Listed buildings in Frindsbury

This is a list of all listed buildings in Frindsbury and Frindsbury Extra excluding the Upnors.
SiteNumberGradeLocationGrid ReferenceImages and Notes
Tudor CottageII130, Cooling RoadLate 16C timber framed house.
Cypress HouseII227, Frindsbury Hill17C house, refaced in banded blue and red brick.
The Manor HouseIIUpnor RoadLate 16C farmhouse. Refronted mid 18C.
Boghurst TombII2 metres south of south aisle of All Saints Church, Church GreenChest tomb 1750. Inscriptions, urn balusters, railed.
82 and 82A Frindsbury RoadIIFrindsbury RoadPart of a late 18C row of houses.
Moulding TombII20 metres east of All Saints Church, Church Green Chest tomb, 1789. Inscriptions and urn balusters.
Parish Church of All SaintsII*Church GreenNorman and later parish church.
Parish Church of St MaryII*Vicarage RoadVictorian church 1868-9. Listing describes it as "outstanding". "thoroughly convincing... tautly designed and with an excellent use of materials"
Brickhouse FarmhouseIIStonehouse Lane1677 timber framed farmhouse. Date on tablet with "I ♥ L".
Barn 30 yards south west of the manor houseIUpnor RoadTimber framed barn of 1300 or c.1400 originally of 14 bays. Four bays lost to fire in 2003.
Red HouseII195, Frindsbury RoadMid 18C house with early 19C front.
Manor Farm OastIIManor Farm, Upnor Road1860s oasthouse. Two circular kilns. 5 bay stowage, described in the listing as having "unusually attractive architectural treatment".
Sole Street Farm HouseIILower Rochester RoadEarly 16C timber framed farmhouse, later extended. Weatherboarded.
80, Frindsbury RoadIIFrindsbury RoadLate 18C brick house.
Group of 12 headstonesIISouth of south aisle of All Saints Church, Church GreenVarious 17C and 18C headstones.
Miller monumentII15 metres south of All Saints Church, Church GreenEarly 19C sarcophagus monument. Running-dog frieze.
84, Frindsbury RoadIIFrindsbury RoadLate 18C brick house.
Old ParsonageIIParsonage Lane 1700 brick house with pained stucco render over. Originally All Saints Church rectory,
Stone House FarmhouseIIDillywood Lane18C house. Possibly earlier, possibly timber framed.
Vine CottageII229, Frindsbury HillLate 18C brick cottage. catslide roof to right.
Roman Catholic Church of the English MartyrsIIFrindsbury Road
Modern fan-shaped church. The design reflects the Second Vatican Council reforms. Brick, concrete and a notable copper covered timber roof.
Royal Oak public houseII53 Cooling RoadLate 17C timber framed house. From mid 18C used as a pub. Extended 18C, 19C and 20C. Refaced in brick c.1800