List of virtual communities with more than 1 million users

This is a list of notable active virtual communities with more than 1 million registered members.
NameDescription/FocusDate launchedRegistered usersRegistrationGlobal Alexa Page ranking
BeboGeneral117000000Open to people 13 and older4169
BlackPlanetBlack Americans20000000Open7193
BlindEmployees2000000Open with verified work email43680
BusuuLanguage learning community 12000000Open8049
BuzznetMusic and pop-culture10000000Open6955
CafeMomMothers1250000Open to moms and moms-to-be1293
Care2Green living, social activism, animal rights9961947Open1930
CaringBridgeNot for profit providing free websites that connect family and friends during a serious health event, care and recovery.9500000Open to people 18 and older4279
Classmates.comSchool, college, work and the military50000000Open to people 18 and older3284
CouchSurfingWorldwide network for making connections between travelers and the communities they visit.18000000Open2231
CyworldGeneral. Popular in South Korea.24000000Open1616
deliciousSocial bookmarking allowing users to locate and save websites that match their own interests.8822921Open436
DeviantArtArt communityOpen to people 13 and older131
DuolingoLanguage learning community and forumsOpen to all ages. Forums open to people 13 and older547
Draugiem.lvGeneral 2600466Invitation only2698
doubanChinese Web 2.0 website providing user review and recommendation services for movies, books, and music.46850000Open106
DXY.cnChinese online community for physicians, health care professionals, pharmacies and facilities2000000Open8367
EdmodoSocial learning network for schools50000000+Open to students, teachers and parents2367
English, baby!Students and teachers of English as a second language1600000Open29585
eToroSocial Investing, FinanceOpen854
FacebookGeneral: Photos, Videos, Blogs, Apps.Open to people 13 and older3
FetlifePeople who are into BDSM1200000Open to people "of legal age to see adult content"4131
FishbrainMobile Social network, Fishing2200000Open436164
FlixsterMovies63000000Open to people 13 and older4012
FlickrPhoto sharing, commenting, photography related networking, worldwide32000000Open48
FotkiPhoto sharing, video hosting, photo contests, journals, forums, flexible privacy protection, friend's feed, audio comments and unlimited custom design integration.1632565Open8011
FotologPhotoblogging. Popular in South America and Spain20000000Open3168
FoursquareLocation-based mobile social network20000000Open817
FriendsterGeneral. Popular in Southeast Asia. No longer popular in the western world90000000Open to people 16 and older.12167
Gaia OnlineAnime and games. Popular in US, Canada and Europe. Moderately popular around Asia.23523663Open to people 13 and older6277
Geni.comFamilies, genealogy15000000Open5958
GetGlueSocial network for entertainment2000000Open3735
GoodreadsLibrary cataloging, book lovers13000000Open327
HabboGeneral for teens. Over 31 communities worldwide. Chat room and user profiles.268000000Open to people 13 and older15255
hi5General. Popular in Nepal, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania, Jamaica, Central Africa, Portugal and Latin America. Not very popular in the U.S.80000000Open to people 13 and older.902
HyvesGeneral, mostly popular in the Netherlands.10097000Open2243
IbiboTalent based social networking site that allows to promote one's self and also discover new talent. Most popular in India.20073500000Open1143
ItsmyMobile community worldwide, blogging, friends, personal TV-shows20082500000770100
JiepangLocation-based mobile social network. In Chinese language3000000Open14790
KiwiboxGeneral.2400000Open to people 13 and older104563
KoboReading platform and social network14500000Open7277
KoofersSocial studying network for college students1000000Open97090
LibraryThingBook lovers1300000Open to people 13 and older10800
LinguaLeoOnline English language learning website. Popular among the Russian-speaking diaspora.3749061Open7480
LinkedInBusiness and professional networking450000000Open to people 18 and older12
LiveJournalBlogging. Popular in Russia and among the Russian-speaking diaspora abroad.17564977Open 115
LivemochaOnline language learning20075000000Open4100
MastodonAn open-source, self-hosted and globally interconnected microblogging community20161600000Open, depends on the instanceNA
MiiverseSocial Network for Nintendo's Wii U home console and 3DS handheld family where users can post about games and ask for help on a particular game.4500000Nintendo Network Members Only.NA
MocoSpacemobile community, worldwide20053000000Open to people 14 and older9882
MyHeritagefamily-oriented social network service200330000000Open3756
MyLifeLocating friends and family, keeping in touch 200251000000Open1765
MyspaceGeneral30000000+Open to ages 13 and older.161
Nasza-klasa.plSchool, college and friends. Popular in Poland200611000000Open75145
NetlogGeneral. Popular in Europe, Turkey, the Arab World and Canada's Québec province. Formerly known as Facebox, Bingbox and Redbox.199995000000Open to people 13 and older2621
NexopiaCanada20031400000Open to people 13 and older25241
OdnoklassnikiConnect with old classmates. Popular in Russia and former Soviet republics200645000000Open65
Open DiaryFirst online blogging community, founded in 19985000000Open to people 13 and older28134
RavelryKnitting and crochet20076700000Open5189
RedditSocial news, link sharing and commenting200536000000Open8
RenrenSignificant site in China. Was known as 校内 until August 2009.2005160000000Open95
Sina WeiboSocial microblogging site in Mainland China.Open28
SkyrockSocial Network in French-speaking world200222000000Open710
Sonico.comGeneral. Popular in Latin America and Spanish and Portuguese speaking regions.200750000000Open to people 13 and older2676
SoundCloudRepository of original music pieces and networking.200810000000Open299
Stack OverflowQuestion and answer knowledge market site for programmers.200812,000,000Open to people 13 and older41
SteemitBlockchain based social networking.20161300000Open5577
StudiVZUniversity students, mostly in the German-speaking countries. School students and those out of education sign up via its partner sites schülerVZ and meinVZ.200517000000NA
Taringa!General 200411000000Open to people 13 and older214
TravBuddy.comTravel1588000Open to people 18 and older21523
TwitterGeneral. Micro-blogging, RSS, updates500000000Open to all ages12
TyltedMobile social game network3000000Open to people 14 and older737508
VkontakteGeneral, including music upload, listening and search. Popular in Russia and former Soviet republics.208833674Open38
Vampirefreaks.comGothic and industrial subculture1931049Open to users 13 and over21052
ViadeoGlobal Social Networking and Campus Networking available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese200435000000Open/lift435
WAYNTravel and lifestyle10000000Open to people 18 and older1367
We Heart ItImage-based social network25000000Open to ages 13 and older.823
WeeWorldTeenagers - 10 to 17200030000000Open to ages 13 and older.18317
XangaBlogs and "metro" areas27000000Open3943
XINGBusiness 11100000Open270

NameDescription/FocusDate launchedDate closedPeak registered usersRegistration
Friends ReunitedUK based. School, college, work, sport and streets23800000 Open to people 13 and older
OrkutGeneral. Owned by Google Inc. Popular in India and Brazil.100000000Open to people 18 and older,
RaptrVideo games2008July 201825664Open
StumbleUponStumble through websites that match users' selected interestsJune 30, 201820000000Open