List of works by Thomas Aquinas

The collected works of Thomas Aquinas are being edited in the Editio Leonina.
As of 2014, 39 out of a projected 50 volumes have been published.
The works of Aquinas can be grouped into six categories as follows:
  1. Works written in direct connection to his teaching
  2. *Seven systematic disputations, on:
  3. **Truth;
  4. **The union of the Incarnate Word;
  5. **The soul;
  6. **Spiritual creatures;
  7. **Virtues;
  8. **God’s power; and
  9. **Evil.
  10. *Twelve quodlibetal disputations
  11. Philosophical commentaries
  12. *Eleven commentaries on Aristotle;
  13. *Two expositions of works by Boethius;
  14. *Two expositions of works by Proclus
  15. Lesser tractates and disputations
  16. *Five polemical works;
  17. *Five expert opinions, or responsa;
  18. *Fifteen letters on theological, philosophical, or political subjects;
  19. *A collection of glosses from the Church Fathers on the Gospels
  20. Systematic works
  21. Biblical commentaries on Job, Psalms and Isaiah, Canticles and Jeremiah, John, Matthew, and on the epistles of Paul
  22. *Nine exegeses of Scriptural books
  23. Liturgical works


In 1570 the first edition of Aquinas's opera omnia, the so-called editio Piana, was produced at the studium of the Roman convent at Santa Maria sopra Minerva, the forerunner of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum. The critical edition of Aquinas's works is the ongoing edition commissioned by Pope Leo XIII, the so-called Leonine Edition. Abbé Migne published an edition of the Summa Theologiae, in four volumes, as an appendix to his Patrologiae Cursus Completus. English editions: Joseph Rickaby, J. M. Ashley.

Works in chronological order

Works of uncertain date

Works of uncertain authenticity