HyperFont
- IBM Plex Mono*
- Inconsolata
- Letter Gothic
- Liberation Mono
- Lucida Console*
- Lucida Sans Typewriter*
- Lucida Typewriter*
- Menlo
- Monaco
- Monospace
- MS Gothic
- MS Mincho
- Nimbus Mono L
- *OCR-B
- PragmataPro
- Prestige Elite
- ProFont
- Proggy programming fonts
- Roboto Mono
- SimHei
- SimSun
- Source Code Pro
- Terminal
- Ubuntu Mono
- Vera Sans Mono
Brush scripts
- Balloon
- Brush Script
- Choc
- Dom Casual
- Mistral
- Papyrus
- Segoe Script
- Utopia
- American Scribe
- AMS Euler
- Apple Chancery
- Forte
- French Script
- ITC Zapf Chancery
- Kuenstler Script
- Monotype Corsiva
- Old English Text MT
- Zapfino
- Andy
- Ashley Script
- Cézanne
- Chalkboard
- Comic Sans MS
- Dom Casual
- Freestyle Script
- Kristen
- Lucida Handwriting*
Other script
- Coronet
- Curlz
- Gravura
- Script
- Wiesbaden Swing
- Bastard
- Breitkopf Fraktur
- Cloister Black
- Fette Fraktur
- Fletcher
- Fraktur
- Lucida Blackletter*
- Old English Text
- Schwabacher
- Aharoni
- Aldhabi calligraphic Arabic font by Microsoft.
- Aisha
- Aparajita
- Arek
- Arial
- Avory
- Awami Nastaliq features a more extensive character set than most Nastaliq typefaces, supporting: Urdu, Balochi, Farsi, Khowar, Palula, Saraiki, Shina.
- Baloo
- Calibri
- Chandas
- Clone
- Corsair
- Eskorte
- Gadugi
- Grecs du roi
- Hanacaraka
- Japanese Gothic
- Jomolhari
- Kiran
- Kochi
- Koren
- Kruti Dev
- Malgun Gothic
- Meiryo
- Microsoft JhengHei
- Microsoft YaHei
- Minchō
- Ming
- Mona
- MS Gothic
- Nassim
- Nastaliq Navees
- Neacademia
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Perpetua Greek
- Porson
- Segoe UI Symbol
- Shruti
- Skolar
- Skolar Sans
- SimSun
- Sylfaen
- Sutturah
- Tahoma has a very extensive character set including:
- Tengwar
- Tibetan Machine Uni
- Urdu Typesetting is designed for Urdu. The character set covers other languages but the Nastaliq style is unusual for modern documents in languages other than Urdu.
- Wilson Greek
Unicode fonts
- Alphabetum
- Arial Unicode MS. only supports up to Unicode 2.0. Contains 50,377 glyphs
- Batang and Gungsuh, a serif and monospace/gothic font, respectively; both with 20,609 Latin/Cyrillic/CJK glyphs in version 2.11. Distributed with Microsoft Office.
- Bitstream Cyberbit
- Bitstream Vera
- Charis SIL
- Code2000
- * Code2001
- * Code2002
- DejaVu fonts
- Doulos SIL
- EB Garamond
- Everson Mono
- Fallback font
- Free UCS Outline Fonts aka FreeFont
- Gentium
- GNU Unifont
- Georgia Ref
- Gulim/New Gulim and Dotum, rounded sans-serif and non-rounded sans-serif respectively,
- Junicode
- , pan-Unicode, 21 typefaces, 506 fonts; v2.196
- LastResort
- Lucida Grande *
- Lucida Sans Unicode *
- MS Gothic
- MS Mincho
- Nimbus Sans Global
- Noto, a family of fonts designed by Google
- PragmataPro, a modular monospaced font family designed by Fabrizio Schiavi, Regular version includes more than 7000 glyphs
- Squarish Sans CT v0.10
- Titus Cyberbit Basic
- Verdana Ref
Dingbat/Symbol fonts
- Apple Symbols
- Asana-Math
- Blackboard bold
- Bookshelf Symbol 7
- Cambria Math
- Computer Modern
- Lucida Math*
- Marlett
- Symbol
- Webdings
- Wingdings
- *Wingdings 2
- *Wingdings 3
- Zapf Dingbats
Display/Decorative fonts
- Ad Lib
- Allegro
- Andreas
- Arnold Böcklin
- Astur
- Banco
- Bauhaus
- Braggadocio
- Broadway
- Caslon Antique
- Cooper Black
- Curlz
- Ellington
- Exocet
- FIG Script
- Forte
- Gabriola
- Horizon
- Jim Crow
- Lo-Type
- Neuland
- Peignot
- San Francisco
- Stencil
- Umbra
- Westminster
- Willow
- Windsor
Ethnic fonts
- Lithos
- Compatil
- Generis
- Grasset
- Luxi
- Sans forgetica