Lithuanian phonology

has eleven vowels and 45 consonants, including 22 pairs of consonants distinguished by the presence or absence of palatalization. Most vowels come in pairs which are differentiated through length and degree of centralization.
One syllable in the word bears the accent; the location of the accent has to be learned by heart. Accented syllables are marked with either a falling or rising tone. Its location in a word may also be affected during inflection.


All Lithuanian consonants except have two variants: a non-palatalized one and a palatalized one, represented by the IPA symbols in the chart. The consonants,, and their palatalized variants are only found in loanwords. Consonants preceding the front vowels,,, and, as well as any palatalized consonant or are always moderately palatalized. Followed by back vowels,,,,, and, consonants can also be palatalized ; in such cases, the standard orthography inserts the letter i between the vowel and the preceding consonant , e.g. noriu,. Most of the non-palatalized and palatalized consonants form minimal pairs, so they are independent phonemes, rather than allophones.
Lithuanian has six long vowels and five short ones. Length has traditionally been considered the distinctive feature, though short vowels are also more centralized and long vowels more peripheral:
In standard Lithuanian vowels and generally are not pronounced after any palatalized consonant. In this position, they systematically shift to or and respectively: galia = gale , gilią = gilę .
On the other hand, in everyday language usually shifts to if the vowel precedes a non-palatalized consonant: jachtą,, or retas,, are often realized as and instead of and as the following consonants and are not palatalized. This phenomenon does not affect short vowels.


Lithuanian is traditionally described as having nine diphthongs, ai, au, ei, eu, oi, ou, ui, ie, and uo. However, some approaches treat them as vowel sequences rather than diphthongs; indeed, the longer component depends on the type of stress, whereas in diphthongs, the longer segment is fixed.
Lithuanian long stressed syllables can have either a rising or a falling tone. In specialized literature, they are marked with a tilde or an acute accent respectively. The tone is especially clearly audible in diphthongs, since in the case of the rising tone, it makes the second element longer, while the falling tone prolongs the first element . The full set is as follows:
or tilde
acute stress

Pitch accent

The Lithuanian prosodic system is characterized by free accent and distinctive quantity. Its accentuation is sometimes described as a simple tone system, often called pitch accent. In lexical words, one syllable will be tonically prominent. A heavy syllable—that is, a syllable containing a long vowel, diphthong, or a sonorant coda—may have one of two tones, falling tone or rising tone. Light syllables do not have the two-way contrast of heavy syllables.
Common Lithuanian lexicographical practice uses three diacritic marks to indicate word accent, i.e., the tone and quantity of the accented syllable. They are used in the following way:
As said, Lithuanian has a free accent, which means that its position and type is not phonologically predictable and has to be learned by heart. This is the state of affairs inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic and, to a lesser extent, from Proto-Indo-European; Lithuanian circumflex and acute syllables directly reflect Proto-Balto-Slavic acute and circumflex tone opposition.
In a word-final position, the tonal distinction in heavy syllables is almost neutralized, with a few minimal pairs remaining such as šáuk,, vs. šaũk, '. In other syllables, the two-way contrast can be illustrated with pairs such as: kóšė vs. kõšė ; áušti vs. aũšti ; drímba vs. drim̃ba ; káltas vs. kal̃tas, týrė vs. tỹrė.
Kóšė is perceived as having a falling pitch, and indeed acoustic measurement strongly supports this. However, while kõšė is perceived as having a rising pitch, this is not supported acoustically; measurements do not find a consistent tone associated with such syllables that distinguish them from unaccented heavy syllables. The distinguishing feature appears to be a negative one, that they do not have a falling tone.
If diphthongs are treated as sequences of vowels, then a single stress mark is sufficient for transcription: áušta > vs. aũšta > ; kóšė > vs. kõšė > .
The Lithuanian accentual system inherited another very important aspect from the Proto-Balto-Slavic period, and that is the accentual mobility. Accents can alternate throughout the inflection of a word by both the syllable position and type. Parallels can be drawn with some modern Slavic languages, namely Russian, Serbo-Croatian and Slovene. Accentual mobility is prominent in nominal stems, while verbal stems mostly demonstrate phonologically predictable patterns.
Lithuanian nominal stems are commonly divided into four accentual classes, usually referred to by their numbers:
numbercaseAccent paradigm 1Accent paradigm 2Accent paradigm 3Accent paradigm 4

The previously described accentual system primarily applies to the Western Aukštaitian dialect on which the standard Lithuanian literary language is based. The speakers of the other group of Lithuanian dialects – Samogitian – have a very different accentual system, and they do not adopt standard accentuation when speaking the standard idiom. Speakers of the major cities, such as Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda, with mixed populations generally do not have intonational oppositions in spoken language, even when they speak the standard idiom.

Change and variation

The changes and variation in Lithuanian phonetics include diachronic changes of a quality of a phoneme, alternations, dialectal variation, variation between corresponding sounds of individual inflectional morphemes of the same grammatical category, which is at the same time qualitative and quantitative, diachronic and synchronic.
Variation in sounds takes place in word formation. Some examples:
infinitivepresent tense,
I person,
past tense,
I person,
a noun of
an action
other nounrelated short
related short
I am finding;
I find
I found
a finding
to find
bustibundubudaubudimasbudrus vigilantto wake
pultipuolupuoliaupuolimaspulkas a regimentto begin suddenly; to attack; to descend
piltipilupyliaupylimaspylimas a mound,
an embankment
pilis a castle
pilvas a belly
pilnas fullto pour
kiltikylukilaukilimaskelias a road
kelis a knee
kalva a hill
kalnas a mountain
kilnus nobleto arise, lift ; to emerge, start; to grow, get bigger
keliukėliaukėlimaskelias a road
kelis a knee
kalva a hill
kalnas a mountain
to raise, lift, to wake somebody else; to improve
svirtisvyrusvirausvirimasto slope
svertisveriusvėriausvėrimassvoris a weightto weigh
gertigeriugėriaugėrimasgėrimas a drink,
a beverage
to drink
durtiduriudūriaudūrimasto prickle, job
vytivejuvijauvijimasvytis a chaser
pavojus a danger, alert
to chase; to strand, wind
vistivysta viso visimasvisas visàs - all, vi̇̀sas - whole to breed
veistiveisiuveisiauveisimasvaisius a fruit
vaistas a drug
to rear, to breed
vytimasto fade, wither, languish

The examples in the table are given as an overview, the word formation comprises many words not given here, for example, any verb can have an adjective made by the same pattern: sverti – svarus 'valid; ponderous'; svirti – svarùs 'slopable'; vyti – vajùs 'for whom it is characteristic to chase or to be chased'; pilti – pilùs 'poury'; but for example visti – vislùs 'prolific'. Many verbs, besides a noun derivative with the ending -i̇̀mas, can have different derivatives of the same meaning: pilti – pyli̇̀mas, pylà, pỹlis ; the first two have meanings that look almost identical but are drawn apart from a direct link with the verb: pylimas 'a bank, an embankment', pylà 'pelting; spanking, whipping'; the word svõris 'a weight', for example, does not have the meaning of an act of weighing. There are also many other derivatives and patterns of derivation.