Little Red Monkey

Little Red Monkey, released in the United States as Case of the Red Monkey, is a 1955 British crime film directed by Ken Hughes and starring Richard Conte, Rona Anderson and Russell Napier. Detectives from Scotland Yard investigate a series of murders of leading Nuclear scientist, and are intrigued by strange reports received about the crimes. The film was based on a popular BBC TV series of the same name, written by Eric Maschwitz and produced by Bill Lyon-Shaw, which ran for six 30-minute episodes in 1953.
The film was made by Anglo-Amalgamated at Merton Park Studios. The film was an international hit, and along with Confession proved a breakthrough for Anglo-Amalgamated. After its success the company began making more expensive productions, often importing American stars to give them more international appeal.


The film was an early effort from Todon Productions.