Listrophoridae is a family of mites in the suborder Psoroptidia of the order Sarcoptiformes. The family contains small, long mites specialized for grasping the hairs of mammals. North American genera include:
- Aplodontochirus
- Chirodiscoides
- Dentocarpus
- Geomylichus
- Leporacarus
- Listrophorus
- Lutracarus
- Lynxacarus
- Olabidocarpus
- Olistrophorus
- Prolistrophorus
- Quasilistrophorus
Asiochirus is one Asian genus. Unidentified listrophorids have been found on the marsh rice rat in Florida and Georgia.Literature cited
- Whitaker, J.O. and Wilson, N. 1974. . American Midland Naturalist 91:1–67.
- Whitaker, J.O., Walters, B.L., Castor, L.K., Ritzi, C.M. and Wilson, N. 2007. . Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 1:1–173.
- Wilson, N. and Durden, L.A. 2003. . Journal of Biogeography 30:1207–1220.
- Worth, C.B. 1950. . The Journal of Parasitology 36:326–335.