List of works about the Dutch East India Company
The Dutch East India Company is one of the most influential and best expertly researched companies/corporations in history. As an exemplary historical company-state, the VOC had effectively transformed itself from a corporate entity into a state, an empire, or even a world in its own right. The VOC World has been the subject of a vast amount of literature that includes both fiction and non-fiction works. VOC World studies is an international multidisciplinary field focused on social, cultural, religious, scientific, technological, economic, financial, business, maritime, military, political, legal, diplomatic activities, institutional organization, and administration of the VOC and its colourful world. Some of the notable :Category:Historians of the Dutch East India Company|VOC historians/scholars include Sinnappah Arasaratnam, Leonard Blussé, Peter Borschberg, Charles Ralph Boxer, Jaap Bruijn, Femme Gaastra, Om Prakash, Günter Schilder, and Nigel Worden.
In terms of global business history, the lessons from the VOC's success and failure are critically important. With a permanent capital base, the VOC was the first permanently organized limited-liability joint-stock company at the dawn of modern capitalism. As an early pioneering model of the modern corporation, the VOC was the first corporation to be ever actually listed on a formal stock exchange. In the early 1600s the VOC became the world's first formally listed public company by widely issuing bonds and shares of stock to the general public. In many respects, modern-day publicly listed multinational corporations are all 'descendants' of the 17th-century VOC business model.
For almost 200 years of its existence, the Company played crucial roles in business, financial, socio-politico-economic, military-political, diplomatic, legal, ethnic, and exploratory maritime history of the world. In the early modern period, the VOC was the driving force behind the rise of corporate-led globalization, corporate power, corporate identity, corporate culture, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, corporate finance, corporate capitalism, and finance capitalism. It was the VOC's institutional innovations and business practices that laid the foundations for the rise of giant global corporations to become highly significant and formidable socio-politico-economic forces in the modern world. These pioneering innovations allowed a single business enterprise like the VOC to mobilize financial resources from a large number of investors and create ventures at a scale that had previously only been possible for monarchs. The Company also played a major role in the rise of Amsterdam as the first modern model of international financial centres. With its pioneering institutional innovations and powerful roles in world history, the Company is considered by many to be the first major, first modern, first global, most valuable, most important, and most influential corporation ever seen.
In terms of military and political history, along with the Dutch West India Company, the VOC was seen as the international arm of the Dutch Republic and the symbolic power of the Dutch Empire. The VOC was historically a military-political-economic complex rather than a pure trading company or shipping company. The Company's activities had seminal influence on the early modern history of many countries and territories around the world such as the Dutch Republic, New Netherland, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Mauritius, Taiwan, and Japan.
In the Golden Age of Dutch cartography, VOC navigators and cartographers helped shape cartographic and geographic knowledge of the modern-day world. The commercial network of the VOC provided an infrastructure which was accessible to people with a scholarly interest in the exotic world. In terms of exploratory maritime history of the world, as a major force behind the Golden Age of Dutch exploration and discovery, the VOC-funded exploratory voyages such as those led by Willem Janszoon, Henry Hudson, and Abel Tasman revealed largely unknown landmasses to the civilized world and put their names on the world map. The VOC's navigators and explorers were the first non-natives to undisputedly discover, explore and chart coastlines of mainland Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga. Australia was the last human-inhabited continent to be methodologically explored and mapped. In the 17th century, VOC navigators and explorers charted almost three-quarters of the Australian coastline, except the east coast.
In spite of the VOC's historic roles and contributions, the Company has long been criticized for its monopoly, violence, colonialism, slave trade, exploitation, and environmental destruction. In Graham Harman's words, "One of the paradoxes of the Company is that the Dutch were the most liberal and humane nation in Europe at that time, and yet they created in the Company a very efficient monstrosity."
The Company's alternative names that have been used include the Dutch East Indies Company, United East India Company, United East Indian Company, United East Indies Company, Jan Compagnie, or Jan Company.
The following is a list of works relating to the history of the VOC.
Books, dissertations and theses
- Antunes, Cátia; Gommans, Jos : Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600–2000..
- Ariese, Csilla: A Series of Firsts: Australian & Dutch Representations of the Dutch East India Company .
- Barend-van Haeften, Marijke : Op reis met de VOC. De openhartige dagboeken van de zusters Lammens en Swellengrebel.
- Blussé, Leonard; Zandvliet, Kees: The Dutch Encounter with Asia, 1600–1950. Waanders, 2004, 464pp
- Boxer, C. R.: The Dutch Seaborne Empire, 1600–1800.
- Boxer, C. R.: Jan Compagnie in War and Peace, 1602–1799: A Short Story of the Dutch East India Company.
- Boxer, C. R.: Dutch Merchants and Mariners in Asia, 1602–1795 .
- Bruijn, J.R., et al. : Muiterij: oproer en berechting op schepen van de VOC.
- Bruijn, J.R.; Gaastra, Femme: Ships, Sailors and Spices: East India Companies and their Shipping in the 16th, 17th and 18th Century.
- Bruijn, J.R.: Commanders of :Category:Ships of the Dutch East India Company|Dutch East India Ships in the Eighteenth Century.
- Burnet, Ian: East Indies: The 200 Year Struggle between the Portuguese Crown, the Dutch East India Company and the English East India Company for Supremacy in the Eastern Seas.
- Clulow, Adam; Mostert, Tristan : The Dutch and English East India Companies: Diplomacy, Trade and Violence in Early Modern Asia.
- Coolhaas, W. Ph. : Generate Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, 8 vols.
- Coolhaas, W. Ph.: A Critical Survey of Studies on Dutch Colonial History.
- Derks, Hans: History of the Opium Problem: The Assault on the East, ca. 1600–1950.
- Dewulf, Jeroen; Praamstra, Olf; van Kempen, Michiel : Shifting the Compass: Pluricontinental Connections in Dutch Colonial and Postcolonial Literature.
- Dillo, Ingrid G.: De nadagen van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, 1783–1795: Schepen en zeevarenden.
- Gaastra, Femme: Particuliere geldstromen binnen het VOC-bedrijf 1640–1795.
- Gelderloos, Peter: Worshipping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation.
- Guy, Richard John: First Spaces of Colonialism: The Architecture of :Category:Ships of the Dutch East India Company|Dutch East India Company Ships.
- Haneda, Masashi : Asian Port Cities, 1600–1800: Local and Foreign Cultural Interactions.
- Herport, Albrecht: Reise nach Java, Formosa, Vorder-Indien und Ceylon, 1659–1668. Edited by Naber, S.P. L'Honoré.
- Hyma, Albert: A History of the Dutch in the Far East.
- Jacobs, Els M.; Akveld, Leo : De Kleurrijke Wereld van de VOC: Nationaal Jubileumboek VOC, 1602–2002.
- Jacobs, Els M.; Akveld, Leo : The Colourful World of the VOC: National Anniversary Book VOC, 1602–2002.
- Jones, Eric: Wives, Slaves, and Concubines: A History of the Female Underclass in Dutch Asia.
- Ketelaars, Michel: Compagniesdochters: vrouwen en de VOC .
- Ketting, Herman: Leven, werk en rebellie aan boord van Oost-Indiëvaarders .
- Ketting, Herman: Fluitschepen voor de VOC. Balanceren tussen oncostelijckheijt en duursaemheijt.
- Knoest, Jurre J.A.: Met Jan Compagnie naar de Oost. Het leven aan boord van de VOC-schepen, circa 1660–1745 .
- Knoest, Jurre J.A.: Factorij in bedrijf. De jaarlijkse handel en wandel van het VOC-personeel op Deshima circa 1684–1697 .
- Krondl, Michael: The Taste of Conquest: The Rise and Fall of the Three Great Cities of Spice.
- Kuipers, Jan: De VOC. Een multinational onder zeil, 1602–1799.
- Locher-Scholten, E.; Rietbergen, P. : Hof en Handel: Aziatische Vorsten en de VOC, 1620–1720.
- Mansvelt, W.M.F.: Rechtsvorm en geldelijk beheer bij de Oost-Indische Compagnie.
- Masselman, George: The Cradle of Colonialism.
- Meilink-Roelofsz, M.A.P.: De VOC in Azië .
- Milton, Giles: Nathaniel's Nutmeg: Or the True and Incredible Adventures of the Spice Trader Who Changed the Course of History.
- Naber, S.P. l'Honoré : Reisebeschreibungen von Deutschen Beamten und Kriegsleuten im Dienst der Niederländischen West-und Ost-Indischen Kompagnien, 1602–1797 .
- Nagazumi, Yōko : Large and Broad: The Dutch Impact on Early Modern Asia. Essays in Honor of Leonard Blussé.
- Nierstrasz, Chris: In the Shadow of the Company: The Dutch East India Company and its Servants in the Period of its Decline .
- Paasman, Bert : Wie wil d'r mee naar Oost-Indië varen. Liedjes uit de Compagniestijd.
- Raben, Remco: Batavia and Colombo: The Ethnic and Spatial order of Two Colonial Cities, 1600–1800.
- Raben, Remco; de Bruijn, Max : The World of Jan Brandes, 1743–1808: Drawings of a Dutch Traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa.
- Roos, D.: Zeeuwen en de VOC.
- Russell, Lynette : Colonial Frontiers: Indigenous-European Encounters in Settler Societies.
- Schmidt, Benjamin: Innocence Abroad: The Dutch Imagination and the New World, 1570–1670.
- Schutte, G.J. : Het Indisch Sion. De Gereformeerde kerk onder de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie.
- Schweitzer, Christoph: Reise nach Java und Ceylon, 1675–1682. ; S.P. L’Honore Naber : Reisebeschreibungen von Deutschen Beamten und Kriegsleuten im Dienst der Niederländischen West- und Ost-Indischen Kompagnien, 1602–1797.
- Sleigh, Dan: Jan Compagnie: The World of the Dutch East India Company.
- Steur, J.J.: Herstel of Ondergang: de Voorstellen tot Redres van de Verenigde OostIndische Compagnie, 1740–1795.
- Stevens, Harm: De VOC in bedrijf, 1602–1799.
- Terpstra, H.: De opkomst der Westerkwartieren van de Oost-Indische Compagnie .
- Van Dam, Pieter: Beschryvinge van de Oostindische Compagnie, Derde Boek, uitgegeven door Dr. F. W. Stapel
- Van de Geijn-Verhoeven, Monique, et al.: Wonen op de Kaap en in Batavia, 1602–1795.
- Van den Heuvel, Daniëlle: 'Bij uijtlandigheijt van haar man'. Echtgenotes van VOC-zeelieden, aangemonsterd voor de kamer Enkhuizen .
- Van Gelder, Roelof; Roeper, Vibeke : In Dienst van de Compagnie: Leven bij de VOC in Honderd Getuigenissen, 1602–1799.
- Van Gelder, Roelof: Naporra's Omweg: Het Leven van een VOC-Matroos .
- Van Goor, J.: Prelude to Colonialism: The Dutch in Asia.
- Van Rossum, Matthias: Kleurrijke tragiek: De geschiedenis van slavernij in Azië onder de VOC.
- Van Troostenburg de Bruyn, C. A. L.: De Hervormde Kerk in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië onder de Oost-Indische Compagnie, 1602–1795.
- Van Wiechen, Peter: Vademecum van de Oost- en West-Indische Compagnie. Historisch-geografisch overzicht van de Nederlandse aanwezigheid in Afrika, Amerika, Azië en West-Australië vanaf 1602 tot heden .
- Von der Behr, Johann: Reise nach Java, Vorder-Indien, Persien und Ceylon, 1641–50. Ed. S.P. L'Honoré Naber
- Wagenaar, Lodewijk : Aan de Overkant: Ontmoetingen in Dienst van de VOC en WIC .
- Wiarda, Howard J.: The Dutch Diaspora: Growing Up Dutch in New Worlds and the Old. The Netherlands and Its Settlements in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
- Witteveen, Menno: Een onderneming van landsbelang. De oprichting van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in 1602.
Roles in economic, financial and business history
- Allen, Richard B.: European Slave Trading in the Indian Ocean, 1500–1850 .
- Aymard, Maurice : Dutch Capitalism and World Capitalism / Capitalisme hollandais et capitalisme mondial .
- Barbour, Violet: Capitalism in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century.
- Barendse, René: The Arabian Seas: The Indian Ocean World of the Seventeenth Century.
- Bernstein, William J.: A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped The World.
- Borgers, T.: Voorcompagnieën, VOC en het nieuwe economische model Een vergelijkende studie tussen Oost-Indische Compagnieën en hun opzet.
- Bown, Stephen R.: Merchant Kings: When Companies Ruled the World, 1600–1900.
- Bruijn, J.R.; Gaastra, Femme; Schöffer, I. : Dutch-Asiatic Shipping in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Rijks geschiedkundige publicatiën. Grote serie, vol. 165–167.
- Bucknill, John: The Coins of the Dutch East Indies: An Introduction to the Study of the Series.
- Chaudhuri, K. N.: The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company, 1660–1760.
- Chow, Peter C. Y.: Taiwan in the Global Economy: From an Agrarian Economy to an Exporter of High-Tech Products.
- Davies, D. W.: A Primer of Dutch Seventeenth-Century Overseas Trade.
- De la Vega, Joseph Penso: Confusión de Confusiones, Portions Descriptive of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, introduction by Hermann Kellenbenz, Baker Library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
- Den Heijer, H.J.: De VOC en de Beurs. De Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie als grondlegger van de eerste aandelenbeurs .
- Den Heijer, H.J.: De geoctrooieerde compagnie: De VOC en WIC als voorlopers van de naamloze vennootschap.
- Derks, Hans: Verslaafd aan opium. De VOC en het Huis van Oranje als drugsdealers.
- De Heer, C.: Bijdrage tot de financieele geschiedenis der Oost-Indische Compagnie.
- De Korte, J. P.: De Jaarlijkse Financiele Verantwoording in de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie.
- De Vries, Jan; van der Woude, A.: The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500–1815.
- De Zwart, Pim: Globalization and the Colonial Origins of the Great Divergence: Intercontinental Trade and Living Standards in the Dutch East India Company’s Commercial Empire, c. 1600–1800.
- Eijberts, Christiaan: Is Knowledge Itself Power?: Information Asymmetry of VOC Shares in the 1720s.
- Feinstein, Charles H.: An Economic History of South Africa: Conquest, Discrimination and Development.
- Fitzgerald, Robert: The Rise of the Global Company: Multinationals and the Making of the Modern World.
- Frentrop, Paul: Ondernemingen en hun aandeelhouders sinds de VOC: Corporate governance, 1602–2002 .
- Frentrop, Paul: A History of Corporate Governance, 1602–2002. Translated from the Dutch by Ted Alkins.
- Frentrop, Paul; Jonker, Joost; Davis, Stephen M. : Shareholder Rights at 400: Commemorating Isaac Le Maire and the First Recorded Expression of Investor Advocacy.
- Furber, Holden: Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600–1800.
- Gaastra, Femme: Bewind en beleid bij de VOC: De financiële en commerciële politiek van de bewindhebbers, 1672–1702.
- Gelderblom, Oscar: Cities of Commerce: The Institutional Foundations of International Trade in the Low Countries, 1250–1650.
- Gepken-Jager, Ella; van Solinge, Gerard; Timmermann, Levinus : VOC, 1602–2002: 400 Years of Company Law. .
- Glamann, Kristof: Dutch-Asiatic Trade, 1620–1740.
- Goetzmann, William N.; Rouwenhorst, K. Geert: The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets.
- Gunn, Geoffrey C.: World Trade Systems of the East and West: Nagasaki and the Asian Bullion Trade Networks .
- Israel, Jonathan Irvine: Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585–1740.
- Jacobs, Els M.: Varen om peper en thee. Korte geschiedenis van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie.
- Jacobs, Els M.: In Pursuit of Pepper and Tea: The Story of the Dutch East India Company.
- Jacobs, Els M.: Koopman in Azië: De handel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie tijdens de 18de eeuw.
- Jonker, Joost; Sluyterman, Keetie: At Home on the World Markets: Dutch International Trading Companies from the 16th Century until the Present.
- Jonker, Joost; 't Hart, Marjolein; van Zanden, Jan Luiten: A Financial History of the Netherlands.
- Kamer, H. N.: Het VOC-retourschip: Een Panorama van de 17de- and 18-de-Eeuwse Scheepsbouw.
- Koppell, Jonathan G.S.; et al. : Origins of Shareholder Advocacy.
- Laver, Michael S.: Japan's Economy by Proxy in the Seventeenth Century: China, the Netherlands, and the Bakufu.
- Lesger, Clé: The Rise of the Amsterdam Market and Information Exchange: Merchants, Commercial Expansion and Change in the Spatial Economy of the Low Countries, c. 1550–1630.
- Neal, Larry: The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason.
- Neal, Larry; Atack, Jeremy : The Origins and Development of Financial Markets and Institutions: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present.
- Nierstrasz, Chris; Berg, Maxine; Gottmann, Felicia; Hodacs, Hanna : Goods from the East, 1600–1800: Trading Eurasia.
- Nierstrasz, Chris: Rivalry for Trade in Tea and Textiles: The English and Dutch East India Companies .
- Ormrod, David: The Rise of Commercial Empires: England and the Netherlands in the Age of Mercantilism, 1650–1770.
- Parthesius, Robert: Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters: The Development of the Dutch East India Company Shipping Network in Asia, 1595–1660.
- Petram, Lodewijk: De Bakermat van de Beurs: Hoe in zeventiende-eeuws Amsterdam de moderne aandelenhandel ontstond.
- Petram, Lodewijk: The World's First Stock Exchange: How the Amsterdam Market for Dutch East India Company Shares Became a Modern Securities Market, 1602–1700. Translated from the Dutch by Lynne Richards.
- Poitras, Geoffrey: Handbook of Research on Stock Market Globalization.
- Poitras, Geoffrey: Equity Capital: From Ancient Partnerships to Modern Exchange Traded Funds .
- Pol, Arent: Schepen met geld: De handelsmunten van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, 1602–1799.
- Prakash, Om: Bullion for Goods: European and Indian Merchants in the Indian Ocean Trade, 1500–1800.
- Prakash, Om: On the Economic Encounter Between Asia and Europe, 1500–1800.
- Robertson, Jeffrey S.: Capitalism and Accounting in the Dutch East-India Company, 1602–1623: An Historical Study of Determining Influences and Practices.
- Robertson, Jeffrey S.; Funnell, Warwick: Accounting by the First Public Company: The Pursuit of Supremacy.
- Sarna, David E.Y.: History of Greed: Financial Fraud From Tulip Mania to Bernie Madoff.
- Schmitt, Eberhard; et al. : Kaufleute als Kolonialherren. Die Handelswelt der Niederländer vom Kap der Guten Hoffnung bis Nagasaki, 1600–1800.
- Smith, B. Mark: A History of the Global Stock Market: From Ancient Rome to Silicon Valley.
- Smith, B. Mark: The Equity Culture: The Story of the Global Stock Market.
- Souza, George Bryan: Portuguese, Dutch and Chinese in Maritime Asia, c. 1585–1800: Merchants, Commodities and Commerce.
- Steensgaard, Niels: The Asian Trade Revolution of the Seventeenth Century: The East India Companies and the Decline of the Caravan Trade.
- Stevens, Harm: Dutch Enterprise and the VOC, 1602–1799.
- Van Lent, Wim: Managing an Early Modern Giant: Issues and Initiatives at the Dutch East India Company.
- Van Lottum, J.: Across the North Sea: The Impact of the Dutch Republic on International Labour Migration, c. 1550–1850.
- Van Nieuwkerk, Marius: Dutch Golden Glory: The Financial Power of the Netherlands through the Ages.
- Wallerstein, Immanuel: The Modern World-System II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600–1750.
- Ward, Kerry: The Bounds of Bondage: Forced Migration from Batavia to the Cape of Good Hope during the Dutch East India Company Era, c. 1652–1795.
- Ward, Kerry: Networks of Empire: Forced Migration in the Dutch East India Company .
- Willemsen, R.T.H.: Kabaal aan de Amsterdamse Beurs: Koersverloop en Waardering van het Aandeel VOC in de 18e eeuw.
- Woodfin, Thomas McCall: The Cartography of Capitalism: Cartographic Evidence for the Emergence of the Capitalist World-System in Early Modern Europe.
Science, technology, and culture in the VOC World
- Abbing, Michiel Roscam: Rembrandt's Elephant: The Story of Hansken.
- Ariese, Csilla: A Twisted Truth. The VOC Ship Batavia: Comparing History & Archaeology.
- Atwater, Gretchen D.: The Impact of Trade by the Dutch East India Company on Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Art.
- Bala, Poonam : Medicine and Colonialism: Historical Perspectives in India and South Africa.
- Bartels, M.H.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Sarfatij, H. : Hollanders uit en thuis. Archeologie, geschiedenis en bouwhistorie gedurende de VOC-tijd in de Oost, de West en thuis. Cultuurhistorie van de Nederlandse expansie.
- Beekman, E. M.: Troubled Pleasures: Dutch Colonial Literature from the East Indies, 1600–1950.
- Bethlehem, J.; Meijer, A. C. : VOC en Cultuur: Wetenschappelijke en Culturele Relaties tussen Europa en Azië ten Tijde van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie.
- Blussé, Leonard: Bitters bruid: Een koloniaal huwelijksdrama in de Gouden Eeuw.
- Blussé, Leonard; Ooms, I. : Kennis en Compagnie. De Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie en de moderne wetenschap .
- Blussé, Leonard: Bitter Bonds: A Colonial Divorce Drama of the Seventeenth Century. Translated from the Dutch by Diane Webb.
- Bons, Welmoed M.: Kinderen van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. De levenslopen en carrières van de in Azië geboren zonen en dochters van VOC-dienaren in de 18e eeuw.
- Boomgaard, Peter : Empire and Science in the Making: Dutch Colonial Scholarship in Comparative Global Perspective, 1760–1830.
- Brook, Timothy: Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World.
- Bruijn, Iris: Ship's Surgeons of the Dutch East India Company: Commerce and the Progress of Medicine in the Eighteenth Century.
- Burnet, Ian: The Tasman Map, the Biography of a Map: Abel Tasman, the Dutch East India Company and the First Dutch Discoveries of Australia.
- Cook, Harold J.: Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age.
- Corrigan, Karina H.; van Campen, Jan; Diercks, Femke; Blyberg, Janet C. : Asia in Amsterdam: The Culture of Luxury in the Golden Age.
- De Jong, Johan: Navigating through Technology: Technology and the Dutch East India Company in the Eighteenth Century.
- Destombes, Marcel: Cartes hollandaises. La cartographie de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, 1593–1743. La mappemonde de Petrus Plancius gravée par Josua van den Ende, 1604, d'après l'unique exemplaire de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris.
- Dupré, Sven; Lüthy, Christoph : Silent Messengers: The Circulation of Material Objects of Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries .
- Dupré, Sven; Cook, Harold J. : Translating Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries .
- Eginton, Coral Am-Erika: Health and Disease on the Dutch High Seas: An Analysis of Medical Supplies from Batavia, Vergulde Draak and Zeewijk.
- Fransen, Hans; Malherbe, W.D.: Cape Baroque and the Contribution of Anton Anreith: A Stylistic Survey of Architectural Decoration and the Applied Arts at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1800.
- Friedrich, Susanne; Brendecke, Arndt; Ehrenpreis, Stefan : Transformations of Knowledge in Dutch Expansion .
- Gussé, Egon: “Een Naauwkeurige Beschryvinge”: Een studie naar de beeldvorming in het reisgeschrift van Philippus Baldaeus .
- Heniger, J.: Hendrik Adriaan van Reed tot Drakestein and Hortus Malabaricus: A Contribution to the History of Dutch Colonial Botany.
- Hertroijs, Frasie: Hoe kennis van China naar Europa kwam: De rol van jezuïeten en VOC-dienaren, circa 1680–1795 .
- Hochstrasser, Julie Berger: Still Life and Trade in the Dutch Golden Age.
- Hoving, A.J.: Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age.
- Huigen, Siegfried; de Jong, Jan L.; Kolfin, Elmer : The Dutch Trading Companies as Knowledge Networks .
- Jackson, Terrence: Network of Knowledge: Western Science and the Tokugawa Information Revolution.
- Johnson, Hiroko: Western Influence on Japanese Art: The Akita Ranga Art School and Foreign Books.
- Jonker, Mennoet; et al. : Van velerlei pluimage. Zeventiende-eeuwse waterverftekeningen van Andries Beeckman.
- Keene, Donald: The Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720–1830.
- Kehoe, Marsely L.: Dutching at Home and Abroad: Dutch Trade and Manufacture of Foreign Materials and Landscapes in the Golden Age.
- Knaap, Gerrit: Kruidnagelen en christenen: de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie en de bevolking van Ambon, 1656–1696 .
- Knaap, Gerrit R., et al. : Grote Atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie .
- Koolen, Ben: Een seer bequaem middel: Onderwijs en Kerk onder de 17e eeuwse VOC.
- Koolen, Ben: VOC & Onderwijs: Een inventarisatie.
- LaBarge, Maria S.: Francois Valentijn's Oud En Nieuw Oost Indien and the Dutch Frontispiece in the 17th and 18th Centuries.
- Manilal, K.S.: Hortus Malabaricus and the Socio-Cultural Heritage of India.
- Manjusha, Kuruppath: Staging Asia: The Dutch East India Company and the Amsterdam Theatre.
- Margócsy, Dániel: Commercial Visions: Science, Trade, and Visual Culture in the Dutch Golden Age.
- North, Michael: Kunst und Kommerz im Goldenen Zeitalter: Zur Sozialgeschichte der niederlandische Malerie des 17. Jahrhunderts.
- North, Michael: Art and Commerce in the Dutch Golden Age. Translated from the German by Catherine Hill.
- North, Michael : Artistic and Cultural Exchanges between Europe and Asia, 1400–1900: Rethinking Markets, Workshops and Collections.
- North, Michael; Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta : Mediating Netherlandish Art and Material Culture in Asia .
- Numata, Jiro: Western Learning: A Short History of the Study of Western Science in Early Modern Japan. Translated from the Japanese by R.C.J. Bachofner.
- Olsen, Penny: Upside Down World: Early European Impressions of Australia's Curious Animals.
- Paesie, Ruud: Zeeuwse kaarten voor de VOC. Het kaartenmakersbedrijf van de kamer Zeeland in de 17de en 18de eeuw.
- Rasel, M.M. Azizul Islam: The Seventeenth-century Dutch Travel Account and the Production of Knowledge on Asia: A Study of Vervarelyke schip-breuk van 't Oost-Indisch Jacht Ter Schelling.
- Roberts, Lissa : Centres and Cycles of Accumulation in and around the Netherlands during the Early Modern Period.
- Rookmaaker, L. C.: The Zoological Exploration of Southern Africa, 1650–1790.
- Schmidt, Benjamin: Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism, and Europe's Early Modern World.
- Schrader, Stephanie; et al. : Rembrandt and the Inspiration of India.
- Sugita, Genpaku: Rangaku Kotohajime: Dawn of Western Science in Japan. Translated from the Japanese by Matsumoto Ryozo and Kiyooka Eiichi.
- Sutton, Elizabeth A.: Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age.
- Swan, Claudia; Schiebinger, Londa : Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World.
- Unger, Richard W.: Dutch Shipbuilding before 1800: Ships and Guilds .
- Valentijn, Francois: Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien.
- Van Duivenvoorde, Wendy: Dutch East India Company Shipbuilding: The Archaeological Study of Batavia and Other Seventeenth-Century :Category:Ships of the Dutch East India Company|VOC Ships.
- Van Oers, R.: Dutch Town Planning Overseas during VOC and WIC Rule, 1600–1800.
- Van Mill, P.; Scharloo, M. : De VOC in de kaart gekeken: Cartografie en navigatie van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, 1602–1799 .
- Weststeijn, Thijs; Jorink, Eric; Scholten, Frits : Netherlandish Art in its Global Context .
VOC military and political history
- Borschberg, Peter: The Singapore and Melaka Straits: Violence, Security and Diplomacy in the 17th Century.
- Borschberg, Peter: Admiral Matelieff's Singapore and Johor, 1606–1616.
- Brandon, Pepijn: Masters of War: State, Capital, and Military Enterprise in the Dutch Cycle of Accumulation .
- Brandon, Pepijn: War, Capital, and the Dutch State .
- De Iongh, D.: Het Krijgswezen onder de Oostindische Compagnie.
- Knaap, Gerrit; Teitler, G. : De Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie: Tussen Oorlog en Diplomatie .
- Knaap, Gerrit: De 'core business' van de VOC; Markt, macht en mentaliteit vanuit overzees perspectief.
- Knaap, Gerrit; de Jong, Michiel; den Heijer, Henk: Oorlogen overzee: Militair optreden door compagnie en staat buiten Europa, 1595–1814.
- MacLeod, N.: De Oost-Indische Compagnie als Zeemogendheid in Azië, 2 vols.
- Milo, T. H.: De Invloed van de Zeemacht op de Geschiedenis der Vereenigde Oost-lndische Compagnie .
- Mostert, Tristan: Chain of Command: The Military System of the Dutch East India Company, 1655–1663.
- Nieuhof, Johan: Het Gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen Keizer van China .
- Tolboom, Joeri: De VOC als imperialistische macht? De machtsverspreiding van de VOC in Azië .
- Van den Bos, Koen: The VOC: Trading Company or Imperial War Machine? An Inquiry into the Grand Strategy of the VOC, 1701–1705.
- Van Ittersum, Martine Julia: Profit and Principle: Hugo Grotius, Natural Rights Theories and the Rise of Dutch Power in the East Indies, 1595–1615.
VOC maritime history (VOC in the Age of Exploration)
- Ames, Glenn J.: The Globe Encompassed: The Age of European Discovery, 1500–1700.
- Anderson, Grahame: The Merchant of the Zeehaen: Isaac Gilsemans and the Voyages of Abel Tasman.
- Ariese, Csilla: Databases of the people aboard the VOC ships Batavia & Zeewijk : An analysis of the potential for finding the Dutch castaways' human remains in Australia.
- Bonke, H.: De zeven reizen van de Jonge Lieve: Biografie van een VOC-schip, 1760–1781 .
- Bontekoe, Willem Ysbrandsz: Memorable Description of the East Indian Voyage, 1618–25. Translated from the Dutch by C.B. Bodde-Hodgkinson, with an introduction and notes by Pieter Geyl.
- Day, Alan: The A to Z of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia.
- De Vlamingh, Willem: De ontdekkingsreis van Willem Hesselsz. de Vlamingh in de jaren 1696–1697. Edited by Günter Schilder. 2 vols. "WLV," Vols. LXXVIII, LXXIX.
- Drake-Brockman, Henrietta: Voyage to disaster: the life of Francisco Pelsaert covering his Indian report to the Dutch East India Company and the wreck of the ship 'Batavia' in 1629 off the coast of Western Australia together with the full text of his journals, concerning the rescue voyages, the mutiny on the Abrolhos Islands and the subsequent trials of the mutineers. .
- Duyker, Edward: The Dutch in Australia .
- Duyker, Edward : The Discovery of Tasmania: Journal Extracts from the Expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne 1642 & 1772.
- Duyker, Edward: Mirror of the Australian Navigation by Jacob Le Maire: A Facsimile of the ‘Spieghel der Australische Navigatie.’ Being an Account of the Voyage of Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten, published in Amsterdam in 1622.
- Haalmeijer, Hans; Vuik, Dik: Fluiten, katten en fregatten: De schepen van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, 1602–1798.
- Edwards, Hugh: Islands of Angry Ghosts: Murder, Mayhem and Mutiny: The Story of the Batavia.
- Edwards, Hugh: The Wreck on the Half-Moon Reef.
- Fitzsimons, Peter: Batavia: Betrayal, Shipwreck, Murder, Sexual Slavery, Courage: A Spine-Chilling Chapter in Australian History.
- Gawronski, Jerzy; Kist, Bas; Stokvis-van Boetzelaer, Odilia: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150 ft. Dutch East Indiaman .
- Gawronski, Jerzy: De Hollandia en de Amsterdam: Twee schepen en een bedrijf. Organisatie en materiële cultuur van de VOC in Amsterdam in de jaren 1740–1750 .
- Gerritsen, Rupert; Cramer, Max; Slee, Colin: The Batavia Legacy: The Location of the First European Settlement in Australia, Hutt River, 1629.
- Godard, Philippe: The First and Last Voyage of the Batavia.
- Green, Jeremy N.: Treasures from the 'Vergulde Draeck' .
- Green, Jeremy N.: The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Jacht 'Vergulde Draeck', Western Australia 1656. An historical background and excavation report with an appendix on similar loss of the fluit 'Lastdrager' .
- Green, Jeremy N.: The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie retourschip 'Batavia', Western Australia, 1629. An excavation report and catalogue of artefacts.
- Heeres, J. E.: Het aandeel der Nederlanders in de ontdekking van Australië, 1606–1765.
- Heeres, J. E.: The Part Borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, 1606–1765. .
- Heeres J. E. : Abel Janszoon Tasman's Journal of His Discovery of Van Diemens Land and New Zealand in 1642: With Documents Relating to His Exploration of Australia in 1644.
- Henderson, Graeme: Unfinished Voyages: Western Australian Shipwrecks, 1622–1850.
- Henderson, J.: Sent Forth a Dove: The Discovery of Duyfken.
- Hiatt, Alfred; Wortham, Christopher; et al. : European Perceptions of Terra Australis.
- Hoving, Ab; Emke, Cor: De schepen van Abel Tasman .
- Hunter, Douglas: Half Moon: Henry Hudson and the Voyage that Redrew the Map of the New World.
- Kenny, John: Before the First Fleet: European Discovery of Australia, 1606–1777.
- Leys, Simon: The Wreck of the Batavia. A True Story.
- McHugh, Evan: 1606: An Epic Adventure.
- Mundle, Rob: Great South Land: How Dutch Sailors found Australia and an English Pirate almost beat Captain Cook.
- Murdoch, Priscilla: Duyfken and the First Discoveries of Australia.
- Mutch, T. D.: The First Discovery of Australia – With an Account of the Voyage of the "Duyfken" and the Career of Captain Willem Jansz. Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Vol. XXVIII., Part V]
- Nichols, Robert; Woods, Martin : Mapping Our World: Terra Incognita to Australia.
- Pelsaert, Francisco: The Batavia Journal of Francisco Pelsaert . Edited and translated by Marit van Huystee.
- Peters, Nonja: The Dutch Down Under, 1606–2006.
- Playford, Phillip: The wreck of the Zuytdorp on the Western Australian coast in 1712.
- Playford, Phillip: Carpet of Silver: The Wreck of The Zuytdorp.
- Playford, Phillip: Voyage of Discovery to Terra Australis by Willem de Vlamingh in 1696–97. .
- Pearson, Michael: Great Southern Land: The Maritime Exploration of Terra Australis.
- Quanchi, Max; Robson, John: Historical Dictionary of the Discovery and Exploration of the Pacific Islands.
- Richards, Michael; O'Connor, Maura : Changing Coastlines: Putting Australia on the World Map, 1493–1993.
- Robert, Willem C. H.: The Explorations, 1696–1697, of Australia by Willem de Vlamingh. Extracts from Two Log-Books Concerning the Voyage to and Explorations on the Coast of Western Australia and from Other Documents Relating to this Voyage. .
- Robert, Willem C. H.: The Dutch Explorations, 1605–1756, of the North and Northwest Coast of Australia. Extracts from Journals, Log-books and Other Documents Relating to These Voyages. .
- Ryan, Simon: The Cartographic Eye: How Explorers Saw Australia.
- Salmond, Anne: Two Worlds: First Meetings between Maori and Europeans, 1642–1772.
- Schilder, Günter: Australia Unveiled: The Share of the Dutch Navigators in the Discovery of Australia. Translated from the German by Olaf Richter.
- Schilder, Günter: Voyage to the Great South Land, Willem de Vlamingh, 1696–1697. Translated by C. de Heer.
- Schilder, Günter: In the Steps of Tasman and De Vlamingh. An Important Cartographic Document for the Discovery of Australia.
- Schilder, Günter; Kok, Hans: Sailing for the East: History and Catalogue of Manuscript Charts on Vellum of the Dutch East India Company, 1602–1799.
- Sharp, Andrew: The Discovery of Australia.
- Sharp, Andrew: The Voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman.
- Shaw, Lindsey; Wilkins, Wendy : Dutch Connections: 400 Years of Australian-Dutch Maritime Links, 1606–2006.
- Sigmond, J. P.; Zuiderbaan, L. H.: Dutch Discoveries of Australia: Shipwrecks, Treasures and Early Voyages off the West Coast.
- Sigmond, J. P.; Zuiderbaan, L. H.: Nederlanders ontdekken Australië: Scheepsarcheologische vondsten op het Zuidland.
- Slot, B.J.: Abel Tasman and the Discovery of New Zealand.
- Stapel, F.W.: De Oostindische Compagnie en Australië.
- Stein, Stephen K.: The Sea in World History: Exploration, Travel, and Trade.
- Suárez, Thomas: Early Mapping of the Pacific: The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers, and Cartographers Who Mapped the Earth's Greatest Ocean.
- Tasman, Abel: The Journal of Abel Jansz Tasman, 1642; with Documents Relating to His Exploration of Australia in 1644. Edited by G.H. Kenihan.
- Tasman, Abel: Het Journaal van Abel Tasman, 1642–1643. .
- Van Duivenvoorde, Wendy: The Batavia Shipwreck: An Archaeological Study of an Early Seventeenth-Century :Category:Ships of the Dutch East India Company|Dutch East Indiaman.
- Van Zanden, Henry: 1606: Discovery of Australia.
- Veth, Peter; Sutton, Peter; Neale, Margo: Strangers on the Shore: Early Coastal Contacts in Australia.
- Walker, James Backhouse: Abel Janszoon Tasman: His Life and Voyages, and The Discovery of Van Diemen's Land in 1642.
VOC historiography
- Balk, G.L.; van Dijk, F.; Kortlang, D.J.; Gaastra, F.S.: The Archives of the Dutch East India Company and the Local Institutions in Batavia .
- Blussé, Leonard; Ross, R.; Winius, G.D. : All of One Company: The VOC in Biographical Perspective. Essays in Honour of Prof. M. A. P. Meilink-Roelofsz under the Auspices of the Centre for the History of European Expansion, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
- Gaastra, Femme: De geschiedenis van de VOC.
- Gaastra, Femme: The Dutch East India Company: Expansion and Decline.
- Knaap, Gerrit; Guleij, Ron : Het Grote VOC Boek.
- Landwehr, J.; van der Krogt, P.: VOC: A Bibliography of Publications Relating to the Dutch East India Company, 1602–1800.
- Meilink-Roelofsz, M.A.P.; van Opstall, M.E.; Schutte, G.J. : Dutch Authors on Asian History: A Selection of Dutch Historiography on the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie.
- Meilink-Roelofsz, M.A.P.; Raben, R.; Spijkerman, H. : De Archieven van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie .
- Gerritsen, Rupert : A translation of the charter of the Dutch East Indies Company : Granted by the States General of the United Netherlands, 20 March 1602. Translated from the Dutch by Peter Reynders.
VOC people
- Anderson, John: The Navigator: The Log of John Anderson, VOC Pilot-Major . Edited by Victor Enthoven, Steve Murdoch, and Eila Williamson.
- Barend-van Haeften, Marijke: Oost-Indië gespiegeld. Nicolaas de Graaff, een schrijvend chirurgijn in dienst van de VOC.
- Barend-van Haeften, Marijke; Plekenpol, Hetty : Wouter Schouten, dichter en VOC-chirurgijn. 36 gedichten bij de Oost-Indische voyagie.
- Barreveld, Dirk J.: Tegen de Heeren van de VOC. Isaac le Maire en de ontdekking van Kaap Hoorn.
- Blussé, Leonard; de Moor, Jaap: Een Zwitsers leven in de tropen: de lotgevallen van Kapitein Elie Ripon in dienst van de VOC .
- Boucher, M.; Raper, Peter E. : Robert Jacob Gordon: Cape Travels, 1777–1786, 2 vols.
- Böeseken, Anna J.: Simon van der Stel en sy kinders.
- Böeseken, Anna J.: Jan van Riebeeck en sy gesin.
- Brommer, Bea: To My Dear Pieternelletje: Grandfather and Granddaughter in VOC Time, 1710–1720.
- Bruijn, J. R.; Lucassen, J. : Op de schepen der Oost-Indische Compagnie. Vijf artikelen van J. de Hullu.
- Bruijn, J. R.: Schippers van de VOC in de achttiende eeuw. Aan de wal en op zee .
- Cullinan, Patrick: Robert Jacob Gordon, 1743–1795: The Man and His Travels at the Cape.
- Dash, Mike: Batavia's Graveyard: The True Story of the Mad Heretic Who Led History's Bloodiest Mutiny.
- Doedens, Anne; Mulder, : De memoires van Hendrik Breton ofwel de duistere zijde van de VOC.
- Doornbos, Klaas: Schipbreuk in Oman. De overlevingstocht van 30 drenkelingen van 't VOC-schip Amstelveen door de woestijn van Zuid-Arabië, 1763. Gebaseerd op het journaal van Cornelis Eyks.
- Godée Molsbergen, E.C.: Jan van Riebeeck en zijn tijd. Een stuk zeventiende-eeuws Oost-Indië .
- Gray, Howard: The Batavia Saga and the Courageous Wiebbe Hayes: Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia.
- Heeck, Gijsbert: Terug naar de Oost: De reis van VOC-chirurgijn Gijsbert Heeck, 1654–1656. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Barend Jan Terwiel en Peter Kirsch.
- Jung, Carl: Kaross und Kimono: “Hottentotten” und Japaner im Spiegel des Reiseberichts von Carl Peter Thunberg .
- Lequin, Frank : The Private Correspondence of Isaac Titsingh, 2 vols.
- Moree, Perry; van Sterkenburg, Piet : Verdrinken zonder water: De memoires van VOC-matroos Jan Ambrosius Hoorn, 1758-1778.
- Nieuhof, Johan: Voyages and Travels to the East Indies, 1653–1670.
- Norel, Klaas: Anthony van Diemen. Van bankroetier tot landvoogd.
- Parmentier, Jan; Laarhoven, Ruurdje : De avonturen van een VOC-soldaat: Het dagboek van Carolus Van der Haeghe, 1699–1705.
- Parmentier, Jan; Davids, C. A.; Everaert, J.: Peper, Plancius en Porselein: De reis van het schip Swarte Leeuw naar Atjeh en Bantam, 1601–1603.
- Pelsaert, Francisco: Ongeluckige voyagie, van 't schip Batavia, nae de Oost-Indien . English translation by Willem Siebenhaar, first published in The Western Mail, 1897
- Peters, Marion: Mercator Sapiens. Het wereldwijde onderzoek van Nicolaes Witsen, burgemeester en VOC-bewindhebber van Amsterdam.
- Peters, Marion: De wijze koopman. Het wereldwijde onderzoek van Nicolaes Witsen, burgemeester en VOC-bewindhebber van Amsterdam.
- Raat, Alexander J. P.: The Life of Governor Joan Gideon Loten : A Personal History of a Dutch Virtuoso.
- Ripon, Élie: Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Ripon aux Grandes Indes: Journal Inédit d'un Mercenaire, 1617–1627 , Yves Giraud,
- Ripon, Élie: Captain Ripon's Maritime Adventures in the East Indies: The Diary of a Mercenary Soldier, 1617–1627. Translated from the French by Lai Hui-yun
- :de:Caspar Schmalkalden|Schmalkalden, Caspar: Die wundersamen Reisen des Caspar Schmalkalden nach West- und Ostindien, 1642–1652. Edited by Wolfgang Joost.
- Schouten, Joost; Caron, François: A True Description of the Mighty Kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Originally published in Dutch in 1636. Edited by C.R. Boxer.
- Schouten, Wouter: Oost Indische Voyagie.
- Spruit, Ruud: J.P. Coen: Dagen en daden in dienst van de VOC.
- Tulkens, Joyce: Jan Pieterszoon Coen: Bedwinger van Indië.
- Van der Cruysse, Dirk : Mercenaires français de la VOC: la route des Indes hollandaises au XVIIe siècle: le journal de Jean Guidon de Chambelle suivi en annexe de la Relation d'un voyage aux Indes orientales par un gentilhomme français
- Van der Heiden, Frans Jansz.: Vervarelyke schip-breuk van’t Oost-Indisch jacht ter Schelling, onder het landt van Bengale.
- Van der Lee, Ton: Jan Huygen. Het gedroomde leven van de grondlegger van de VOC.
- Van der Stel, Simon: Simon van der Stel's Journey to Namaqualand in 1685. .
- Van der Weel, H.B.: In die kunst en wetenschap gebruyckt: Gerrit Claeszoon Clinck, meester kunstschilder van Delft en koopman in dienst van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie.
- Van Ledden, W.P.: Jan van Riebeeck tussen wal en schip. Een onderzoek naar de beeldvorming over Jan van Riebeeck in Nederland en Zuid-Afrika omstreeks 1900, 1950 en 2000.
- Van Opstall, M.E. : De Reis van de Vloot van Pieter Willemsz. Verhoeff naar Azië, 1607–1612 .
- Van Putten, L.P.: Ambitie en Onvermogen: Gouverneurs-generaal van Nederlands-Indië, 1610–1796.
- Van Riebeeck, Jan: 1652–1662, Daghregister gehouden by den oppercoopman Jan Anthonisz van Riebeeck. In Bosman, D.B. & B. Thorn. Daghregister Gehouden by den Oppercoopman Jan Anthonisz van Riebeeck, 3 vols. .
- Van Rossum, Matthias: Werkers van de wereld: Globalisering, arbeid en interculturele ontmoetingen tussen Aziatische en Europese zeelieden in dienst van de VOC, 1600–1800.
- Van Wamelen, Carla: Family life onder de VOC. Een handelscompagnie in huwelijks- en gezinszaken.
- Witteveen, Menno: Antonio van Diemen: De opkomst van de VOC in Azië .
- Zandvliet, Kees: The Dutch East India Company in the 17th Century: Life and Work of Zacharias Wagenaer .
VOC in Europe
- Beers, J.K.; Bakker, C.: Westfriezen naar de Oost. De kamers der VOC te Hoorn en Enkhuizen en hun recruteringsgebied, 1700–1800.
- Bergvelt, Ellinoor; Jonker, Michiel; Wiechmann, Agnes : Schatten in Delft. Burgers verzamelen, 1600–1750
- Bonke, Hans; et al.: Texel en de VOC: schepen op de rede Texelaars in de Oost.
- Bonke, Hans; Bossaers, Katja: Heren investeren. De bewindhebbers van de West-Friese Kamers van de VOC .
- Breet, Michael: Strijd om de VOC-miljoenen: slag in de haven van het Noorse Bergen, 12 augustus 1665.
- Cheyns, Mathias: Zeeuwse schepen voor Azië: Het scheepsbouwbedrijf van de kamer Zeeland van de VOC in de eerste helft van de 18de eeuw.
- Daalder, R.; Scholte, F. : Rotterdam en de VOC.
- De Vos, Herman: Met snee jagt en kake van wint. Leven en werken op schepen van de VOC-kamer Enkhuizen en andere notities uit het Enkhuizer stadsarchief.
- Deelstra, Hepke: Van octrooi tot fooi. De Friese strijd voor medezeggenschap in de VOC.
- Gawronski, Jerzy: De Equipagie van de Hollandia en de Amsterdam. VOC-bedrijvigheid in 18de-eeuws Amsterdam.
- Grimm, Peter: Heeren in zaken: De Kamer Rotterdam van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie .
- Horstmeier, Carel; van Koningsbrugge, Hans : Around Peter the Great: Three Centuries of Russian-Dutch Relations.
- Houtzager, H.L., et al. : Delft en de Oostindische Compagnie.
- Kist, J. B., et al. : Van VOC tot Werkspoor. Het Amsterdamse industrieterrein :nl:Oostenburg|Oostenburg.
- Roggeman, Tomas: De VOC en de Gouden Eeuw.
- Rønning, Bjørn R.: Akerendam: The Story of the Runde Treasure.
- Van der Heijden, Manon; van de Laar, Paul : Rotterdammers en de VOC. Handelscompagnie, stad en burgers, 1600–1800.
- Van Dillen, J.G.: Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister van de Kamer Amsterdam der Oost-Indische Compagnie.
- Van Durme, Maud: Zuid-Nederlanders in dienst van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie: Tweede helft achttiende eeuw.
- Van Gelder, Roelof; Wagenaar, L.: Sporen van de Compagnie. De VOC in Nederland.
- Van Gelder, Roelof: Het Oost-Indisch avontuur. Duitsers in dienst van de VOC .
- Wagenaar, Lodewijk: De VOC in Zeeland. Een wandeling door Middelburg en een tocht door Walcheren.
- Wieringa, F.M. : De Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie in Amsterdam: verslag van een werkgroep.
VOC in Africa
- Adhikari, Mohamed: The Anatomy of a South African Genocide: The Extermination of the Cape San Peoples.
- Barend-van Haeften, Marijke; Paasman, Bert: De Kaap: Goede Hoop halverwege Indië. Bloemlezing van Kaapteksten uit de Compagnietijd.
- Bergemann, Karl J.: Council of Justice: Crime, Status, Punishment and the Decision-Makers in the 1730s Cape Justice System.
- Biewenga, A.: De Kaap de Goede Hoop: Een Nederlandse Vestigingskolonie, 1680–1730.
- Böeseken, Anna J.: Nederlandsche Commissarissen aan de Kaap, 1657–1700.
- Böeseken, Anna J.: Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape, 1658–1700.
- Botha, C. G.: Social Life in the Cape Colony in the 18th Century.
- Botha, C. G.: Social Life in the Cape Colony with Social Customs in South Africa in the 18th Century.
- Botha, C. G.: The French Refugees at the Cape.
- Boucher, M.: French Speakers at the Cape in the First Hundred Years of Dutch East India Company Rule: The European Background.
- Brenner, Ashley T.: The "Dutch have made slaves of them all, and... they are called Free": Slavery and Khoisan Indentured Servitude in the Eighteenth-century Dutch Cape Colony.
- Brink, Yvonne: Places of Discourse and Dialogue: A Study in the Material Culture of the Cape during the Rule of the Dutch East India Company, 1652—1795.
- Brink, Yvonne: They Came to Stay: Discovering Meaning in the 18th Century Cape Country Dwelling.
- Bryer, Lynne; Theron, Francois: The Huguenot Heritage: The Story of the Huguenots at the Cape.
- Coertzen, Pieter: Die Hugenote van Suid Afrika, 1688–1988.
- Coetzee, Liza-Mari: Clothing, Gender and Social Identity at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1795.
- De Kock, Victor: Those in Bondage: An Account of the Life of the Slave at the Cape in the Days of the Dutch East India Company.
- Dooling, Wayne: Slavery, Emancipation and Colonial Rule in South Africa.
- Du Plessis, I. D.: The Cape Malays.
- Edouard, Joël: The 1706 Slave Conspiracy in Dutch Mauritius: A Case of Collective Resistance.
- Edouard, Joël: Slavery, Resistance, and Colonial Power in Dutch Mauritius .
- Elphick, Richard; Davenport, Rodney : Christianity in South Africa: A Political, Social, and Cultural History.
- Fourie, Johan: An Inquiry into the Nature, Causes and Distribution of Wealth in the Cape Colony, 1652–1795.
- Franken, J. L. N.: Die Hugenote aan die Kaap.
- Fredrickson, George M.: White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History.
- Gerstner, Jonathan Neil: The Thousand Generation Covenant: Dutch Reformed Covenant Theology and Group Identity in Colonial South Africa, 1652–1814.
- Giliomee, Hermann; du Toit, André: Afrikaner Political Thought: Analysis and Documents: Vol. 1, 1780–1850.
- Giliomee, Hermann; Elphick, Richard : The Shaping of South African Society, 1652–1840.
- Giliomee, Hermann: The Afrikaners: Biography of a People.
- Godée Molsbergen, E.C.: Reizen in Zuid-Afrika in de Hollandse tijd: eerste deel, Tochten naar het noorden, 1652–1686.
- Godée Molsbergen, E.C.: Reizen in Zuid-Afrika in de Hollandse tijd: tweede deel, Tochten naar het noorden, 1686–1806.
- Groenewald, Gerald: Kinship, Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: Alcohol Pachters and the Making of a Free-Burgher Society in Cape Town, 1652–1795.
- Hendrix, Huub : Namibia and The Netherlands: 350 Years of Relations.
- Hoge, J.: Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652–1806 .
- Huigen, Siegfried: Knowledge and Colonialism: Eighteenth-Century Travellers in South Africa.
- Hunt, John: Dutch South Africa: Early Settlers at the Cape, 1652–1708.
- James, Wilmot G.; Simons, Mary : Class, Caste and Color: A Social and Economic History of the South African Western Cape.
- Johnson, David: Imagining the Cape Colony: History, Literature and the South African Nation.
- Kannemeyer, J. C.: Die Afrikaanse Literatuur, 1652–2004.
- Keegan, Timothy: Colonial South Africa and the Origins of the Racial Order.
- Leftwich, Adrian: Colonialism and the Constitution of Cape Society under the Dutch East India Company.
- Le May, G.H.L.: The Afrikaners: An Historical Interpretation.
- Lucas, Gavin: An Archaeology of Colonial Identity: Power and Material Culture in the Dwars Valley, South Africa.
- Mahida, Ebrahim Mahomed: History of Muslims in South Africa: A Chronology.
- Maylam, Paul: South Africa's Racial Past: The History and Historiography of Racism, Segregation and Apartheid.
- Marais, J.S.: The Cape Coloured People, 1652–1937.
- Marx, Anthony W.: Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of South Africa, The United States and Brazil.
- Mason, John Edwin: Social Death and Resurrection: Slavery and Emancipation in South Africa.
- Mentzel, O.F.: Life at the Cape in the Mid-Eighteenth Century: Being the Biography of Rudolph Siegfried Allemann.
- Mitchell, L.J.: Belongings: Property and Identity in Colonial South Africa, an Exploration of Frontiers, 1725–c.1830.
- Moree, P. J.: A Concise History of Dutch Mauritius, 1598–1711 . Routledge, 1998, 220pp
- Naidoo, Ravanya: A Glimpse at the 17th Century Cape Climate of Southern Africa: Documentary Based Evidence from the Jan van Riebeeck Diaries.
- Newton-King, Susan: Masters and Servants on the Cape Eastern Frontier, 1760–1803.
- Penn, Nigel: Rogues, Rebels and Runaways: Eighteenth-Century Cape Characters.
- Penn, Nigel: The Forgotten Frontier: Colonist and Khoisan on the Cape's Northern Frontier in the 18th Century.
- Rafudeen, M.A.: Government Perceptions of Cape Muslim Exiles, 1652–1806.
- Rama, Parbavati: A Forgotten Diaspora: Forced Indian Migration to the Cape Colony, 1658 to 1834.
- Raven-Hart, Rowland : Cape Good Hope, 1652–1702: The First Fifty Years of Dutch Colonisation as Seen by Callers .
- Richter, Borbála Mária: Processes and Outcomes of Societal Multilingualism in the VOC-Governed Cape, 1652–1795.
- Ross, Robert: Cape of Torments: Slavery and Resistance in South Africa.
- Ross, Robert; van Duin, Pieter: The Economy of the Cape Colony in the Eighteenth Century.
- Ross, Robert: Beyond the Pale: Essays on the History of Colonial South Africa.
- Ross, Robert: Status and Respectability in the Cape Colony, 1750–1870: A Tragedy of Manners.
- Ross, Robert: A Concise History of South Africa .
- Schapera, Isaac : The Early Cape Hottentots: Described in the Writings of Olfert Dapper, Willem ten Rhyne and Johannes Gulielmus de Grevenbrock .
- Schoeman, Karel: Cape Lives of the Eighteenth Century.
- Schoeman, Karel: Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1717.
- Schoeman, Karel: Portrait of a Slave Society: The Cape of Good Hope, 1717–1795.
- Schrire, Carmel : Historical Archaeology in South Africa: Material Culture of the Dutch East India Company at the Cape.
- Shell, Robert: The Establishment and Spread of Islam at the Cape from the Beginning of Company Rule to 1838.
- Shell, Robert: Children of Bondage: A Social History of the Slave Society at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1838.
- Singh, Daleep: From Dutch South Africa to Republic of South Africa, 1652–1994. The Story of Three and a Half Centuries of Imperialism.
- Sleigh, Dan: Die Buiteposte: VOC-buiteposte onder Kaapse Bestuur, 1652–1795.
- Stapleton, Timothy J.: A Military History of South Africa: From the Dutch-Khoi Wars to the End of Apartheid.
- Terreblanche, Sampie: A History of Inequality in South Africa, 1652–2002.
- Theal, George McCall: History of South Africa under the Administration of the Dutch East India Company, 1652 to 1795.
- Theal, George McCall: History of the Boers in South Africa; Or, the Wanderings and Wars of the Emigrant Farmers from Their Leaving the Cape Colony to the Acknowledgment of Their Independence by Great Britain.
- Toffah, Tariq: The Shaping and Picturing of the 'Cape' and the 'Other': Representation of the Colony, Its Indigenous Inhabitants and Islam during the Dutch and British Colonial Periods at the Cape .
- Ulrich, Nicole: Counter Power and Colonial Rule in the Eighteenth-Century Cape of Good Hope: Belongings and Protest of the Labouring Poor.
- Valentijn, Francois: Description of the Cape of Good Hope with Matters Concerning It . Edited and annotated by Prof. P. Serton, Maj. B. Raven-Hart, Dr. W. J. de Kock.
- Van der Merwe, P. J. : The Migrant Farmer in the History of the Cape Colony, 1657–1842. Translated from the Dutch by Roger B. Beck.
- Verstegen, Math: De Indische Zeeherberg: De stichting van Zuid-Afrika door de VOC.
- Viljoen, Russel: Jan Paerl: A Khoikhoi in Cape Colonial Society, 1761–1851.
- Welch, Sidney: Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa, 1641–1806.
- Worden, Nigel: Slavery in Dutch South Africa.
- Worden, Nigel; van Heyningen, Elizabeth; Bickford-Smith, Vivian: Cape Town: The Making of a City.
- Worden, Nigel; Groenewald, G. : Trials of Slavery: Selected Documents Concerning Slaves from the Criminal Records of the Council of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, 1705–1794.
- Worden, Nigel: Contingent Lives: Social Identity and Material Culture in the VOC World.
- Worden, Nigel: The Making of Modern South Africa: Conquest, Apartheid, Democracy, 4th ed.
- Worden, Nigel : Cape Town between East and West: Social Identities in a Dutch Colonial Town.
- Worden, Nigel; Russell, Penny : Honourable Intentions?: Violence and Virtue in Australian and Cape Colonies, c. 1750 to 1850.
VOC in South and West Asia (including the Indian subcontinent)
- Alexander, P. C.: The Dutch in Malabar.
- Anthonisz, R.G.: The Dutch in Ceylon: An Account of their Early Visits to the Island, Their Conquests and Their Rule over the Maritime Regions during a Century and a Half.
- Arasaratnam, S.: Dutch Power in Ceylon, 1658–1687.
- Arasaratnam, S.: Merchants, Companies and Commerce on the Coromandel Coast, 1650–1740.
- Arasaratnam, S.: Maritime Trade, Society and European Influence in Southern Asia, 1600–1800.
- Arasaratnam, S.: Ceylon and the Dutch, 1600–1800: External Influences and Internal Change in Early Modern Sri Lanka.
- Ashfaque, Nadra: The Dutch East India Company and the Mughal Administration.
- Baldaeus, Philip: A True and Exact Description of the Most Celebrated East-India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel. Translated from the Dutch original .
- Bhattacharya, Bhaswati: The Dutch East India Company on the Coromandel Coast, 1740–1780: A Study of its Decline.
- Bes, Lennart; Gommans, Jos; Kruijtzer, Gijs: Dutch Sources on South Asia, c. 1600–1825, Volume 1: Bibliography and Archival Guide to the National Archives at The Hague.
- Bes, Lennart: Dutch Sources on South Asia, c. 1600–1825, Volume 2: Archival Guide to the Repositories in the Netherlands other than the National Archives.
- Bes, Lennart; Kruijtzer, Gijs: Dutch Sources on South Asia, c. 1600–1825, Volume 3: Archival Guide to Repositories Outside The Netherlands.
- Brohier, Richard Leslie: Links between Sri Lanka and the Netherlands: A Book of Dutch Ceylon.
- Brouwer, C.G.: Cauwa ende Comptanten: De Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie in Jemen, 1614–1655 .
- Brouwer, C. G.; Kaplanian, A.: Early Seventeenth-Century Yemen: Dutch Documents Relating to the Economic History of Southern Arabia, 1614–1630.
- Brouwer, C.G.: Dutch-Yemeni Encounters: Activities of the United East India Company in South Arabian Waters since 1614.
- Datta, Kalikinkar: Dutch in Bengal and Bihar: 1740–1825 A.D.
- De Silva, R.K.; Beumer, W.G.M.: Illustrations and Views of Dutch Ceylon, 1602–1796: A Comprehensive Work of Pictorial Reference with Selected Eye-witness Accounts.
- Deimann, Clemens: Maps in De Heere's Journal: Cartographic Reflections of VOC Policy on Ceylon, 1698.
- Dewasiri, Nirmal Ranjith: Peasant in Transition: Agrarian Society in Western Sri Lanka under Dutch Rule, 1740–1800.
- Dewasiri, Nirmal Ranjith: The Adaptable Peasant: Agrarian Society in Western Sri Lanka under Dutch Rule, 1740–1800.
- Dibbelink, Jürgen: Der Kampf um Zimt und Betelnuss: Der Krieg zwischen der VOC und dem Königreich Kandy 1761 bis 1766.
- Dreijer, Gijs: Private Trade and Informal Networks in VOC Bengal : The Case Studies of Governor Baron van Eck and Governor Vernet in the Eighteenth-Century World System.
- Ekama, Kate J.: Slavery in Dutch Colombo: A Social History.
- Floor, Willem; Faghfoory, M.H.: The First Dutch-Persian Commercial Conflict: The Attack on Qeshm Island, 1645.
- Floor, Willem: The Rise and Fall of Nader Shah: Dutch East India Company Reports, 1730–1747.
- Gommans, Jos: The Unseen World: India and the Netherlands from 1550.
- Goonewardena, K.W.: The Foundation of Dutch Power in Ceylon, 1638–1658.
- Jurriaanse, M.W.: Catalogue of the Archives of the Dutch Central Government of Coastal Ceylon, 1640–1796.
- Kail, Owen C.: The Dutch in India.
- Kelegama, Saman; Madawela, Roshan: 400 Years of Dutch-Sri Lanka Relation, 1602–2002.
- Koshy, M. O.: The Dutch Power in Kerala, 1729–1758.
- Krishna, Iyer, S.: Travancore-Dutch Relations, 1729–1741.
- Lequin, Frank: Het personeel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in Azië in de achttiende eeuw, meer in het bijzonder in de vestiging Bengalen.
- Narain, Brij; Sharma, S. R. : A Contemporary Dutch Chronicle of Mughal India.
- Nelson, W.A.: The Dutch Forts of Sri Lanka: The Military Monuments of Ceylon.
- Panikkar, K.M.: Malabar and the Dutch.
- Paranavitana, K.D.: Land for Money: Dutch Land Registration in Sri Lanka.
- Paranavitana, K.D.; de Silva, R.K.: Maps and Plans of Dutch Ceylon: A Representative Collection of Cartography from the Dutch Period.
- Peters, Marion H.; de la Porte, Ferry André: In steen geschreven: Leven en sterven van VOC-dienaren op de kust van Coromandel in India .
- Pieris, P.E.: Some Documents Relating to the Rise of the Dutch Power in Ceylon, 1602–1670, from the Translations at the India Office.
- Pieris, P.E.: Ceylon and the Hollanders, 1658–1796.
- Poonen, T.I.: Dutch Beginning in India Proper .
- Poonen, T.I.: A Survey of the Rise of the Dutch Power in Malabar, 1603–78.
- Poonen, T.I.: Dutch Hegemony in Malabar and its Collapse, 1663–1795.
- Prakash, Om: The Dutch Factories in India, 1617–1623: A Collection of Dutch East India Company Documents Pertaining to India.
- Prakash, Om: The Dutch East India Company and the Economy of Bengal, 1630–1720.
- Prakash, Om: Precious Metals and Commerce: The Dutch East India Company in the Indian Ocean Trade .
- Prakash, Om: The Dutch Factories in India: A Collection of Dutch East India Company Documents Pertaining to India, Volume II, 1624–1627.
- Radwan, Ann Bos: The Dutch in Western India, 1601–1632: A Study of Mutual Accommodation.
- Raven-Hart, R.: The Dutch Wars with Kandy, 1764–1766.
- Raychaudhuri, Tapan: Jan Company in Coromandel, 1605–1690: A Study in the Interrelations of European Commerce and Traditional Economies.
- Roelofsz, Antoinette P.: De vestiging der Nederlanders ter kuste Malabar.
- S'Jacob, H.K.: De Nederlanders in Kerala, 1663–1701: de memories en instructies betreffende het commandement Malabar van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie .
- S'Jacob, H.K.: The Rajas of Cochin: Kings, Chiefs and the Dutch East India Company, 1663–1720.
- Schrikker, A.: Dutch and British Colonial Intervention in Sri Lanka, 1780–1815: Expansion and Reform.
- Seshan, Radhika: Trade and Politics on the Coromandel Coast: Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries.
- Singh, Anjana: Fort Cochin in Kerala : The Social Condition of a Dutch Community in an Indian Milieu.
- Somasarana, M.S.: The Relationship between VOC Trade and Dutch Forts in Sri Lanka.
- Stolte, Carolien: Dutch Sources on South Asia, c. 1600–1825, Volume 5: Philip Angel's Deex Autaers: Vaishnava Mythology from Manuscript to Book Market in the Context of the Dutch East India Company, c. 1600–1672.
- Terpstra, H.: De vestiging van de Nederlanders aan de Kust van Koromandel.
- Terpstra, H.: De Nederlanders in Voor-Indië.
- Valentijn, Francois: Francois Valentijn's Description of Ceylon. First published in 1726. Translated and edited by Sinnappah Arasaratnam.
- Van der Burg, J.; Galletti, A.; Groot, P. : The Dutch in Malabar: Selection from the Records of the Madras Government, No. 13.
- Van der Pol, Bauke: De VOC in India. Een reis langs Nederlands erfgoed in Gujarat, Malabar, Coromandel en Bengalen.
- Van Dulm, Frits: Zonder eigen gewinne en glorie: Mr. Iman Wilhelm Falck, gouverneur en directeur van Ceylon en onderhorigheden.
- Van Gelder, Geert Jan; de Moor, Ed : Eastward Bound: Dutch Ventures and Adventures in the Middle East.
- Vink, Markus; Winius, George: The Merchant-Warrior Pacified: The VOC and its Changing Political Economy in India.
- Vink, Markus: Dutch Sources on South Asia, c. 1600–1825, Volume 4: Mission to Madurai: Dutch Embassies to the Nayaka Court of Madurai in the Seventeenth Century.
- Vink, Markus: Encounters on the Opposite Coast: The Dutch East India Company and the Nayaka State of Madurai in the Seventeenth Century.
- Van den Belt, Albert: Het VOC-bedrijfop Ceylon: Een voorname vestiging van de Oost-Indische Compagnie in de 18de eeuw.
- Van Goor, J.: Jan Kompenie as Schoolmaster: Dutch Education in Ceylon, 1690–1795.
- Van Lohuizen, Jan: The Dutch East India Company and Mysore, 1762–1790.
- Van Putten, L.P.: Koopman en Diplomaat: Gouverneurs en Directeuren van Ceylon, 1640–1796.
- Van Santen, Hans: De Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in Gujarat en Hindustan, 1620–1660.
- Van Santen, Hans: VOC-dienaar in India: Geleynssen de Jongh in het land van de Groot-Mogol.
- Van Santen, Hans: Op bezoek bij de Groot-Mogol: Twee hofreizen van de VOC naar de Groot-Mogol in India, 1662 en 1711–1713.
- Wagenaar, Lodewijk: Galle, VOC-vestiging in Ceylon. Beschrijving van een koloniale samenleving aan de vooravond van de Singalese opstand tegen het Nederlandse gezag, 1760 .
- Wagenaar, Lodewijk: Kaneel & olifanten: Sri Lanka en Nederland sinds 1600.
- Wagenaar, Lodewijk: Cinnamon & Elephants: Sri Lanka and the Netherlands from 1600.
VOC in Southeast Asia (including the East Indies)
- Akveld, Leo : Machtsstrijd om Malakka. De reis van VOC-admiraal Cornelis Cornelisz. Matelief naar Oost-Azië, 1605–1608.
- Andi Lolo, T.R.: De V.O.C. in de Indonesische archipel: Handeldrijven en koloniseren.
- Blussé, Leonard: Strange Company: Chinese Settlers, Mestizo Women and the Dutch in VOC Batavia.
- Blussé, Leonard; Nie, Dening : The Chinese Annals of Batavia, the Kai Ba Lidai Shiji and Other Stories .
- Borschberg, Peter: Journal, Memorials and Letters of Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge: Security, Diplomacy and Commerce in 17th-century Southeast Asia.
- Brozius, John R.: De Koning van Siam. Het relaas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie in Thailand.
- Brummelhuis, Han ten: Merchant, Courtier and Diplomat: A History of the Contacts between the Netherlands and Thailand.
- Buch, W.J.M.: De Oost-Indische Compagnie en Quinam. De betrekkingen der Nederlanders met Annam in de XVIIe eeuw.
- Casteleyn, Pieter : Strange Events in the Kingdoms of Cambodia and Laos . Translated, annotated and introduced by Carool Kersten.
- De Roever, Arend: De jacht op sandelhout. De VOC en de tweedeling van Timor in de zeventiende eeuw.
- De Witt, Dennis: History of the Dutch in Malaysia.
- Dijk, Wil O.: Seventeenth-century Burma and the Dutch East India Company, 1634–1680.
- Feddersen, Carl Fredrik: Principled Pragmatism: VOC Interaction with Makassar and the Nature of Company Diplomacy.
- Grijns, Kees; Nas, Peter J. M. : Jakarta-Batavia: Socio-Cultural Essays.
- Hoang, Anh Tuan / Hoàng, Anh Tuấn: Silk for Silver: Dutch-Vietnamese Relations, 1637–1700.
- Hoang, Anh Tuan / Hoàng, Anh Tuấn : Tư liệu các Công ty Đông Ấn Hà Lan và Anh về Kẻ Chợ - Đàng Ngoài thế kỷ XVII.
- Horst, J. ter: Muskietengat : een vergeten geschiedenis van de VOC in Cambodja.
- Hussin, Nordin: Trade and Society in the Straits of Melaka: Dutch Melaka and English Penang, 1780–1830.
- Kleinen, J.; van der Zwan, Bert; Moors, Hans; van Zeeland, Ton: Leeuw en Draak: Vier eeuwen Nederland en Vietnam.
- Kleinen, J.; van der Zwan, Bert; Moors, Hans; van Zeeland, Ton: Lion and Dragon: Four Centuries of Dutch-Vietnamese Relations.
- Kleinen, J.; Hoàng, Anh Tuấn; et al.: Sư tử và Rồng: Bốn thế kỷ quan hệ Hà Lan - Việt Nam .
- Knaap, Gerrit; Sutherland, Heather: Monsoon Traders: Ships, Skippers and Commodities in Eighteenth-Century Makassar.
- Lewis, Dianne: Jan Compagnie in the Straits of Malacca, 1641–1795.
- Lohanda, Mona; Niemeijer, Hendrik E.: Marginalia to the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle. A digitized contemporary chronological entry to archives of the Dutch East India Company .
- McVay, Pamela Anne: I Am the Devil's Own: Crime, Class, and Identity in the Seventeenth Century Dutch East Indies.
- Muller, Hendrik P. N.: De Oost-Indische Compagnie in Cambodja en Laos: Verzameling van bescheiden van 1636 tot 1670 .
- Nagtegaal, Lucas: Riding the Dutch Tiger: The Dutch East India Company and the Northeast Coast of Java, 1680–1743. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 171
- Niemeijer, Hendrik E.: Batavia: Een koloniale samenleving in de 17de eeuw.
- Ota, Atsushi: Changes of Regime and Social Dynamics in West Java: Society, State and the Outer World of Banten, 1740–1830 .
- Raben, Remco; Pombejra, Dhiravat na : In the King's Trail. An 18th Century Dutch Journey to the Buddha's Footprint. Theodorus Jacobus van den Heuvel's Account of His Voyage to Phra Phutthabat in 1737.
- Raben, Remco; Bosma, Ulbe; Willems, Wim: De Geschiedenis van Indische Nederlanders.
- Raben, Remco; Bosma, Ulbe: Being “Dutch” in the Indies: A History of Creolisation and Empire, 1500–1920. Translated from the Dutch by Wendie Shaffer.
- Ruangsilp, Bhawan: Dutch East India Company Merchants at the Court of Ayutthaya: Dutch Perceptions of the Thai Kingdom, c. 1604–1765.
- Smith, George Vinal: The Dutch in Seventeenth-Century Thailand.
- Steenbrink, Karel: Dutch Colonialism and Indonesian Islam: Contacts and Conflicts, 1596–1950. Translated from the Dutch by Jan Steenbrink and Henry Jansen.
- Steenbrink, Karel; Aritonang, Jan Sihar : A History of Christianity in Indonesia.
- Stevens, Harm: Bitter Spice: Indonesia and the Netherlands from 1600.
- Taylor, Jean Gelman: The Social World of Batavia: European and Eurasian in Dutch Asia.
- Terpstra, H.: De factorij der Oostindische Compagnie te Patani.
- Van den Muijzenberg, Otto: Four Centuries of Dutch-Philippine Economic Relations, 1600–2000.
- Van der Brug, P.H.: Malaria en Malaise. De VOC in Batavia in de 18e eeuw.
- Van der Kraan, Alfons: Murder and Mayhem in Seventeenth-Century Cambodia: Anthony van Diemen vs. King Ramadhipati I.
- Van Goens, Rijklof: Javaense reyse: De bezoeken van een VOC gezant aan het hof van Mataram, 1648–1654 . Edited by Darja van Wever.
- Van Klaveren, J. J.: The Dutch Colonial System in the East Indies.
- Van Niel, Robert: Java's Northeast Coast, 1740–1840: A Study in Colonial Encroachment and Dominance.
- Vos, Reinout: Koopman en koning: de VOC en de Maleise tinhandel, 1740–1800.
- Vos, Reinout: Gentle Janus, Merchant Prince: The VOC and the Tightrope of Diplomacy in the Malay World, 1740–1800. Translated from the Dutch by Beverly Jackson.
- Weebers, Robert C.M.: The Dutch Settlement of Malacca: Influence of the Ideas of Simon Stevin on the Design of the Town and Fort of Mallacca.
- Widjojo, Muridan Satrio: The Revolt of Prince Nuku: Cross-Cultural Alliance-Making in Maluku, c. 1780–1810.
VOC in East Asia
- Andrade, Tonio: How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century.
- Blussé, Leonard; Falkenburg, R.: Johan Nieuhofs beelden van een Chinareis, 1655–1657.
- Blussé, Leonard; Ts'ao, Yung-ho; Chiang, Shu-sheng : Tai-wan Shih tang an, wên shu mu lu : Ho-lan tung yin tu kung ssu you kuan Tai-wan tang an mu lu / 臺灣史檔案、文書目錄: 荷蘭東印度公司有關台灣檔案目錄 .
- Blussé, Leonard; Cai, Hongsheng; et al. : Hang xiang Zhujiang: Helanren zai Huanan, 1600–2000 nian / 航向珠江: 荷兰人在华南, 1600–2000 年 .
- Blussé, Leonard; van Luyn, Floris-Jan: China en de Nederlanders: Geschiedenis van de Nederlands-Chinese betrekkingen, 1600–2007.
- Blussé, Leonard; van Opstall, M.E.; Ts'ao, Yung-ho : De Dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan, 1629–1662 , Vol I: 1629–1641.
- Blussé, Leonard; Milde W.E.; Ts'ao, Yung-ho : De Dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan, 1629–1662 .
- Blussé, Leonard; Milde, W.E.; Ts'ao, Yung-ho : De Dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan, 1629–1662 .
- Blussé, Leonard; Everts, Natalie; Milde, W.E.; Ts'ao, Yung-ho : De Dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan, 1629–1662 .
- Blussé, Leonard; Remmelink, Willem; Smits, Ivo : Bridging the Divide: 400 Years, the Netherlands-Japan.
- Blussé, Leonard; Everts, Natalie; Frech, Evelien : The Formosan Encounter. Notes on Formosa's Aboriginal Society: A Selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources, 4 Vols.
- Blussé, Leonard; Viallé, Cynthia: The Deshima dagregisters: their original tables of contents: Vol. IX, 1780–1790.
- Blussé, Leonard; Viallé, Cynthia: The Deshima dagregisters: their original tables of contents: Vol. X, 1790–1800.
- Blussé, Leonard; Viallé, Cynthia: The Deshima dagregisters: their original tables of contents: Vol. XI, 1641–1650.
- Blussé, Leonard; Viallé, Cynthia: The Deshima dagregisters: their original tables of contents: Vol. XII, 1650–1660.
- Blussé, Leonard; Viallé, Cynthia: The Deshima dagregisters: their original tables of contents: Vol. XIII, 1660–1670.
- Blussé, Leonard : Around and About Formosa: Essays in Honor of Professor Ts'ao Yung-ho.
- Boxer, C. R.: Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600–1850: An Essay on the Cultural Artistic and Scientific Influence Exercised by the Hollanders in Japan from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries.
- Campbell, William: Formosa under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Records, 2nd rev. enlarged ed., 2 vols.
- Chaiklin, Martha: Cultural Commerce and Dutch Commercial Culture: The Influence of European Material Culture on Japan, 1700–1850 .
- Cheng, Shaogang: De VOC en Formosa, 1624–1662: Een Vergeten Geschiedenis.
- Cheng, Wei-chung: War, Trade and Piracy in the China Seas, 1622–1683.
- Chiu, Hsin-Hui: The Colonial 'Civilizing Process' in Dutch Formosa, 1624–1662 .
- Clulow, Adam: The Company and the Shogun: The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan.
- Covell, Ralph R.: Pentecost of the Hills in Taiwan: The Christian Faith among the Original Inhabitants.
- Coyett, Frederick: Neglected Formosa: A Translation from the Dutch of Frederic Coyett's 't Verwaerloosde Formosa. Edited and translated from the Dutch by Inez de Beauclair.
- De Hond, Jan; Fitski, Menno: De smalle brug: Japan en Nederland sinds 1600.
- De Hond, Jan; Fitski, Menno: A Narrow Bridge: Japan and the Netherlands from 1600.
- De Lange, William: Pars Japonica: the first Dutch expedition to reach the shores of Japan.
- Goodman, Grant K.: Dutch Impact on Japan, 1640–1853.
- Goodman, Grant K.: Japan and the Dutch, 1600–1853.
- Goodman, Grant K.: Japan: The Dutch Experience.
- Hesselink, R.H.: De gevangenen uit Nambu. Een waar geschied verhaal over de VOC in Japan.
- Heyns, Pol ; Zheng, Weizhong : Helan shi dai Taiwan de jing ji, tu di yu shui wu / 荷蘭時代台灣的經濟, 土地與稅務 .
- Heyns, Pol ; Cheng, Wei-chung: Helan shidai Taiwan gaolingji hunyin yu xili denglubu / 荷蘭時代臺灣告令集, 婚姻與洗禮登錄簿 , trans.
- Iannello, Tiziana: Shōgun, kōmōjin e rangakusha. Le Compagnie delle Indie e l'apertura del Giappone alla tecnologia occidentale nei secoli XVII-XVIII.
- Jörg, C. J. A.: Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade. Translated from the Dutch by Patricia Wardle.
- Kaempfer, Engelbert: Kaempfer's Japan: Tokugawa Culture Observed. Translated and edited by Beatrice M. Bodart-Bailey.
- Kang, Peide: Zhi min xiang xiang yu di fang liu bian: Helan dong Yindu gong si yu Taiwan yuan zhu min / 殖民想像與地方流變: 荷蘭東印度公司與臺灣原住民 .
- Laver, Michael S.: The Dutch East India Company in Early Modern Japan: Gift Giving and Diplomacy.
- Ledyard, Gari: The Dutch Come to Korea: An Account of the Life of the First Westerners in Korea .
- Lequin, Frank : Isaac Titsingh : Een passie voor Japan. Leven en werk van de grondlegger van de Europese Japanologie.
- Lequin, Frank : Isaac Titsingh in China : Het onuitgegeven Journaal van zijn ambassade naar Peking.
- Liu, Yong: The Dutch East India Company's Tea Trade with China, 1757–1781.
- Massarella, Derek: A World Elsewhere: Europe's Encounter with Japan in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
- Meert, Kristof: Het Koper van de Shogun. Koperhandel in de Dagregisters van Deshima in de laatste jaren van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie.
- Moldenhauer, Jörg: The Dutch East India Company in Fuzhou and the Dutch Merchant's Image of China .
- Mostert, Tristan; van Campen, Jan: Silk Thread: China and the Netherlands from 1600.
- Mulder, W.Z.: Hollanders in Hirado, 1597–1641.
- Nachod, Oskar: Die Beziehungen der Niederländischen Ostindischen Kompagnie zu Japan im siebzehnten Jahrhundert.
- Nakamura, Takashi; Wu, Micha; Weng, Jiayin; et al. : Helan shi dai Taiwan shi yan jiu / 荷蘭時代臺灣史研究 .
- Palemeq, Yedda: After All Ambivalence: The Situation of North Formosa and Its Inhabitants in the Seventeenth Century.
- Roeper, Vibeke; Walraven, Boudewijn : De wereld van Hendrik Hamel: Nederland en Korea in de zeventiende eeuw.
- Roeper, Vibeke; Walraven, Boudewijn; Buys, Jean-Paul : Hamel's World: A Dutch-Korean Encounter in the Seventeenth Century.
- Scott, Llyn : Scenes from Dutch Formosa: Staging Taiwan's Colonial Past.
- Screech, Timon : Japan Extolled and Decried: Carl Peter Thunberg's Travels in Japan, 1775–1776.
- Screech, Timon : Japan Extolled and Decried: Carl Peter Thunberg and the Shogun's Realm, 1775–1796.
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Economic, financial and business history
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Maritime history
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Seminars and symposiums
- Filippo Carlo Wezel, Diversity and Performance in the Multinational Firm: Evidence from the Ships of the Dutch East India Company, 1700–1796
- Ferguson, Niall: The Ascent of Money, Episode 3: Blowing Bubbles
- Jongsma, Eline; O'Neill, Kel: Empire: The Unintended Consequences of Dutch Colonialism
- The Sino-Dutch War 1661, 2000
- Ocean's Twelve, 2004
- Batavia , 2001
VOC World in visual arts