List of works by Frederik Pohl

This is a complete list of works by American space opera and science fiction author Frederik Pohl, including co-authored works.




  1. Gateway —winner of the Campbell Memorial, Hugo, Locus SF, and Nebula Awards as the year's Best Novel
  2. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon —second place, Locus SF Award, and finalist for the British SF, Hugo, and Nebula Awards
  3. Heechee Rendezvous —third place, Locus SF Award
  4. The Annals of the Heechee
  5. The Gateway Trip: Tales and Vignettes of the Heechee,
  6. The Boy Who Would Live Forever: A Novel of Gateway, nominated for the Campbell Memorial Award

    Eschaton trilogy

  7. The Other End of Time
  8. The Siege of Eternity
  9. The Far Shore of Time


  10. Man Plus —winner of the Nebula Award; Campbell Memorial runner up, Locus SF third place, and Hugo finalist
  11. Mars Plus also listed under collaborations

    Space Merchants

The first book, The Space Merchants, listed under collaborations
  1. The Merchants' War
  2. The two novels were published together as: Venus, Inc.

    Other novels (not parts of series)

with Isaac Asimov

-see also the short-story collections The Wonder Effect, Critical Mass, Before the Universe, and the selected stories Our Best: The Best of Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth

with [Jack Williamson]

  1. Undersea Quest
  2. Undersea Fleet
  3. Undersea City
  1. The Reefs of Space
  2. Starchild
  3. Rogue Star
  1. Farthest Star
  2. Wall Around a Star