Little Lunch (TV series)

Little Lunch is an Australian children's mockumentary comedy drama television series that first aired on ABC ME in 2015. The 26-part, 15 minute series is based on the books written by Danny Katz and illustrated by Mitch Vane. The series was adapted for television by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope. The stories are set in the primary school playground at snack time and unfold through six children whose names are Atticus, Debra Jo, Rory, Melanie, Tamara and Battie as well as their teacher Mrs. Gonsha.
Two additional specials were filmed and screened in 2016: "The Halloween Horror Story" and "The Nightmare Before Graduation". The series was filmed at St Kilda Primary School in Melbourne, Australia.

Main plot

Little Lunch is set in a suburban primary school in Australia and follows the adventures of six Grade 5 students. In each episode set at little lunch, the children tell stories about a scenario that happened at little lunch or events that happened outside class for example, a walk-a-thon, two pupils competing for who gets to go on the monkey bars or celebrating a birthday.

Cast and characters

This show airs in the United States on Universal Kids and in Canada on TVO. The first season and specials were available on Netflix in the UK and the US until March 15, 2020.
In Vietnam, it is broadcast on VTV7 from December 2019.